Offer To The CEO

Chapter 536: Telling everybody - Part 5

536 Telling everybody - Part 5

Friday, continued …

Forty minutes after leaving the hotel, and everyone having had showers, the men were sitting in Hou Yi's room waiting for the women to return, when they heard the door opened.?In walked Anna followed by Amanda, Susan, Rosemary, Rebecca, Alecia and Assistant Wangs wife and daughter. Everyone was changed into dresses but had coats over them for heading out for the afternoon taking photos.

They headed downstairs into the waiting vehicles and drove away heading to their first stop at The Bay of Islands. Following along the Great Ocean Road through Peterborough, they stopped at the Grotto, London Bridge, The Arch, Port Campbell Beach, Loch Ard George, and the Twelve Apostles, including climbing down Gibson Steps for sea level photos with the Twelve Apostles in the background.

On their way back to Warrnambool they returned through Timboon as Adam and Ben insisted wanted to stop at the Timboon Distillery to purchase some Whiskey, which soon turned into almost everyone having a couple of drinks before heading back to the cars and returning to Warrnambool.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click .Comfor visiting.

Anna, feeling totally exhausted given they had been climbing up and down steps all day, when they climbed into the car in Timboon, simply leaned her head on Hou Yi's shoulder and fell asleep before the door was even closed. Rosemary before she was about to climb into her vehicle, noticed that Hou Yi's door was still opened and signalled to James and Susan that they needed to come with her and wait.

Rosemary on sticking her head in the car door, quietly asked Hou Yi on seeing Anna asleep "Is everything OK?"

"Hopefully. Do you know an obstetrician who might be able to come to the hotel to check Anna, before tonight?"

"Let me make a call. I have the details of her Obstetrician back home, so I will pass that on, give me a couple of minutes."

Rosemary stepped away and pulled out her phone before making a phone call. She was able, to arrange for an Obstetrician to meet them at the hospital in Warrnambool in about fifty minutes. She turned to Susan and James, who were standing aside. James asked, "Is everything alright with Anna and …?"

"James, you know we should not be saying anything yet?"

"Rosemary, is she pregnant?" quietly asked Susan, having picked up a few things today that led her to that conclusion.

"About twelve weeks. I've arranged for an obstetrician to meet us at the hospital, but one of us needs to go with her."

"Rosemary, you are the qualified midwife. You go and get them on the way. I will call Emergency and clear the way for you when you arrive. We will distract everyone for a few minutes to let you get away." replied Susan.?James was nodding at this.

Rosemary slipped into the car with Anna and Hou Yi, and with the doors being shut the car quickly left. While Susan was making her call, James walked over to everyone and said "Anna is not feeling totally well. Nothing dramatic, but we decided that Rosemary would go with her just to be on the safe side."

Knowing Anna's situation Amanda, Yao Tan and Assistant Wang realized that Hou Yi was worried about the baby, so they were going for a check-up. However, they all knew that nothing could be said to anyone else before Anna and Hou Yi decided to tell everyone else.

For everyone else there was some quizzical looks, and they were simply waiting for Susan to get off the phone. Ten minute later, with enough of a delay and a few arrangements made, Susan walked over to everyone, before saying "Everything is organized for them. I spoke to the nurse in charge and explained the situation and they will get Anna through quickly so she can meet us at the church for the rehearsal and we can head out for dinner."

Given James and Susan were tight lipped, no one was ready to say anything, so they climbed back into the cars and headed back to Warrnambool.

Forty minutes after leaving Timboon, the car with Anna, Hou Yi and Rosemary reached the Warrnambool hospital.?Due to Susan's arrangements they were immediately shown into a bed in emergency.?Rosemary speaking to the staff drew the necessary blood for the tests, and they just sat waiting for Anna to be taken for an ultrasound.?Within five minutes, Anna was taken to radiology for the ultrasound.

Less than forty minutes after arriving the obstetrician walked into the space to speak to Anna and Hou Yi.?With Rosemary's help, he had spoken to Anna's obstetrician in Country X, about the results that he had seen.?Given her observations and the ultrasound showed nothing, both agreed that unless there was something in the blood tests Anna was simply overtired.

Due to Rosemary's background and promises to keep observing Anna along with the promise if there was any concerning result in the blood tests Anna would immediately return to the hospital, he would discharge Anna.?As they were leaving Rosemary commented that she had made an appointment for Anna with her obstetrician Thursday next week for a review and the tests results would be sent through to him as well.

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