Offer To The CEO

Chapter 487: Stirring up trouble - Part 3

487 Stirring up trouble - Part 3

Saturday, continued …

Observing Lu Jingho Anna knew that she had already stirred him to react.?This was going to be fun, and all he could do was lose.?Let the games begin.

Lu Jinhgo spat out a response "No one cares about trash like you, so why do you not go and leave the good people alone."

Calmly Anna responded, with a real sarcastic tone "Like you and those around you …"

"Absolutely, it sounds like you know your place, it just is not here."

"Good people, Ha! Let me think …"

"So, you can put together the few brain cells you have."

"Insults will get you nowhere. Mmmm…"

"Go away before I call security."

"Well try, but before you want to insult me further look at yourself and the people you have around you?"

Anna noticed that comment hit the mark. Lu Jingho's demeaner changed, He was not angry and about to explode. Perfect Anna thought.

Hou Yi, also noticed the change in demeaner and realised that he needed to be on alert to protect Anna and their children from any harm. The venue provided all the security, and no one was allowed to bring in their personal bodyguards. He took half a pace closer to his wife.

"They are quality, just like I am, and you are not."

"Quality, have you gotten your brain scrambled. They are …"

"Do not speak about them," yelled Lu Jinghio.

"I am going to. Let me see..."?Anna paused for dramatic effect before continuing "You have your wife and Madam Rong who were caught in an illegal gambling establishment with two male artists from Lu Corporation's entertainment division, engaged in s*xual activities while being watched by Madam Rong's husband Rong Jingye and Madam Yang who was in another room being pleasured by a female and male artist being pleasured in another room."

With a smirk Anna continued "Actually I have it wrong, it was not an illegal gambling establishment it was an illicit brothel masquerading as an illegal gambling establishment in a building owned by Lu Corporation where, what was it, That is right about thirty Lu Corporation Entertainment division's artists were found. And you, the CEO with no idea what was happening. That I would not believe."

Hou Yi, stood there, trying not to grin. His wife in a few sentences had everything right and was enough to make everyone there who despite knowing the news when it was announced had not really thought about it. She implied either he was an incompetent CEO who did not know what was happening with his company or he was involved in what was happening at the warehouse.

"B*tch …"

"Insults CEO Lu, insults. What was wrong in what I said? Did I get any facts wrong about the raid or those around your involvement or is my opinion based on what I know a wrong conclusion?"

"How dare to talk about us like that," screamed Lu Jingho.

Perfect, Anna realised he was now not in control. "Facts and my opinion? Tell me what is wrong."

"Your opinion does not matter, and your facts are totally wrong."

"What was wrong. I can, on my mobile pull up the reports of the police press conference to determine what I had wrong. If I recall something wrongly, I will apologise for that." Anna was smirking internally; she knew that she had it right.

"They are all liars, and you bribed them," spat out Lu Jingho. Those around him realised how bad this could end up for him, particularly his wife and Rong Jingye and they attempted to drag him away, but he kept breaking away from them.

Hou Yi simply stood there amazed at Lu Jingho's stupidity but noticed that Yao Tan and Amanda had come close to provide back up if needed. Standing behind Amanda was here parents, so Hou Yi slightly relaxed, knowing that now the situation would not get too far out of control.

"Lovely allegation of make CEO Mr Lu, when you know what your son and daughter-in-law were charged with." Anna knew that she had taken herself right up to the line, given the restraints imposed on they by the courts, but not crossed the line.

"Well b*tch you provoked them by your presence, and you did not think I would do everything to make sure that you were destroyed. It was a pity he did not make sure that you were injured better."

Even at that point Anna did not know what to say for a couple of seconds. Did he just say that??However, the comment started discussions throughout everyone gathered there.

Anna, recovering from her immediate sense of shock, "Well, I can see where manners and respect for the law come from in your family. Definitely not from your wife, who I would expect is awaiting criminal charges, nor from you who not only insults a woman, but now brags about having her assaulted. If that is what you think represents society …"

With that Anna turned around, took Hou Yi's arms and walked away from them. When they were to a safe distance, Hou Yi bent over and gave his wife a brief kiss, before whispering in her ear "Savage darling. Damn I forget how good you are at this. I would not want to cross verbal swords against you."

"I suspect that we will argue about, …" with that Anna took her hand and gently placed it on her stomach.

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