Offer To The CEO

Chapter 396: Happy Birthday Triplets - Part 11

396 Happy Birthday Triplets - Part 11

Saturday, continued …

Yao Tan continued "Alecia, just because you are smart and do not ask me how you did it, convinced a stockbroker to tact for a sixteen-year-old and can turn a good profit on the stock market that I will ever go easy on you in the business world."

"I suspect you had an adult helper to form the contracts for your stock market activities…"Yao Tan turned and looked at Amanda, who could not look him in the eye."Thank you, my love, you confirmed exactly who was helping her.But despite that help, you have exceeded mine and your grandparent's expectations."

"Now James, in front of everyone there I have decided I am going to repeat the private warning I gave you.If you hurt my little girl, do not think I will let you live, and Alecia's godfather, despite being your brother-in-law, will not save you. He will help me make you pay if you hurt her."

"Tan, do not give him ideas.God only knows if he and I are lucky enough to have children what you will have him would up to do."Yelled out Anna.

"Anna, you will have to hold him back.And what about the trouble you and my wife will get into."Responded Yao Tan, and that resulted in Amanda giving him a light tap on the back of the head.

"Junior and Ton, my boys.You have pursued your dreams around sport.You have shown me how much faith you have in your own talents, and in each other.You have demonstrated among your peers your talent.You have demonstrated the ability to manage your dreams and your education, without allowing your marks to suffer too much.You have shown, in some respect you have your birth mother's artistic bent.Junior, with your music, and Ton with your artwork."

"Ton, I quite proudly display at least one piece of your artwork in my office at all times, changing that when you give me a new piece.Looking at your artwork, when I feel I am struggling with things, reminds me of what is important, family.Junior, your joy and exploring and creating within the musical realm reminds me that things can be simple, we do not have to complicate things and life."

"My boys, the next twelve months for you will be your most challenging.While your sister has made decisions with respect to her life, it now is up to you to make your decisions.What do you want to do, how can you support yourself, do you need to forgo a dream and focus on reality, and what will you need to change?None of that is a decision that I can make for you, or a decision that you can make for each other.It has to be your own personal choice."

"Yes, my life has changed significantly in the last few weeks, Amanda and I finally married.I can only thank you, my children, for not only telling me for years to follow my heart, as what makes me happy will make you happy.Your acceptance and willingness even at your age, for Amanda to formally adopt you, shows me that you all know that family is important."

"Finally, I have something for each of you."Turning to Amanda, she came up to Tan with three bags."Junior, in among the items in your bag is a precious gift of one-on-one musical classes with world renown musicians, and a personal challenge for you to strive for for your eighteenth birthday.Ton, in among the items in your bag, including your usual credit at your favourite Art store, includes some one-on-one time with artists along with a challenge for you for this year."

"Now do not be disappointed at your challenges my boys, I want you to think about what exactly you want with your life, and reach to achieve things, which I know that you can.Alecia, you have already exceeded what I would expect of you at your age and made your choices.All I can and will do is support those choices.In your bag, Amanda and I have decided to spoil you with some jewellery.My challenge to you is about what you will achieve within the company when you return."

"Now friends and family, the waiters are coming around with Champagne for adults and a couple of non-alcoholic options for those who are too young to drink or do not want alcohol."The waiters took a few minutes to circle around and ensure that everyone had a glass in their hand.

Yao Tan then continued "Can I ask everyone to raise their glasses.Happy Birthday Junior, Ton and Alecia, and all the best for the coming year."

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