Offer To The CEO

Chapter 364: The extent of wickedness - Part 19

364 The extent of wickedness - Part 19

Thursday continued ….

As Yao Tan ran out of his office Hou Yi's mobile rang.As he answered it, he realised it was Officer Mu.

"CEO Hou, I just needed to give you an update, since I took your statement first thing this morning with that is happening."


"Yesterday, CEO Lu was interviewed briefly about the attempted blackmail and assault.He has admitted to the assault given the police witnesses but is adamant that you provoked him.He totally denies the attempted blackmail, claiming that it was a business deal with you."

"Well I expected that, and I did give you're the recordings this morning."

"They have been of great help, and the more senior officers have listened to those, confirming what we had discussed and I knew."

"My tech department have confirmed that the photographs and footage CEO Lu sent were riddled with spyware, but it was over all the files, not only activated when all three files had been opened and then sent a continuous stream of data to an outside server, the IP address of which they have tracked to a computer in Lu Corporation.Who do you need the information sent to?"

"CEO Hou, the senior officer handling the matter has indicated he will send someone from our computer crimes department to come and gather the information.Plus they need to speak to Madam Hou soon."

"Officer Mu her sisters-in-law and brother are in the country until tomorrow night, so she is spending the balance of today and tomorrow with them.And I guess you released CEO Lu …"

"Given the suspicion of him assisting Lu Jinhu in breaching the restraining order he has been released with a conditions to abide by the restraining order protecting Madam Hou and not to have contact with either of you unless it is solely business related.Given his position as a CEO of a multi-national company, we cannot restrict his ability to travel, despite the fact that we wanted to."

"The matters will continue to be investigated, but given there is a need to speak to Lu Jinhu regarding the breach of the restraining order it could be weeks before the prison authorities authorise that.We suspect CEO Lu will pressure him to take full responsibility for what happened, which we will have to shake.It could be months before we get matters near a court, unless CEO Lu breaches his release conditions."

"Thank you for letting me know."Hou Yi was happy that the police were certain of their course of action, despite repeating information he already knew.

"As to that other matter we spoke about this morning I understand that the investigating officers have already spoke to Miss Yao and the matter is now proceeding."

"Her father told me the same during a meeting we have just finished"

"Good bye sir."With that the call was ended.Hou Yi did not expect anything different to be the outcome as CEO Lu was slippery.Before he could get carried away with his thoughts, he was interrupted by Assistant Wang.

"Sir the senior executives from Bright Star have arrived, they are your next appointment.I suspect though it is not who you were anticipating."

"Assistant Wang, Bright Star is a shell company that the Yang family use to hide behind for certain investments.Its ownership is hidden behind multiple companies, but I did my due diligence before I told you to accept the appointment.Please show them in, as I want to know what they really want."

Assistant Wang was stunned, but he should realise that his boss, despite his youth is highly intelligent and is steps ahead of anyone when implementing a plan like he has over the last few weeks.He exited the office and showed the Yang family members into Hou Yi's office.

"Gentleman, I wonder why you had to hide behind Bright Star to some and see me.You could have simply requested a meeting."

"CEO Hou we simply did not want CEO Lu to know that we have requested a meeting, as he does not know we own Bright Star.He and his son over the last five weeks have acted to jeopardise Lu Corporation and our families investment.We know what you are close to getting control of thirty-five percent of Lu Corporation."

"If you can get control of the balance of Lu Corporation not controlled by the Lu's or the Yang's we will be willing to work with you, to remove CEO Lu, and to try in the long-term to have the company charter amended to prevent him from coming back and the requirement of a member of the Lu family to be the company CEO."

"I am interested, but I want the deal in writing."

"Not a problem, we have the written proposal of our requirements here for us to support you at the board vote."With that paperwork was handed to Hou Yi.

"Gentleman, give me until tomorrow to review this, and I will get back to you.If all is as expected I will contact you about signing the agreement."

"Thank you CEO Hou.Please contact us through the number on the card attached to the agreement."

With that the Yang family members turned around and left Hou Yi's office, leaving him with the document that he started to read.He knew that he would have Anna review it with him when he got back for their last night at the ancestral home before returning to their apartment.

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