Offer To The CEO

Chapter 358: The Extent of wickedness - Part 13

358 The Extent of wickedness - Part 13

Thursday continued ….

Alecia wondered if there was something else."There is something that you know, and you are not telling me.What is it?"

"Alecia …" James said dragging out her name.

"James, please just answer the question." Alecia asked in a pleading manner.

James made the mistake of looking at her in the eyes and noticed not only the pleading look in them for an immediate answer, but something more behind that.With a sigh he answered "I do not know if it is accurate, but apparently the police have already told your father so they can guarantee a watertight case, the DNA testing of the samples taken on the night could take at least three months.While he did not say, I suspect one will be sent oversees for verification.They also informed your father they want to put you into protective custody until the case is through the court."

"Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" cried out Alecia, and she burst into tears.

With that reaction James gathered Alecia into his arms, and let her cry for as she needed.In one breath he had told her that she had a choice, and in the next breath in fact he had taken it away from her.He felt awful in doing that to the beautiful girl in his arms.

In few minutes Alecia's cries started to lessen and then stop.Alecia lifted her head up and looked at James.He quickly turned his head, as he knew that looking at her in the eyes would be a complete and utter disaster.

Alecia was not going to allow him to do this.She wanted to, no needed to look at James directly in the eyes and moved one of her hands that had been gripping his shoulders and gentle pushed his head so he had to look at her in the eyes.

The simple touch of Alecia's hand on his face, almost broke all of James' will.However, he figured if he briefly looked at her he would have enough time to remove her from his lap, before she realised how aroused she was.As he cooperated and allowed his head to be turned, Alecia moved, just enough that caused her to rub against him, causing him to moan.

Alecia heard the moan, caused as she gently moved against James arousal.That was a sign that she knew she needed, and she decided to take the opportunity that was presenting itself to her.When she slept last night all she did was dream of James.She wondered if the stories were true that people could fall in love at sight.None of her friends talked about it, and she picked up from conversations she overheard between her father and Amanda, that their relationship developed over time.

Alecia then though, that she was kidding herself about being in love.She had never had a boyfriend, nor anyone that she had a crush on and her introduction to s*x was brutal.While she figured she was kidding herself, she did not give a care at this exact moment.

At the same time as she moved again against James arousal, Alecia reached up and pressed a gentle kiss on his lips as he moaned again.

The simple gentle touch of Alecia's lips was enough to undo James.He gently moved Alecia so that she was straddling him and using both his hands reached up touching her face gentle and holding her for another kiss.Six short kisses followed, and Alecia moved again.

That was enough to make James pause, as he knew with how he was feeling he could take it too far to quickly.She deserved to rebuild her life and enjoy it to the full, rather than being trapped with the person who showed her the first signs of emotional connection after what happened.

As he reached his hands down to lift her off his lap, Alecia knew what he was about to do, which she did not want.She pushed herself down hard on James causing him to moan even more than before.

Alecia, using his moan, touched the tip of her tongue to the tip of James' tongue.James then deepened the kiss, and followed Alecia's tongue as she drew it back into her mouth causing Alecia to moan.

Hearing Alecia's moan James realised what he was doing and quickly lifted her of his lap.He stood up and walked to the window looking out.

Alecia was stunned.She tempted him into doing what she wanted, but like everyone since she was attacked, he had rejected her.She though he was different to everyone else and burst out into huge sobs sitting on the couch.

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