Offer To The CEO

Chapter 518: Total Mayhem - Part 4

518 Total Mayhem - Part 4

Tuesday, continued …

Despite being able to hear voices Anna was not able to pick up any distinct words from the journalists.?The press crush was such, that despite the presence of her bodyguards, it took Anna and Alister Nang over five minutes to move the short distance from the car to the courthouse doors.?When they were finally able to get inside, Yao Tan and Amanda were waiting from them.

While they were moving to locate a private room, Alister Nang was approached by someone who said "Mr Nang, I am from the National Prosecutors Office, a word in private please."

Alister moved away, and Anna looked at Amanda and Yao Tan, before saying "I did not think it would go down as quick as it has."

Amanda responded "A couple of my classmates form University are employed by the National Prosecutors Office. They wanted to get this case into the courts as quickly as possible.?They want to use the initial charges to try and have other victims come forward and make complaints.?From what they told me, and they made it clear that they were not involved in the case, is that the matters ultimately will be broken up into batches to be dealt with.?However, they also suspect that he will use him financial resources to pay compensation to victims and their families to have as many charges as possible dropped."

"Disappointing but is it the reality of the system, here, like it or loath it," responded Anna.

"Do not worry, from what I hear they intend that he will do significant time in jail."

Yao Tan spoke "Did you speak to Alecia?"

"Tan, some father you are, you leave it to me, a sister-in-law to tell your daughter the highlights of what actually happened to her and why was about to happen."

"Anna, the last thing I wanted to do was to tell your brother and given your wedding ceremony in Australia on the weekend the last thing he would do is get too annoyed with you."

"Just be glad that I am in a happy mood about that, otherwise I would be a crazy pregnant lady." Anna then laughed in a way that scared Yao Tan a little, but before he could retort, Alister Nang came back to them.

He spent five minutes explaining what the intention was for the day in court, and the fact that the proceedings were going to be broadcast to the outside, given the interest that was already generated in the matter.

The four of them carefully made their way to the courtroom and while Alister made his way to the front of the court room, Anna Amanda and Yao Tan all found a place to sit waiting for the proceedings to start.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click .Comfor visiting.

Anna simply sat there quietly listening to procedures for the starting of the hearing. Unlike the last time she was in a court room in this building, the atmosphere was quite different. The court was full of lawyers representing different people, with the National Prosecutors Office controlling what was happening.

As Lu Jingho was led into the court room, the look of venom he sent to Anna made her realise that despite everything Lu Jinhu had done to her, his father was more dangerous.?He was pathological in his hatred for her.

Listening to what was happening, it was as Amanda and Alister Nang had said, given the number of charges the court was splitting them into batches, starting with the charges involving Anna, Hou Yi, Hou Enterprises, XF International and Alecia. So far at least everything was going as predicted.

But before the matter could go further, Lu Jinhgo and his lawyers sprung a surprise, requesting that he be released from prison, arguing that the sheer number of different charges, and the extent of discussions that he needed to have with his lawyers should allow him to be released, and that the initial batch of charges should be back to the court within the week, with all alleged victims present.

That sent Anna fuming. He was now messing with the wrong person. He had already reeked havoc in her life, now he wanted to pull this stunt. Ruining her wedding ceremony in Australia, forcing Alecia back here without warning, and putting so much stress on her that it impacted her pregnancy.

Alister Nang, turned around and even he had a shocked look on his face. That was something no one predicted would happen. He quickly turned back around and drew the attention of the member of the National Prosecutors Office, indicating that he needed to talk to him. After getting permission to talk specifically to Alister, Anna, Amanda and Yao Tan, they all left the court room.

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