Offer To The CEO

Chapter 614: Return and Reality - Part 1

614 Return and Reality - Part 1


As he stirred Hou Yi found Anna soundly asleep in his arms.?While the last week was draining for her, having spent time with Phillipa not only relaxing but talking, despite the circumstances had been calming for Anna.

Despite Anna being five months pregnant, the obstetrician warnings were still ringing in his ears.?If she did not reduce her stress levels not only did, she risk an early labour, but there could be consequences for her health.?Trying to do that, made him feel as if he was enabling her behaviour, but at the same time he knew if something happened to Anna, he would not forgive himself, so he constantly treaded a fine line.

The good thing was when she reached the six-month mark, company policy would take everything out of his hands.?Anna would have to provide the medical evidence like anyone else that she was fit to continue working.?Thankfully, during their discussions on the flight home she had accepted that he would not waive that requirement as she was his wife.

However, he just hoped that when she arrived in this office this week, she did not figure out what he had done.?While at the European headquarters he contacted the Human Resources Department at home to talk about the situation.?Once the staff member who answered his call had gotten over the shock that it was the CEO calling, after being explained the situation the reassured him they would trigger company policy early, but to Anna they would use the excuse that as the CEO's wife they were being overly cautious to prevent any allegation they were not acting in the company's best interest.

Hou Yi realised that when he arrived in the office, he needed to warn Assistant Wang that at some stage Anna would come up to his office angry about the email from Human Resources. He could live with her anger but risking her safety by not reducing her stress that he could not.

He was reluctant to disturb Anna, but on realising it was 7am he knew he needed to get moving into the office.?This week was problematic, not only due to Friday's court care but the fact that after that he had to leave on hopefully his last significant business trip, mainly to America but with a stop-over on the way back in Europe.?He was taking with him the best of their internal candidates for promotion to senior roles with him to test them before a promotion was confirmed.

Assuming they performed well that would mean there was enough senior executives in his absence that could finalise negotiations and sign agreements after his or Uncle Feng's approval. Uncle Feng indicated he even believed that one of them would be suitable to train to either take over his role, or eventually head either the European or American's divisions when he retired if the decision for his replacement was one of their heads.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click .Comfor visiting.

As he started to carefully move his arm from around Anna, she awoke, and looked at him straight in the eyes, before saying "Yi I was sleeping so soundly…"

"Sweetheart, it is 7am, and I need to get going to the office. I emailed human resources and the legal department indicating that you would not be in until lunch time, so that you could sleep a little bit later."

"Given that you have awoken me, I might as well come in early as well."

"Anna, take the break and come in later. It was a busy week in England for you, particularly given that Lady Amelia and Phillipa decided that they had to take you shopping for part of the week. Goodness knows that they do not believe that you can get baby items here."

"Yi, I need to come in early. There was an email on Friday for some documents for the Sunrise project that are needed back in Australia by the end of the week."

"No, come in at lunchtime.?I know you, and you will be able to get the documents done by Thursday, even taking this morning off and with your obstetrician office on Wednesday."

With that Hou Yi pulled away and noticed that Anna had a pouting look on her face, and continued "Sweetheart, do not think that will get you anything and everything. I am your husband and I love you, but as you know the arrangements with ANX, Hou Enterprises policy applies regarding your pregnancy, and I will have no hesitation if there is a concern to let the human resources department know before your six month mark, as from a liability perspective I am obliged to."

"Yi do not be so mean. You know I need to work and keep busy. Maternity leave will drive me insane."

"Well behave then it will not be an issue."

With that Hou Yi entered the walk-in robe before heading to the en-suite to get ready, leaving Anna trailing in his wake.

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