Offer To The CEO

Chapter 468: Lu Corporation Board Meeting - Part 9

468 Lu Corporation Board Meeting - Part 9

Wednesday, continued …

Having taken the hint from Anna, Hou Yi now decided to drive home what they knew."Well, I would disagree CEO Lu.My wife and I have not only checked the official police website but three separate news websites.All have confirmed the same information."

After a short pause for dramatic effect Hou Yi Continued "Around 3am this morning a warehouse owned by Lu Corporaiton in the warehouse district was raided.As we all know warehouses there, if they are leased to someone other else, the owner must file with the government paperwork to confirm its leasing.No paperwork exists that confirms that the warehouse was leased to anyone.That means what was found in the warehouse links directly to Lu Corporation, or if you knew nothing about it means that you are incompetent to this extent."

Anna observed that at that comment CEO Lu was incensed, but he was holding back in speaking as he knew he needed to hear what was being said before retorting against Hou Yi.

Continuing Hou Yi laid out more of what they knew."Inside they found a club, which the licenses to operate until 11pm or 12am, depending on the day are in the name of Lu Corporation.However it was more than a private club.Firstly it was serving alcohol outside its license, but they also found an illegal gambling establishment and a series of private rooms that were obviously used for s*xual activities."

"Inside one room they found Madam Lu and Madam Rong with two men engaged in s*xual activity with Rong Jingye observing his wife and Madam Lu's activities, while being pleasured by two females.In another room Madam Yang was found being pleasured by a male and female.There was others in other rooms engaged in various activities with a number of people that we all know from society events.All those involved, not being members of society have apparently admitted to being artists from Lu Corporation's entertainment division."

"Even in the public areas, those involved in serving the guests of the club were dressed in clothing that left little to the imagination indicated they were members of this companies entertainment division."

Hou Yi noticed that CEO Lu was stunned with what he had laid out.Now was the time to hammer things home."This is totally unacceptable, and given my wife and I are the largest single shareholder we want answers.From the photographs and other information on-line this is a long term established venue used for prostitution, illegal gambling and has allowed breaches of liquor licensing laws, let alone what else we presently do not know about, with Entertainment Division artists being front and centre of the activities."

Now in an angry voice, like any disgruntled shareholder would use Hou Yi spat out "This has happened on your watch as CEO of Lu Corporation.You cannot escape saying you had no knowledge of it as your wife, your son's mother-in-law and your best friend and his wife were all found in the premises when it was raided."Taking a breath to apparently calm down he then continued "The question is how will we salvage the company from this disaster."

Anna, carefully turned in her seat to capture on the hidden camera in her broach the reaction of each person present.There were two different reactions.CEO Lu, Yang Lin's father and two members of the Lu Family had a worried look on their face, as if they had been caught.However the rest of those present were in total shock.The lawyer in Anna, immediately realised that those worried about the situation, knew about the venue and what had happened inside.That was something that might be useful.

"The company has done nothing wrong" immediately responded CEO Lu.

"Well the company will have to prove it.I have just spent a fortune investing in this company, and if the share value drops because of an avoidable problem, the whole Lu family will go down."Hou Yi indicated that in a quiet but deadly voice.Anna saw that the members of the Lu family were terrified about what would happen, even those that she believed knew something about what had been going on.

"It is none of your business what the company does," spat out CEO Lu.

Anna decided it was her time again to speak."CEO Lu, As the owner of the single biggest shareholder I will hold you and your family personally responsible if this backfires on the company.I will look at legal action to recover losses as the evidence shows the company knew or should have known what was happening in the warehouse."

Pausing as she now wanted to drop another bombshell "Plus you forget, Lu Corporation operate in Australia, and this absolutely means that there I will win a case for loss of value due to this for all of Lu Corporation in Australia.And I will pursue penalties against you and the other Lu family members for not acting given I have made it clear that you need to."

"You will have no hope little girl."

"Stop acting like a child CEO Lu with the attitude and tones.My Australian Employers are one of the top Corporation Legal Firms in Australia, and if I say I will win a case there I will.And by the way that means I would also win cases in the US and England where you have significant investments, so do you want to try me?"

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