Offer To The CEO

Chapter 476: Help Please

476 Help Please

Monday Afternoon

While wandering around Stanley Markets, with Pippa Hannah and Alecia who were putting their bargaining skills to the test Anna's mobile rang.?She immediately noticed who was calling.

"You know that I am about to kill you darling husband for keeping that secret. You have avoided my calls for two days, only texting me."

"Sorry sweetheart, I was sworn to secrecy about that secret, and …"

"Do not use an excuse about having no voice, or you were busy, that does not cut it with me."

"All I can do is apologise. The meetings ran late in Japan and we had to hurry straight to the airport for the flight to France or we would have missed our slot.?I spent the whole trip there on the phone and as soon as we reached cruising height, I literally fell asleep for the whole flight.?The staff had to wake me up for landing in Paris.?I spent the rest of the day in meetings there and again collapsed into bed and have been in meetings until now.?This is literally the first chance I have had to call."

"It better be or…"

"I will be dead when you catch up with me.?Threaten me all you like, but I know you love me and would never harm me."

"True, but you will regret it," laughed Anna

They chatted for a few minutes, before Hou Yi decided that he needed ot ask the favour he needed from Anna and Alecia. "Sorry sweetheart, I have to turn to business for a few minutes. Tan and I need your help tonight. For the joint venture we have been negotiating about a project with film company based in Hong Kong."

"The deal is done but before the negotiators sign the deal, they want to meet with people from Hou Enterprises and XF International. They suggested Tan and me.?As you know I am in Europe and apparently Tan has to head to the US on Saturday for meetings in California and on the East Coast. He will not be back until the end of next week. They threatened that if it did not happen this week, they would sign a deal with Lu Corporation."

"So, you suggested another board member of Hou Enterprises, and someone from the Yao family, which they agreed to," asked Anna.

"Yeah. I figured that the dinner would be best tonight, and you can cut it short given that Alecia has will be dancing at Disneyland tomorrow you can make sure that it is not a long night."

"Do you know who it will be with?"

"I will send you those details later, but I was able to convince then to come to you.?They understand what happened to you and that you have the care of your young nieces this week.?Assistant Wang has already booked dinner at the hotel, and there will be appropriate clothes available for you and Alecia when you return to the hotel."

"You are expecting a lot. You have made sure that what is being served will be suitable for …"

"A pregnant lady to eat. I had to tell Assistant Wang, as he has finalised the details, but he will not let on."

"He better not or my family will kill you." Anna paused, and quietly indicated to Alecia, that Yi needed to talk to her "Well you better ask Alecia about the favour, before I say yes."

Anna handed her phone to Alecia, and after a few minutes she heard Alecia say, "Fine Uncle Yi, but you owe me." Anna noticed the smirk on Alecia's face as she handed Anna her phone back. Anna realised by that look Alecia would make Hou Yi pay for her assistance today.

"Sweetheart, she agreed, so you are ok then?"

"Yi, you have to ask, I am assuming that this deal is big."

"Let me just say, that Lu Corporation's entertainment division have been counting on this deal for months.?I had been negotiating for months under the nose of Lu Corporation to pull of the deal for our Entertainment Division but reached an in principal agreement with them just before you were assaulted.?Once the joint venture was announced they said that they wanted the deal to be with it rather than just Hou Enterprises."

"From what I have gathered they had simply been looking for an excuse to get out of the negotiations with Lu Corporation, and combined with the assault on you and what happened with Madam Lu and her friend has been enough for them to be ready to sign and publicly announce it.?But you know how business deals generally are finalised here."

"A deal has to be sealed with a dinner for the senior people. Got it my love."

Hou Yi, paused for a minute. "I have to apologise sweetheart I have another meeting to get to. I will call you, say about 10:30pm your time. I love you."

Before Anna could respond, the call ended.

After the finalisation of their tour with the dance school, they returned to the hotel, where Anna and Alecia found in their rooms, dresses suitable for their dinner, and clothes for Hannah and Pippa, who were also invited given the attendance of the CEO's children who were a similar age.

When they headed downstairs Hannah and Pippa's friend and some of the parents were stunned at the sight that they saw, particularly as Hou Yi had sent for Anna, a stunning diamond pendant to wear with her clothes.?Hannah and Pippa decided to be little princesses and all they could do was wave at their friends.

The dinner, however, went quiet smoothly, for which Anna was surprised.?Alecia charmed everyone present, and Anna realised by the end of the night that she would quiet easily take over from her father eventually as CEO of XF International.

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