Offer To The CEO

Chapter 370: The Extent of Wickedness - Part 25

370 The Extent of Wickedness - Part 25

Thursday continued ….


Getting through the security around his son's residence due to the home detention frustrated CEO Lu.While he cold come and visit up to three times per week, the requirements to enter the property were frustrating; surrendering his mobile and other items made obtaining blackmail material on his son and daughter-in-law difficult.

Entering the house, CEO Lu saw the household staff scurrying away, given the look they could see on his face, retreating into the kitchen.The staff hated the screening arrangements to come to work, the fact Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin were under home detention minimised the work they had to do, but ensured they received better pay.

On entering the study CEO Lu observed Lu Jinhu, oblivious to his entry listening to something on his laptop.He hated being made wait, especially by his son, and he walked over forcibly shutting the laptop disturbing what Lu Jinhu was doing.

"What the f*ck are you up to."

"Studying to complete my masters.Unlike Yang Lin I cannot sit around doing nothing for four months."

"How in the world did you get that through, particularly if you need internet access."

"I have access three times per week under prisons' supervision, you idiot, to access study material, participate in discussions and submit material, plus emails that they can read.I can encode communications to friends in emails.No what do you want?"

"To talk to you."

"You do not want just to talk.You want something and tell me what it is, as I do not have the time today to deal with you given how Yang Lin is today."

"As I said, I want to talk to you."

"Just cut it out Dad."

"Well I am trying to fix your mess, and I need to talk to you about it."

"Dad Yang Lin and I are not stupid.We took responsibility as we were cornered and put forward an offer that was accepted.I covered for you telling police investigators that those idiot police officers were confused about you telling them the questions to ask tht b*tch, convincing them that your contact was limited to confirming information."

"Dad you were responsible for bribing the police, not us.You figured that you were in control and when it backfired we accepted responsibility as you demanded it.So do not talk to me about fixing a mess."

Angry, CEO Lu reached over and slapped his son to the face, before walking around the desk an punching him of the chair onto the floor and giving him a swift kick to the stomach.

"Now listen to me son," came out the angry response from CEO Lu."You need to take responsibility for some other stuff.The only way that you are going to get the money you need to support yourselves is from me, and it will remain for years.I own you, and you will do what I tell you."

"You …"

"You have no choice.Your f*cking actions have caused huge problems.I though that the b*stard Hou Yi was soft and unable to act decisively and use violence.Who would believe he has such a ruthless streak?He has been planning for weeks acting to actively take down Lu Corporation.He is behind ten of the leading companies in the country pulling out of all their deals with us and refusing future cooperation."

"Some of them are already announcing other deals that will compete against us.Other than Hou Enterprises there would be no company that could have pulled this off, as they have the power.God knows what else on a business means that he has plans.I have had to attempt to blackmail him, to get spyware on his phone.I got the spyware, and got him to meet, thinking that I had the power in the situation."

"But who f*king knew he was a strategic thinker, had more people in place and the ability to be physical.I tried to take him down, and he got me.He also had the damn police and I am having to plead to an assault, but I can run an argument that this is a long term issue fighting about what had happened to you and Yang Lin, and therefore get a small penalty. You however are going to accept responsibility for my attempt to blackmail him and using those images I had from you of her."

"F*ck you.Your visits have been setting us up if you failed in your attempts to achieve hat you wanted."

"Well I was attempting to get what your screw up five weeks ago prevented, Hou Enterprises."

"What are you going to do if I do not agree."

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