Offer To The CEO

Chapter 367: The extent of wickedness - Part 22

367 The extent of wickedness - Part 22

Thursday continued ….

"Yes I do, but …" said James quietely.

"There is no way that will happen…" Yao Tan spat out, with his voice getting louder and louder.

Alecia came running out from her bedroom.loudly saying "Daddy, stop it.Do not have a go at him.He has spent so much time convincing me that I could do better than him, but do you know I was determined and proposed to him."

"Daddy, you always tell me to grab for what I want and do you know this is the first time something that is contrary to your express wishes.You want to throw that in my face, and that will make me resent you so much more that I do now, given the restrictions you have enforced on me since I was attacked."

"All I want is for you is to give your consent and to help us get from the Australian Embassy in the capital the necessary paperwork for us to marry.You need to let me follow my heart.You cannot protect me from every potential hurt, and if our marriage ends in disaster in the future I can accept that, but I know it will not."

"What we plan is to remain in Australia until James finalises his degree.We plan to return here to allow me to follow my dreams in joining the company, earning my degree and working my way up.You know I am the only one of your children that wants to be involved in the company."

"Junior and Ton want to be professional athletes and we both know they will never succeed, but you have given them every opportunity to succeed, but want to throw up roadblocks for me.I am protected and kept separate, but they are a part of the world.James can follow his career option here.All we would do is ask for some help from you when we return."

Alecia paused for her dramatic finish "Remember that when Grandpa retired he and Grandma established a significant trust fund for each of us for when we demonstrate we can manage it and have either married or turned 21.I do not want to touch that, but if I have to I will.If I have to wait twelve months to marry James I will.But your stubbornness will cost you your daughter.Think about that dad.What do you want?Do you want a relationship with me, or do you want to lose me?That is your choice, my choice is what my heart is telling me."

"Alecia!" came Yao Tan's surprised result."You know I want a relationship with you.But..."

"Dad, not buts.Yes James and I have know each other for less than twenty-four hours, but I know what I want.I am decisive when I make decisions, and in all but one case, I have always made the right decision.I will pay for my whole life for that decision, but this one is the right decision."

"I can stop you, you know."

"Dad, try.I have my passport and my individual household register.Given I turn seventeen on Saturday you can not prevent me from travelling.By the way most of my money is not in the bank accounts you control, but in ones I have not told you about.With the help of a share broker for the last six months I have been playing the stock markets, trebling my initial investment."

"Before you ask how, I am your daughter and have learnt how to play the market from watching you over years.I do not need your money to leave, and if I have to I will leave.Make your choice now.Have a relationship with me or throw up every barrier and lose any relationship with me now and in the future?"

In those few minutes, Yao Tan determined his daughter was exactly like him.She generally went with the flow but when she wanted something she would pursue it and succeed.Can he keep punishing her for that one wrong decision six months ago?

"Alecia, I want you to wait until James finishes his degree, and if you still feel the same I would consent to you marrying when you came back."

James grabbed Alecia's arm and pulled he head down and whispered in her ear "Alecia that is a good compromise, take it.It is only four and a half months."

Alecia, reached and gave him a brief kiss, and whispered "I do not care, four months and a half months will seem like four and a half years."

"Dad, no.I have given you your options and despite what James is telling me about taking you up, No.It is now or lose me."

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