Offer To The CEO

Chapter 523: Total Mayhem - Part 9

523 Total Mayhem - Part 9

Tuesday, continued …

Anna responded "Alecia does not need to know all of that.?I just hope that is not detailed in her letter.?When I accepted what he did to me, I knew it was shocking, but his father is worse than that.?Even with my experience in the criminal justice system that is one of the worst stories I have come across."

"Yes, Lu Jinhu is still a b*stard and I will never forgive him but this provides me with insight into how matters happened.?For his own father to marry a woman under false pretences simply to have a legitimate child, to divorce her on the day of the child's birth, marrying his current wife and having her registered as his mother.?Then to add insult to injury threatening to injury his half siblings, birth mother and her new family simply because he got tested to see if he was a Bone Marrow match to help his youngest half sibling with Leukemia let alone the other threats …"

Yao Tan in a quiet voice "I do not know what to say. I still want to crush him but reading that, his father deserves to go down, plus I feel somewhat sorry for him." Yao Tan paused for a few seconds.?"But I do agree with you, there is no way that Alecia needs to know about all that information."

Turning to Alister Anna added "How about when we are in Australia I talk to my brother James, Alecia's husband about this.?We could read the letter Lu Jinhu wrote for Alecia together, and make a decision as to whether we hand her the letter, or we discuss the situation with her for her to make an informed decision?"

Alister himself stull stunned about the information.?"As Lu Jinhu's is willing to cooperate for a deal on his charges, it ensures the case against Lu Jingho and Rong Jingye for the attack on Miss Alecia is watertight.?The footage will damn the two of them but having seen it that is something none of you should have to watch as of what it shows.?I would suggest a deal as to the sentence for Lu Jinhu is agreed to, as it should prevent it being shown in court and Miss Aleica having to give evidence in a court as to what happened to her."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click .Comfor visiting.

After a pause, and observing the looks on everyone's face Alister continued, "Look take your time, and consider it. No rush."

With that Alister left and Anna said "Look, let us forget about that now and get out of here.?The last thing any of us need is to be stuck here in the courthouse.?We all should be getting ready for our short trip to Australia."

As soon as they exited the courthouse Anna, Amanda and Yao Tan were surrounded by their bodyguards who slowly escorted them through the mass of journalists waiting outside the courthouse.

As they slowly made their way to their waiting cars the press started to try and crowd them even more.?Worried about the risks to Anna, given her pregnancy Yao Tan decided that the only option to prevent the crowd pressing pushing closer and closer was to say something, as that would allow the bodyguards to better protect them.?He signalled to one, before pausing.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the press. I am aware that you will have heard or observed the broadcast from inside the court room. We ask that you please step back, and we will pause to answer a few questions, provided they will not impact on the matters before the court.?We otherwise ask that you leave us alone as we all have places to be."

With that the press all took half a pace away from them, and the bodyguards moved them back slightly, so they were back on the steps entering the courthouse.

Pointing to one reporter "Can you please tell us why CEO Hou is not present?"

Anna spoke "My husband has other commitments today that he could not abandon.?He gave me his authority to deal with the matters where he was the victim, but I could contact him if required.?Additionally, as Hou Enterprises is one of the victims, CEO Yao is a member of the board and if it was necessary he would have been able to sign documents on behalf of the company."

"Madam Hou there are rumours that you are fleeing the country to avoid the truth in that you have all lied about everything?"

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