Offer To The CEO

Chapter 603: Taking Control of the Legal Team - Part 17

603 Taking Control of the Legal Team - Part 17

***Warning, material in this chapter is not suitable for readers under the age of 18***

Monday, continued …

Hearing a knock on the study door,?Lu Jingho walked over, opened it and was handed the envelope he was waiting for.?Shutting the door, he turned and said, "Now before you go, you need to see this and listen to me carefully."

He handed over the envelope and continued "This is a taste of what I have gathered about you using your staff, including a couple of images from before.?You know what the law will do if this gets out to you.?Jane will allow you once a week to briefly finger her, and when we go to the shop to watch us, no more no less.?We will ensure when there that there are men or women can meet your needs, but you will be getting no other tastes of Jane, unless we both agree."

"More importantly, Jane is in control of the case completely.?Whatever she says goes, and unless it is so out of the bounds of reality you will immediately sign off on that she is proposing."

"You mean you are in control…"

"Whatever but let me make this clear.?Jane and my relationship will be protected.?I will expose you if you try and do anything against my case or hurt her career in any way.?Try and claim that I was in this room when you did what you did with Jane, and she my staff and I will all say that I was not.?Jane and I will clearly claim that you abused your power as her employer to abuse and r*ped her in her home.?This will all support her."

"You b*stard.?I do not know why we even took on your case; you are backing me into a damn corner."

"It has been fun doing it.?Now, do you agree about the control of the case?"

"I have no damn option."

"Perfect.?Sign this document that agreed to that, and what you will do.?If you follow the agreement, I will do nothing, but step out of line even a little you will feel the consequences."

Picking up a pen, the senior partner signed the document, which Lu Jingho secured into his safe, before saying "Now cooperation has some perks."?Opening the door, he called in female special staff member that had agreed to help him today, for a big payment.

When she was in the room, Lu Jingho continued "The perk for your agreement is, when you come to these meeting here, you will simply come into the study sign the document you will get a treat.?Leaving too quickly will raise suspicions.?However, this lady here is one of a few very special staff members we have here.?She has agreed, along with a couple of other staff members who are elsewhere now, to come and engage with you in some mutually agreed activities so you do not waste your time.?The rules are you must always wear a c*ndom, and what they say they will allow is all you can do.?They will decide the location, and you will have no more than an hour before you leave.?But step outside what I consider reasonable behaviour at any time and you will lose that perk."

Damn, despite being caught that he lost total control of the situation he thought was completely in his control, complying with the demands had some benefit.?"Fine"

Lu Jingho turned and indicated to the rest of the staff to leave, before handing over a box of c*ndom, while quietly re-turning on the surveillance equipment to capture images and leaving the room.?As he shut the door he said to the staff "He has forty-five minutes, and she has the help alarm.?Get rid of him quickly when his time is up and put the real couch back in there.?When he is coming that couch returns to the room, as it is the only thing, I want him to use."

As he headed upstairs, his wife wandered down, seeing the smile on his face "You have it."

"You doubt me??Jane is mine to control anyway that I want.?She is addicted to the pleasure that, and it is not being conceited that mainly me, but also you my wife are giving her.?She will do whatever we want, knowing that if she does not we will can cut it off from it.?Look how easy it was to get her to do what we needed for the blackmail material on her senior partner.?Now I have him to the point that he will simply sign off on what Jane tells him, because not only does he not want it exposed, he wants the reward we will give."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click .Comfor visiting.

"Who agreed?"

"It will rotate, but I got from the shop his addictions, so he will have one person feeding that each week here, while the cases are going. Now all we have to do is get that brat of mine to hand over the footage, but I am guessing given how long he has held on to it we will have to pay, and awaiting your favourite forger to finish the documents that will set up the balance of my defence. Jane will then have those matters disappear, and we can use my situation to deal with your case."

"Perfect.?I cannot wait until we take down Hou Corporation.?The arrogant Hou's totally deserve it for everything they have done over the years to us.

"It will happen, and it will be perfect.?Now, if you are OK with it I intend to take Jane into the special room for the night, exposing her to a few new things.?And you are?"

"You have to ask; I have already lined up my favourite female staff member to spend the night with me."

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