Offer To The CEO

Chapter 567: Attempts to Escape True Justice - Part 12

567 Attempts to Escape True Justice - Part 12

Friday, continued …

The lead lawyer for Lu Jingho stood "Sir, as you can imagine, many of the negotiations are difficult, as we have to determine if Lu Corporation needs to be involved in them. We have in principal agreements with twenty-five other alleged victims, and are finalising the agreements, and are negotiating with a further thirty alleged victims."

"There are thirty victims who have made it clear at this point in time that they will not negotiate to resolve the matters, twenty-five who are indicated that they intend to see the matters through the court, and leaving aside the matters involving the Hou's the Yao's, Hou Enterprises and XF International, the balance we have no idea as yet, as we have not been able to speak to them."

Pausing for a few minutes, pondering what had been said. "Gentleman, subject to what happens when people return into the court, I am inclined to further adjourn this matter for three weeks to enable further opportunities to see what can be resolved. I am reluctant to enable these matters to be split. I would prefer us to get to a position that we can determine the number of matters that cannot be resolved before those decisions are made."

With nods from the lawyers, the judge quietly indicated to court staff to summons the interested parties.

Once the judge left the bench, while victims and their representatives were called to either enter the court room or the remote room, Lu Jingho's legal team decided that they had an opportunity to speak a little more to their client.

Realising that she again was being throw to deal with their client, the junior woman lawyer quietly said "Mr Lu, we need you to be calm.?We can understand that you feel frustrated, and that you are being victimised.?We have made your position clear to the court, but the court has decided as to those allegations."

"We have put the idea into the court's mind that there is an issue but, and please do not take this the wrong way, pushing the court further, even when we can show the court that you were right, will backfire on you.?I know, you have given the senior members of your legal team indications where we can find the information to prove this, you need to let us do this at this time."

"The most important thing currently is the negotiations.?We need to eliminate as many charges and complainants as possible, so that we can focus on the more difficult cases.?That may take us a couple of months to achieve something.?But more importantly we can then, given the clause in the agreements that require them to cooperate with us should legal action as a result of the actions of others not party to the agreements, use them to pursue the cause you want us to with CEO and Madam Hou.?We need to be strategic in how we handle matters because actions at the wrong time can only hurt your case."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click .Comfor visiting.

"You know I told you I want all of them gone. So damn well do that."

"Mr Lu, we have to be patient to achieve your goals.?As I said, rushing will only backfire on you, leading to charges that if we are patient you would not have.?We know, due to hatred that CEO and Madam Hou have to you, and that this will influence CEO and Madam Yao that there are charges we cannot currently eliminate involving them and their families along with artists now employed by the new Hou Enterprises and XF International entertainment division.?But as I said, a careful approach should be able to see us eliminate the rest in time, and use those people and the hatred you have clearly instructed us that CEO and Madam Hou have for you, to show the court that the remaining charges are baseless and should be thrown out.?As I said, we then use that and the agreements to get your money back."

The female lawyer, knowing the rumours that they had already heard that Lu Jinhu was cooperating with the police, knew that this was not what would happen, just hoped that she had done enough to keep their client calm at the present as he had been getting angrier throughout the proceedings.

"At least you have a plan to achieve what I want. Now you need to ensure that that happens."

"Provided nothing that we do not anticipate does not occur, then we should be able to do so," came her response, not believing what she had just heard.?It seemed now they had gotten through to Lu Jingho.

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