Offer To The CEO

Chapter 459: Planning for the Lu Corporation Board Meeting - Part 9

459 Planning for the Lu Corporation Board Meeting - Part 9

Sunday, continued …

Lu Jinhu wondered, and said out loud, "Father he would not be so brazen to do anything other than he has already done.We all know that business here, despite us being in competition with each other ends up being collaborative approach to achieve goals and maximize profits.We know those refusing to do business with Lu Corporation will turn around and they will do business with us in the future.We just have to deal with it until them."

"Damn it, you are making sense."

"Father, while what has happened since my permanent return from Australia may support the idea I am stupid, but we know that is a lie.I graduated with a honours degree from and university medal for given my marks, and as I said earlier I am almost finished my MBA and am about to start my doctoral degree.I just bided time, as we knew we needed someone gullible, and I was not going to enlighten that b*tch of an ex of mine."

After taking another sip of his drink, Lu Jinhu continued "Now, we need to stop dwelling on what we can only speculate about, and figure out what you can do.As I have said, and I will reinforce this father, you need to have everything in order for the meeting to protect yourself.You know you have forty-five percent of the votes absolutely guaranteed between our shares and that Yang Lin's parents.The only votes that you need to guarantee are are the Yang Group votes.That means talking and wooing them.Then no one can do anything against you and the company."

"That then is the next few days means what I have to focus on.Now we should go and join the women for tea."

Four hours later…

After leaving Lu Jinhu's in a chauffeured car, both occupants in the back, sent text messages.Mrs Lu, quickly received a text in return reading 'Let us leave the club for tonight.Tuesday night should be a better night given the show.'

CEO Lu, then received a reply 'Absolutely, Friday night was not enough.Meet you there in a hour.'

Having looked over her husband's shoulder Mrs Lu turned and said "Have fun tonight, I will see you tomorrow."

When they arrived home, CEO Lu quickly gathered his bag and the clothes for the morning intending to spend the night enjoying his entertainment, before heading to the office.It would be a perfect stress release for the week ahead.

Overlooking the warehouse, fifty minutes later, Snake and Lion were comfortable that they had the correct brothel staked out tonight as to where CEO Lu would go.But, even if they were wrong, they had already swamped the smaller brothel with camera and recording equipment that ensured that they could easily gather evidence from inside.

It was much harder in the warehouse brothel, not only due to the number of rooms, but due to the fact that some were rooms we considered VIP rooms and as yet they had not gotten access to the rooms.All they kept doing was putting two men in on a rotating schedule in every couple of days to talk to the girls and get their stories.They were slowly building up the evidence as to what was going on inside the brothel.

Very soon they knew that they were lucky.At almost the same time two cars pulled up, climbing out of one was Rony Jingye and out of the other came CEO Lu.Thank goodness they already had two men inside, so they could get some idea what they were doing inside.Both quickly entered and the cameras that they already had in place were able to track them to they entered the VIP area and were handed the evenings menus.

Given the cash that one of their men inside had been been splashing they had also been seated in the VIP area, and gotten a closer listen to them.They ordered the same service as they had the previous Sunday, with the same two girls.One of their men inside having already spoken to one girl, and placed another camera, left, and the one in the VIP area, selected a service with a girl, and went with her to a room where they spoke for over an hour, while she let out part of her story.

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