Offer To The CEO

Chapter 520: Total Mayhem - Part 6

520 Total Mayhem - Part 6

Tuesday, continued …

After speaking to Hou Yi minutes, Alister Nang hung up and handed Anna back her phone.

"Madam Hou, CEO Hou has a good suggestion.?We need to test what he will do with respect to the charges and then obtain orders of protection along with a court date.?Hopefully you will agree to that CEO and Madam Yao.?As CEO Hou said challenging Lu Jingho too much at the present will simply intensify his need to strike out against you, and that has to be avoided in all the circumstances."

Anna observed Amanda and Yao Tan nodding.?She knew deep down that this was the right way to proceed but the?stress of the situation was starting to get to her, and she was ready to start to burst into tears. Amanda immediately moved over and gave her friend a hug. That was enough for Anna to start crying.

Motioning for everyone else to leave the room Amanda simply let Anna cry in her arms quietly indicating when Anna was ready, they would return to court and follow Hou Yi's suggestion.?Hugging Anna, Amanda kept telling her that everything would be alright.?After about five minutes Anna finally stopped crying and Amanda quietly said, "Are you alright Anna?"

"Amanda, why does that idiot have the right to try and ruin things for me. I thought he had done it previously, but this is even worse …"

"Anna, do not worry about it. We all know that he is scum, and he will get what he deserves.?We simply must wait for the court process to work its way through.?We both know we cannot control it, so do not stress yourself out over things something we cannot change.?Focus on what is coming up for you and the boss man, your wedding and more importantly in about six months the birth of you baby."

Pausing to see the response on Anna's face Amanda decided she needed to make Anna laugh.?"And if that does not work Anna, picture him naked in s*it with everyone laughing at him."

That drew a weak laugh from Anna, who has a slight smile on her face.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click .Comfor visiting.

Observing that, Amanda continued, "Now we are not going to let the idiot control things.?Let us go and show him you are stronger than him."?With Anna nodding, Amanda gently pulled her out of the room and towards the courtroom.

As they were making their way back to the courtroom the journalists outside were attempting to force their way into the courthouse.?Amanda turned to Anna and said, "Well the press are fascinated, a former company CEO charged with offences like this has already caused a huge scandal."

Quietly walking back into the courtroom, both Anna and Amanda realised the court was getting ready to decide interim matters.?The judge with a sarcastic tone said "Madan Hou, Madam Yao, thank you for gracing us with your presence.?Sit down."

Alister Nang, seeing that they had said, continued speaking "Sir, as I said Madam Hou is pregnant. Due to everything that has happened to her involving the Lu family over the last three or so months she is highly sensitive as to this matter.?Madam Yao is a friend and colleague.?She remained with Madam Hou until Madam Hou composed herself before returning here.?That is not disrespectful to the court, in fact as both Madam Hou and Yao know that is about treating the court with the utmost respect."

Pausing, Alister Nang realised that he had finally gotten through to the Judge.?He continued "I have clear instructions to ask why Mr Lu is seeking to have this matter listed on Friday particularly due to his demands.?The question was what does he intent to do?"

A member of Lu Jingho's legal team stood up and said "Sir, our client is entitled to have these matters quickly dealt with by the court.?Hence why we are seeking an urgent listing."

Alister Nang responded "Of course he is entitled to have matters dealt with quickly.?No one is denying that this is appropriate.?The question that needs to be answered is Mr Lu intending to plead to the charges involving my clients or not??If he is not, forcing his victims to constantly be present only causes additional harm to them, and fails to consider any victim, including my clients has a life outside these proceedings and should not have to dance to Mr Lu's demands."

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