Offer To The CEO

Chapter 539: Wedding Bells - Part 2

539 Wedding Bells - Part 2

Saturday, continued …

As Hou YI exited their room in came?Susan, Rosemary, Rebecca, Amanda, Alecia, Du Anling and Leng Xi.

On spotting her son leaving Du AnLing commented "Darling, get out of here. I gather your half of the wedding party are meeting in Tan's suite, and you are meant to all be doing something with the boys for a couple of hours."

Hou Yi leant over and gave Anna a brief kiss before quietly saying "See you at the Altar."

As Hou Yi was shutting the door behind him Rosemary and Susan came over and quietly dragged Anna back into the bedroom before asking "How are you?"

"Calm down you two. I just over did it yesterday a little. I am fine."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click .Comfor visiting.

Rosemary continued "You had your husband panicking, let alone me."

"Apologises. Is that why you did not insist on dragging him away last night?"

"Yeah, and you better be prepared to hear from your mother about that. When you left last night all she could do was continue to badmouth you when James and Alecia were not in hearing range as well as complaining about you and Yi spending the night together.?She kept commenting that you should have been at home and mentioned her father should be the one to arrange your marriage."

"That was enough to make me see red as her attitude was such that she was not going to let you have peace and quiet let alone let you go to the church.?She has something planned with her father that would ruin your wedding ceremony Anna.?In the end Dad has taken her to her favourite hairdressers to have her hair and makeup done for the day.?He will keep her away and meet you at the church to walk you down the aisle."

"You already know Alecia has arranged with your high school classmate Georgina Couch to sit beside her keep her under control.?Plus, Adam and Ben's maternal grandparents have agreed to help Georgina with that as well.?We all know how they have reacted in the past to her behaviour, so she is unlikely to demonstrate it in front of them."

"Thank you, Rosemary. I was so worried about what she would do." The cute childish and charming look on Anna's face combined with her tone of voice drew both Susan and Rosemary in.

"And sister, you know that would not help you..." responded Susan.?After a pause, "Damn it, you need to stop letting our witch of a mother trying to influence you.?She has always messed with you in the past, as you have looked for her to care about you.?Her problem is she is so stuck on what her damn parents believed about relationships her wanting to impose that on all of us, has messed with us all.?I was visiting them the other week, and Dad turned and told her that he was getting sick of the behaviour. He had taken it for so long and if she kept going …"

"You are kidding me, he finally had enough?"

"Her target was James and Alecia. You know for Dad, despite loving you and me even though I am only his stepdaughter, his boys are the world. He will not take her doing anything to them. She apparently had talked about forcing James and Alecia to divorce and a few other things …."

Susan paused "Damn it sister, you always do that. The cute childish and charming look and that tone gets us all going off talking about things we do not need to. Now you promise us, that if you start feeling unwell at all today, you let either of us or James know.?And more importantly forget about the witch that is our mother."

Nodding her head Anna simply said "Yes"

Before they could continue, Du AnLing called out in English "Come on, let us get this show on the road and get you ready to meet my son at the Church Anna."

Walking out, Anna was greeted by an utterly changed lounge/dining area in the room. Make-up artists had stands set up, and the hairdressers were starting to get ready to style hair. Anna looked around and noticed that there were no children there "Where are the children?"

Rebecca turned around "Adam and Ben's grandparents and your father-in-law are with them in another room, playing games and will get them ready. A hairdresser is already arranged to go and style the girl's hair before they are all dressed into their clothes. And I arranged for help tonight to keep them under control so we can all enjoy ourselves."

Before Anna knew it, she was put into a chair, and a hairdresser started working on styling her hair, and a manicurist started working on her hands. Anna, simply sat there with her eyes closed, letting them do their job while everyone else around her was talking or from the sounds was getting worked on.

The hairdresser, only seemed to do part of her job before stepping away, and the make-up artists moving in. Anna knew, given everything her veil would be fixed on her hair, after she had finished her makeup and otherwise getting ready.

Just before 11:30am, there was a knock on the door and a voice said, "First Madam, Second Madam, Young Madam, the light meal organized for everyone has arrived."

Anna heard Du AnLing call out, "Bring it in."

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