Offer To The CEO

Chapter 498: After the Raid - Part 8

498 After the Raid - Part 8

Sunday, continued …

Hou YI's mobile started ringing, around 7:30am waking both Anna and Hou Yi, who were wrapped in each other's arms.?Hou Yi moved and reached to his bedside table, but the phone stopped ringing before he could pick it up.?Whe it was in his hands Anna, took it from Hou Yi but before she could turn it off so that they could spend a few hours in bed indulging themselves it started ringing again so she answered it without paying attention and said "Yes."

"Anna, hand the phone to your husband" cane Yao Tan's voice on the other end of the phone.

Anna was p*ssed off with Tan, how dare he call them at such an early hour on a Sunday.?There was no way that she was going to let him off lightly and simply hand the phone over.?"Tan it is 7:30am in the morning and we are in bed.?What do you think we could have been doing??Plus, I suspect your wife would prefer to be doing something similar rather than you being on the phone to us.?Do you want her to think you are having an affair with me?

Hou Yi, hearing his started laughing.?Anna was having fun dealing with Tan and he could see the smirk on her face.?Thank goodness she had put the phone on speaker, so he added "Or do you want her to think you are having an affair with me?"

"Oh my God, you two are wicked.?Do not think about hanging up on me Anna, or I will get Amanda on to you."

"Fine, however, you better be quick as I am going to hang up on you."

Anna holding the phone, with a satisfied smile on her face settled into Hou Yi's embrace.?He knew that she had fun messing with Tan, and he felt that it was right particularly as he had disturbed them so early on a Sunday.

"Tell us what you want Tan?" came Hou Yi.

"Fine.?The police called me about five minutes ago. They have charged Lu Jingho after his interview with three dozen counts of having s*xual intercourse with a minor, the rape of Alecia, running illegal brothels, breaches of companies legislation, the various incidents involving both of you, and Hou enterprises, and human slavery charges."

"Presently they have laid ninety charges but anticipate lawing several hundred more in the next couple of days, once they speak to all the girls that were inside the illegal brothels that they raided overnight.?I told them, when they asked me to call Alecia to advise her of what was happening that I would tell you, but they also want to be present at the press conference they are holding at 11am."

Yan Tan paused before continuing "I cannot call Alecia but was just wondering if you two could call her and James and let them know what is going on. Yi, also the police also want you to speak to CEO Yang and any member of Lu Corporation's board you trust letting them know what is about to happen."

Hou Yi said "So you want to wimp out."

"Yi, do not annoy me today. I have been keeping Ton and Junior out of this, but with Amanda's help we have to tell them everything before the press conference."?After a pause, Tan continued "The police let me know something we did not know.?The woman we have considered Lu Jinhu's mother is his step-mother."

"What!" spat out Anna.

"Short version is that she cannot have children, so Lu Jinhgo married a poor woman to have a legitimate child and on the day Lu Jinhu was born he divorced her and married his current wife securing complete custody of Lu Jinhu.?He only found out when his birth mother made contact so see is he was a bone marrow match to a child from her second marriage four years ago."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please clickfor visiting.

"Lu Jingho found out about that contact and has been using threats against her and Lu Jinhu's younger half-siblings to blackmail him.?Lu Jingho threatened his birth mother to have Lu Jinhu isolate Alecia and record what happened.?Apparently he was going to use the footage to blackmail both you and I, Yi."


Hou Yi noticed Anna was completely in shock at that. Despite her background, she could not believe someone was so vicious even towards his own child and former wife. After a couple of breaths, Anna realised that she needed to speak. "Tan, not an issue. When to the police need us there?"

"11am, we will meet you there. Lion and Snake will also be present, but their associates will not."

Hou Yi spoke "Fine Tan, see you then." Hou Yi ended the call.

All Anna could do as shake, so Hou Yi took her in his arms, and simply hugged her until she settled. When she did, Hou Yi asked the one simple question "Are you OK, sweetheart?"

Anna looked directly at Hou Yi, and spoke "Yi, what does that mean for everything he did to me? Was it at that b*stard's direction or was it him lashing out at me simply because I was an easy target. What did I deserve to have it happen to me?" Why Me?" before bursting into tears.

Hou Yi knew that he had no answer, other than "Sweetheart you did not deserve anything, do not blame yourself." He simply kept Anna in his arms, trying to comfort her as well as he could. Damn, she had made so much progress in the last couple of months confronting what had happened and all it took was this to destroy almost everything. Thank God Phillipa was coming back for a visit this week, so she could help Anna.

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