Offer To The CEO

Chapter 553: Home Sweet Home - Part 1

553 Home Sweet Home - Part 1


Hou Yi was disturbed from his slumber by the plane staff who tapped him on the shoulder.?The return flight simply felt strange, with him and Anna, Assistant Wang and his family and a few bodyguards.

His parents, Aunt and Grandparents all decided at the last minute to remain in Australia for a couple of weeks visiting places they had heard about.?He just felt sorry for the bodyguards who remained in Australia having to deal with them, as they all had different ideas what they wanted to do, particularly after Anna and her siblings gave them a reality check of the distances between locations.?At least, they were willing to leave he and Anna in peace to deal with a few things.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click .Comfor visiting.

After being reassured that Assistant Wang and his family had been awoken, Hou Yi reluctantly reached over and woke Anna up, for them to head out from the bedroom to buckle in for their decent into home.?As Anna was waking up, Hou Yi realised how strange this trip was.?Normally, he would have spent part of the trip working on paperwork, but this time, other than being awake for the departure from Melbourne, arrival and departures in Darwin and Singapore and now the arrival here, he had simply slept with Anna.

Given how busy this trip was, it was not a surprise that Anna had slept, but as he realised this trip was the most important one, he had made since he met Anna.?This was where he was able to tell the world not only how much he loved Anna, but how important it was that she was in his life.?The funny thing was, on Sunday and Monday the messages he received from business rivals, on one hand congratulating him on their marriage, but taking a swipe that they were not invited.?It was fun, watching Assistant Wang firing back responses that it was a Family Wedding.?The whining and pettiness were amusing to see.

As he followed Anna to their seats, he was simply grateful that she had a check-up with her obstetrician here.?Friday was worrying, and he just hoped that there was nothing to be concerned about.

After he was happy with Anna being strapped in, Assistant Wang handed him a folder with the press release and the photographs that were being released to the public from both the pre-wedding shoot and their wedding day.?Looking through them, he was happy but passed the photographs to Anna, to get their approval, as he did not want ones, she wanted to keep private released.

Before he could pass anything to Anna for her approval, the plane came to a stop and it was obvious immigration officials would quickly board to process everyone on board before clearing the luggage.?Within minutes Anna and Hou Yi were processed and with the immigration official's approval Hou Yi and Anna quickly left for them to be taken to the hospital for the emergency Obstetrician's appointment.

While in the car, Hou Yi on Anna's tablet showed the photographs he had decided were those most suitable for the press release.?Flipping through the images, Anna said "You know I really do not want to release any of these but, I know we will have to release some photographs to control the press.?In the end, my love, whatever you decide if fine with me.?Just promise me, you kept the nicer ones for us."

Hou Yi could not believe his wife, and simple shook his head.?He quickly sent an email to the?Public Relations Department to release the press release and photographs.?As he was doing this, Anna snuggled into his side, and as soon as he finished with the message, he hugged her close.

They both sat quietly while they completed the trip to the hospital, and when they arrived they quickly made their to the obstetrician's office where they were shown directly into his office.

As Anna sat, the obstetrician said "Madam Hou, you seem to want to scare people.?I have spoken to everyone who dealt with you on Friday and reviewed all the tests done."

After explaining the results of the review, the obstetrician said "Now I am going to be totally honest with both of you.?Your pregnancy will remain risky Madam Hou.?You need to be careful in what you do and listen to what your body is telling you, and I suspect you were not doing that Friday. You need to rest when it tells you that you need rest.?Failing to do so adds risks to your pregnancy.?Keep doing this, and I will place you on bed rest for the remainder of your pregnancy."

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