Offer To The CEO

Chapter 354: The extent of wickedness - Part 9

354 The extent of wickedness - Part 9

Thursday continued ….

James was frustrated with Anna.While dealing with r*pe victims can be part of dealing with patients as a nurse, even a male nurse, it was never something he wanted to deal with for someone who he had deep feelings with.Professionally he could keep a distance, but with Alecia it was impossible.

The situation for him, even before he knew who was involved, was personally.His feelings from last night, when they were out on the balcony were confirmed.Despite their age difference and the reality in many countries a sexual relationship between them would be illegal, he knew how he felt.

He also could pick up that Alecia had significant feelings for him.That was obvious with her comments when the police wanted to throw him out of the room, and she claimed he was her boyfriend he absolutely wished that this was the truth.Also he knew she saw him as important as she continued the interview in English so he could understand what was happening.

When Alecia sat on his lap he was terrified.He was trying within himself not to react but he knew she had felt the proof of his attraction to her due to her subtle movements designed to arouse and tempt him.It was utter torture for the time she sat there, as he could do nothing and was having to deal with the complete horror of what had been inflicted on her, particularly by that b*stard of an ex of Anna's Lu Jinhu and his father.

While he was conflicted and viewed that they did not deserve to live, Alecia did not deserve to be exposed to his feelings on that extent.He had to be strong, as he knew Alecia did not need him to be pulled from her life, as she saw him as her means to cope with what had happened.

James, simply sat there trying to think about how he was going to deal with his sister.He knew she did not deserve to be blamed, but at the same time ...

"James?"came Anna quiet voice, interrupting his train of thought.

"Anna, what do you want?"

"What is going on?"

"Let me just say if that b*stard of an ex of yours was in front of me I would kill him.She did not deserve what happened to her."

"I know you, it is something more that than."

"Just leave it.I was thinking.I really cannot talk to you."

"Do not think I am going to leave it.If you do not talk to me, I will make Rosemary or Rebecca get the information from you."

"Leave it alone, Anna.When I am ready, I will talk.It was just a shock."James paused, and then continued "Do you have Alecia and her father's numbers.I need to talk to him, but I do not want to do that without talking to her firstly.She needs control, given she is where she is because an adult almost double her age started the abuse of her."

"Let me get them for you."

With than Anna texted Amanda Mei, asking for the two numbers, and explaining why.

Meanwhile James sat still thinking.He knew he needed to speak to Alecia carefully before talking to her father, and possibly delaying a return for a few days.He remembered when Anna was getting ready to come over here, apparently to marry that b*stard, what documents she had to bring.He did not know why, by he put all those same documents in his luggage.

Spur of the moment for sure, but he was now thinking that it as a sign that he did.He also had previously looked at a lot of information about Country X, as he wanted to understand things if he ever visited here, and one interesting thing was that the law here, recognised those between 16 and a half and 18 could marry with parental consent.

James stopped himself, was he seriously thinking about marriage to Alecia, having known her for less than twenty-four hours?As he thought about it, he knew that he was.He was kidding himself if he wanted to deny that he was, like his brother-in-law and falling in love on sight, but he had to approach the question carefully, and see where Alecia's head was before anything.

Then, what would he bring his bride to if they married?He had no home, was just finishing his education, and if he was serious about it, his career path would be useless in most places for a man.However, at least he could protect her, which is what he wanted to do, hopefully the rest would simply resolve itself.

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