Offer To The CEO

Chapter 390: Happy Birthday Triplets - Part 5

390 Happy Birthday Triplets - Part 5

Saturday, continued …

Meanwhile, as Alecia walked away from James, Anna and Hou Yi, three girls swooped in, enveloping her in a goup hug.One was about her height but with dyed red hair, another was a couple of inches taller than her with blond hair and the third one was taller again, but with jet black hair.

"Hi Melissa, Jessica and Sally, good to see you."

"Happy Birthday Alecia" they all echoed before letting go.

"How come you were not with your stuck-up brothers?When we walked in the only thing, they were interested in was them," responded the red-head.

"Melissa, you know them as well as I do, unless they are the centre of attention..."

"They act like spoiled brats," came the tallest girl.

"Sally, you know I hate when someone..."

"Finishes off your sentences" responded Jessica. "We know.You tell us all the time."

"Now what have you been doing with yourself this last week, girl.You are so lucky that you have finished all your assessments. I did my last one yesterday, and Jessica and Melissa have their last one the end of the coming week." Asked Sally.

"A little of this and a little of that.Dad finally got his marriage certificate with Amanda Mei, so as you can imagine that has been an adjustment, and the two idiots over there have been like a little children who have had their lolly-pops taken away.Dad, for at least five or six years as put any life on hold with Amanda for us, and I have no problem, as she loves Dad and that is important."

"Forget about your father, girl, who was that hunky white guy you were kissing before?I am surprised that your dad even lets him within ten metres of you.I could just eat him up."

"He is mine, Melissa.Get your eyes off him."

"You go girl, who would ever have thought you would have it in you."

Aleica looked over and spotted the boys looking in her direction and observing her talking to Melissa, Jessica and Sally.If looks could kill, she would be dead, because they hated the fact that her closest friends saw through their behaviour.

"Look, at the moment I am in the do not p*ss off Junior and Ton mode, and they are not happy that you are talking to me."Alecia was pointing at the two of them and their looks, when suddenly Melissa noticed the rings on Alecia's finger.

Grabbing her hand, and turning it to see the rings, Melissa simply had to ask the question "What in the world?They better be dress rings."

Before Alecia could respond James walked over and ignoring the looks from her friends, bent down and gave her a quick but to any outside observer completely passionate kiss, before reluctantly pulling away.He then turned to look at the three girls with his wife and before he could say anything Alecia reached up and placed two fingers over his mouth.

James instinctively knew Alecia wanted to speak particularly having overheard the last part of her conversation with them before he came over.He decided he had to tease his wife a little before she spoke and gently pulled her fingers away from his mouth, before turning the hand palm up, and giving it a gentle kiss.

The eyes on the faces of the three girls went wide, and before anything got out of hand Alecia looked at James, and he could see that she wanted whisper something to him.James bent down and Alecia whispered, "These are my friends, please behave."

"As if I would not sweetheart."

Alecia when whispered "You better" and to get a measure of revenge for the kiss on the palm she blew on James right ear and then gently tugged it with her teeth.

Alecia turned to her friends and started to speak in English, so they received the message without her having to be blunt. "James, let me introduce to my friends."Pointing to each as she introduced them "This is Melissa Yu, Jessica Long, and Sally Ge."

"It is nice to meet you ladies."

"Well, who is he?"asked Sally.

"Patience everyone, you will ruin the surprise."

"Do not be a spoilsport Alecia, tell or we will go and harass your brothers and you know they will spill."

"Fine, this is James Jones.His sister is married to my godfather Hou Yi, and …"

"Quit stalling," responded Jessica

"He is my husband."

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