Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1903 Peace-Loving Holy Light Race

"That's impossible. Even if there are a few stray dogs left from the nine aristocratic cultivation families, they don't have the strength to threaten the Superstar, Broken Star, and Battle God forces, unless..."

Meng Chao's eyes widened. The veins that popped up around his temples instantly surrounded his eyes and turned into two circles of radioactive spirit runes. His gaze was filled with a fierce fire that could devour anyone. "Unless you traitors of the human civilization surrendered to the Holy Light faction and lured the elites of the Holy Light Temple into the Windhunter Defense Line!"

"We didn't 'surrender.' We became allies."

As the blood flowed down Gu Shaoyu's face, it became paler and paler, yet his expression appeared calmer than ever. He was no longer affected by Meng Chao's aggressive aura. "We believe that the path Dragon City has taken in the past thirty years under your leadership has been completely wrong. 

"After all, the Holy Light Temple is the dominant force that has ruled this world for over ten thousand years. We are a mere city of outsiders; if we rashly make enemies of the Holy Light Temple, it won't matter how many tactical victories we obtain. From a strategic point of view, things will only end with both sides suffering.

"While there's still a chance to turn back, forming an alliance with the Holy Light Temple is the only way out."

"You despicable traitors..."

Meng Chao did not listen to Gu Shaoyu's explanation at all. Disbelief shone in his eyes. He could not understand how such despicable scum could exist among the descendants of Earthlings. "To fight for the highest authority, you didn't hesitate to sacrifice three of the Dragon City civilization's most elite armed forces for the Holy Light Temple's support?"

"Don't look at me in disbelief. Even if others don't understand us, I was hoping that you would understand our difficulties, Palace Masters. After all, we learned this from you."

Gu Shaoyu smiled. "In the past, you attempted to completely eradicate the loyal armed forces of the nine cultivation families with the help of foreign tribes, didn't you? You're very familiar with abandoning your benefactors once you've achieved your goals, getting somebody else to do your dirty work, and taking drastic measures to deal with a situation.

"I think all the Dragon City citizens will understand what we did if they compared our actions to yours.

"Ultimately, the people we've chosen to ally with are the blonde and blue-eyed Holy Light humans. Aside from their language and beliefs, they aren't too different from the humans on Earth.

"Meanwhile, the allies that you chose for us back then were barbaric orcs, smelly ogres, skeleton soldiers and undead liches that crawled out of the depths of hell.

"Do you remember now? When the blueprint for the Chaos faction's formation was leaked and the entire Dragon City was in an uproar, how did you respond to those who opposed it? 'For the future of the Dragon City civilization, I'm willing to even extend an olive branch to the evil spirits deep in the Nine Nether Yellow Springs if they have the slightest value.'

"After that, you bribed all your opponents with a lot of money, arrested them for being so-called 'remaining members of the Blood Alliance,' slandered them with groundless scandals, and even assassinated them.

"What? You can 'do it for the future of the Dragon City civilization', but we, the survivors of the nine great cultivation families, aren't qualified to do something for the future of our civilization?"

Meng Chao remained silent for a long time. 

Back then, he had just returned to Dragon City from the depths of the ancient ruins with a large number of secrets and legacies. He shouldered the sacred mission of crushing the apocalypse and saving the civilization. Hence, he was ready to seize the highest power.

He had already comprehended all the martial arts mysteries left behind by Battle God Lei Zongchao and received the support of Superstar Company, the Azure Alliance, and the Red Dragon Army. He also had the preliminary strength to dominate the world. Despite that, his foundation was still too shallow compared to the nine cultivation families, who had deep roots and were in cahoots with each other.

To gain the highest authority in Dragon City in the shortest time possible, he had no other choice but to use simple and crude secret methods.

When he thought about it, Meng Chao did not regret his past choices. 

It was better to cry as one family than to cry along the way. To prevent the Dragon City civilization from falling apart in the raging flames and ending up in ashes, what was the cost of tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of lives?

Moreover, the stubborn old men of the nine aristocratic cultivation families who went against the trend of history had brought this upon themselves. It was not that he never gave them a chance to cooperate obediently. They were bent on seeking their own death, so he could only kill them.

He did not expect that what he had done in the past would become an excuse for his descendants to do the same. Meng Chao did not know whether he should sigh or laugh. 

"You bunch of idiots. The Holy Light Temple is completely different from the Chaos faction. These blond, blue-eyed fanatics are simply puppets of the mysterious will that the ancient civilization left behind on the space station in the synchronous orbit."

Meng Chao looked at Gu Shaoyu coldly as if he was looking at a corpse that did not know if he was dead or alive. "How can this group of fanatics who claim to be chosen by the Holy Light be sincere and form an alliance with us 'filthy, unclean, deformed, and evil otherworldly demons?'"

"That was then, and this is now. The world is material after all. No matter how fanatical one's belief is, it will shake or even topple in the face of iron-clad facts."

Gu Shaoyu calmly said, "Perhaps twenty to thirty years ago, the Holy Light faction was indeed a group of pious, proud, and fanatical people who were full of contempt and even hatred for other races. They were unapproachable and unreasonable existences. At that time, they would never accept any olive branch from other races. They would not even live under the same sky and breathe the same air as other races. It was a great humiliation for the Holy Light faction.

"But times have changed.

"The cruel war in the past thirty years has taught the Holy Light faction a profound lesson. They aren't favored by the heavens, and they aren't destined to rule the world forever. It doesn't matter how sincere their prayers are, how mysterious the 'magic' bestowed upon them by the heavens is, and how intense the Holy Light that enshrouds them is. When the Dragon City civilization's steel torrents rolled over, when tens of thousands of railway guns roared at the same time, and when armored airships that cover the sky attacked the group and carried out carpet bombing day and night, the power that they had believed in and relied on for ten thousand years could not help them escape the Grim Reaper's scythe.

"Bullets, cannonballs, and incendiary bombs will always be more effective than empty words. Please believe that the tragic thirty-year war has gotten to the point where countless altars and magic towers have collapsed one after another. Numerous priests and mages who claimed to be blessed by the Holy Light have been burned to death. The actual area controlled by the Holy Light faction has shrunk by fifty percent. Such a reality has deeply educated a large group of Holy Light humans. As such, they've abandoned their fanaticism and regained their rationality. They've become gentle, loving, tolerant, and willing to communicate."

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