Offer To The CEO

Chapter 406: The Walls are breached - Part 9

406 The Walls are breached - Part 9

Monday, continued …

Anna was approached by three young women, and one quietly said "Madam Hou, we were wondering if we could speak to you quietly and privately."

Anna realised that it would be difficult in this place to find somewhere private to have a discussion, so she tapped Amanda on the arm, and she turned around, and bent down.Anna quietly whispered to her what she needed, and Amanda moved off to the opposite side of the stage, so Anna was left alone with the three young girl.

Anna turned, and indicated to them each to take a chair and sit down so they faced each other.

"Ladies, how can I help you?"

"We have not known what to do, but listening to today, we need help?"


"Two of us have come from Lu Corporation's entertainment division and signed for the new joint venture, and…"

One on the right-hand side of Anna interrupted "We all went to school together when we were younger and I told them I would help and support them."

"So, what is the problem ladies.I do not want to sound like I am pushing, but I can see that there is something worrying you.So, I can help you I need to know what is the problem for you?"

The first one speaking started to speak "HI I am Joan, and this is Mary," pointing to the girl on Anna's left, and then pointing to the girl on Anna's right "and this is Sophie. We believe that given your experiences with the Lu family you would be the best one to talk to.We all come from a small country town over two hours away from here.There are little opportunities for young people, other than farm work or working in factories."

"At school we were lucky enough to have a music and drama teacher that spotted we each had talent, and they helped us pursue it.They convinced our parents to allow us to compete at a talent contest here just on twelve months ago.The top performers were all offered contracts with Lu Corporation's Entertainment Division."

Sophie then spoke "At the time I thought that I was not as lucky as them and was not considered a top performer.However, someone in XF International's Entertainment Division thought that I had talent and they offered me a contract.Despite being at different companies we have always kept in touch."

"We were all sixteen-years-old at the time of the offers, and our parents each agreed to give temporary guardianship of us to the companies, so that we could pursue our potential new careers and help our families.It all seemed so great, but little did we two know what awaited us."

Anna could see the two girls that had come from Lu Corporation were now in tears.It was obvious to her that they had been through something highly traumatic.She knew what they needed, so quietly said "Please do not take this the wrong way, but if I could easily move, I would get up and give you each a hug, you look like you need it."

Mary, who who had been quiet to now quietly said "Thank you Madam Hou, just knowing that you care is enough."

After a few deep breaths the tears from both girls seemed to start to slow down, and the girl on their right said, "It is OK, I am here, and you know Madam Hou wants to help you."

Joan started to speak after a few hiccups started to speak "The first three weeks, we were showered with attention, we were given managers and discussions were had about opportunities open to us in acting.Both our managers made arrangements for us, along with the other new talent to attend a industry meet and greet run by Lu Corporation.That is when the nightmare began."

"While those in attendance were influential people within the industry or financiers of projects, we did not know the sinister event that we were attending.After being introduced to various people, our managers left us for about fifteen minutes and then returned.We were staying together as we only knew each other.Our managers told both of us that there was someone that wished to discuss project opportunities with us privately."

"Our managers told us they had discussions with these people, but they said before anything was signed they wanted to speak to us privately to see if we liked what was going to be put to Lu Corporation as a deal for Lu Corporation and our managers to sign on our behalf."

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