Offer To The CEO

Chapter 481: See you soon - Part 3

481 See you soon - Part 3

Saturday, continued …

Hou Yi leaned over and whispered something in Anna's ear and she nodded.

Turning to Georgina Anna said "Georgina, how would you like to be a live-in caretaker/cleaner. Yi and I and in the process of purchasing a property near Warrnambool that Adam and Ben will run a farming business on.?We will have a house on the property, that we are likely to use for a few weeks a year but would like a full-time cleaner/caretaker.?Assuming you pass the background check Yi will insist on the job is yours and it will shield you from them, and you will have our support in court proceedings."

"Can I think about it?"

"Absolutely. I will give you my contact information before we all leave."?Anna paused for a second and observed that Sally was shooting daggers at them.?"Now, I have a mind to mess with Sally for the day. Yi and I were planning to take Alecia, Hannah and Pippa shopping.?How would you like to ditch Sally and accompany us for the day?"

"But she will cause problems."

"Do not worry, I can handle her."

Their conversation was interrupted when Georgina's daughter came over with Hannah and Pippa, who had moved away earlier.?Anna looked at Sally and knew that she had been speaking to her to cause problems.

When she arrived at the table she said "Aunty Georgie, Mummy" Anna saw the heartbreak on Georgina's face "said that you are being mean to her by excluding her and my sisters.?She told me to tell you that you are to take them shopping today paying for everything and to remind you that if you do not, she will tell Daddy who will make sure I live with them permanently."

"Baby girl, Mummy is talking to her school friend who is also the Aunt of your friend Pippa.?She and her husband invited you and I to join them going shopping today with Pippa, Hannah and your new friend Alecia. I had said yes as I thought Mummy Sally would like to spend some time with your sisters alone."

"That sounds fun. I have to tell Mummy, Aunty Georgie."

As Georgina's daughter went away, Anna simply turned "He has your daughter call you Aunty Georgie, and her Mummy."

"It is his way of isolating me while making her part of their family unit. He knows if he gets full custody of her, he will be able to go back to court and get what I have left of my grandparent's inheritance, plus have me pay him child support. I cannot risk that."

At that moment, Anna saw the bodyguards moving, and Sally charging across the dining room, screaming "Georgina Couch how damn you make plans without my approval. That is it, we will have custody of April there."

Anna stood up standing between Sally and Georgina.?"Sally, I invited Georgina and April to go shopping with Pippa, Hannah, Alecia and my husband and I.?We do not have the room for you and your daughters.?Calm down and do not talk about adult things in front of children.?But I will warn you if you want to play the game of threatening to take full custody of April, I will help Georgina.?I do not like bullies behaving like you.?I will be blunt, if you want to play, I know enough to bury you and that husband of yours, so try me."

"You b*tch, I should have dealt with you at high School, so you know your place." With that she swung her hand and slapped Anna on the face.

With that hotel management in the dining room came running to them, and quietly asked Hou Yi whether he wanted to have the police called.?Anna heard this and nodded.?Within a couple of minutes three hotel security guards entered the dining room and escorted a screaming Sally away from the area.

Georgina turned "I forgot how scary you can be when you want to. No wonder you became a lawyer when with a few words you can cause a reaction."

"Georgina you better call your ex and tell him that his wife has been arrested for assault.?Tell him that her daughters, which if I am right are his children will be looked after until the fight home.?I suspect that she will be quickly charged and not allowed to leave the county until the courts deal with her.?Let him know the consulate is being contacted to assist her, and I will call them to let them know of her arrest."

A little over an hour later, after having spoken to the police the group headed to a couple of nearby shopping malls for a few hours retail therapy, before heading back to the hotel to get ready for their departure.

Sally, arrived back, having been quite lucky striking a police officer who issued her a fine with an attached ban preventing her from returning to Hong Kong for a number of years.?Sally paid the fine so she could leave quickly.?When she saw Anna and Georgina, she was giving them looks that were like she wanted to kill them.?Anna simply turned her back and ignored her, there was no way that she was going to let Sally bully her.

At the airport, Hou Yi approached the ticket counter with the tour guides, and arranged for Pippa, Hannah, Alecia, Georgina and April's tickets to be upgraded to business class, explaining he would be paying, and that given what happened at the hotel that would be appropriate.

As everyone was getting ready to board, Anna and Hou Yi, hugged Pippa, Hannah and Alecia remining that they would see them soon in Australia, before heading towards their private plane to return to Country X.?As she got further away from Pippa, Hannah and Alecia, Anna could not help but say to Hou Yi, "I cannot wait to see them soon."

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