Offer To The CEO

Chapter 474: A Surprise - Part 1

474 A Surprise - Part 1


Anna was woken by her mobile phone ringing, and as she answered it saying only half awake "Hello?"

"Sweetheart …"

Hearing Hou Yi's voice was enough to immediately wake Anna right up.?At that moment she realised how different it had been.?Despite everything that had happened since they married, last night was the first night, other than when she was in hospital that they had not slept in the same bed.?Even then, he was in the room with her.

Anna realised that despite how their marriage started, everything that they had been through until now and how long they waited until they had confessed to each other how they felt, there had been that simple constant.?It was calming and more importantly had ensured that she had always felt safe particularly given how Lu Jinhu had made her feel.?She needed her husband near her.

"Yi, last night …"

"...was so hard to sleep. I know it is the first night that we have not been together, whether in the same bed or the same room since we married."?Hou Yi sighed as he finished.?He hardly slept last night missing Anna being with him.

"And we have a week ahead. Make a promise to me Yi, that if you have to go away for business, I am going with you, even when our child or future children are born, we travel with you."

As Anna finished speaking in a tone that left Hou Yi in no doubt that she wanted him to relent and ensure that she went with him.?He was determined that he would not just give in.?His priority always would be Anna and their children's safety and he would do what he could to ensure that it was not jeopardised.?Quietly, but firmly he responded?"That sounds absolutely perfect my love.?But you know I will never do anything that risk you or our children safety, so only if I know it is safe for you."

"Yi," Anna responded in a whiny voice.

"Anna that will not change my mind.?I could never forgive myself if something happened to you and our children."?Hou Yi paused knowing that he had to end the call as his temporary assistant for this trip was letting him know he needed to leave to head to this meeting.?"Sweetheart, I am sorry, but I need to cut the call short so I can get to my first meeting for the day, and I will not have a chance to call you until later.?Promise me that once you reach your hotel in Hong Kong you will all me."

"I will ..."

"Now stay safe and enjoy yourself."

"Yi, you are sending six bodyguards with me, so you know I will be safe."

"I know, but you know I will worry.?Remember that I love you."

"Love you Yi…" Before Anna could say anything, she heard a voice in the background reminding Yi that the meeting was about to start.

"Sorry, Sweetheart I want to talk longer, but my first meeting got moved …"

"Go, we will talk soon, and remember I love and will miss you." With that Anna ended the call knowing how easy it would be to drag the call out longer and longer.?How much she wished that she could spend more time on the phone with him.

As the she hung up, Anna realised that she had missed a real opportunity.?It was something she had never though about doing before, but having phone s*x with Yi, given how much she was already missing him would have been worthwhile.?Maybe that was something this week that she could tempt him with.?The possibilities …

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