Offer To The CEO

Chapter 352: The extent of wickedness - Part 7

352 The extent of wickedness - Part 7

Thursday continued ….

Anna was stunned.The previous Christmas Lu Jinhu returned here to spend time with his parents and make so-called arrangements for their wedding.The a*sehole.Not only was he cheating on her with Yang Lin, he now r*ped this little girl.

James tensed up at the name.What else has that b*stard done.He abused Anna, physically and mentally and hurt this wonderful young woman.If he was standing here, he would kill him immediately.

Alecia continued "I initially believed I had pulled the nameout of the air, and a few weeks later searched on-line, and located a photograph on the Lu Corporation's website of Vice-CEO Lu Jinhu.This was the man I spoke to on the balcony, and I heard his voice when I was attacked.I also found out that the CEO of the Lu Corporation was his father, and after listening to a few speeches his was also a voice I heard.I think there was a third voice as well.I do not know which voices r*ped me though."

"Are you certain Miss Alecia?"

"As to the voices, yes.As to who r*ped me, I cannot be absolutely certain but I do not believe they used condoms, so I would guess DNA tests would establish who was involved."

"Miss Alecia, would you be willing to sign a typed copy of this interview when it is prepared?"

"Yes," responded Alecia in a deflated tone.She knew she could not handle anything else, and turned around and buried her face in James chest with her tears streaming down her face.

Anna struggled to her feet, and moved over on her crutches towards the police and quietly said "I do not think she can continue."

"We will end this now.We have other statements that confirm that she went to the hospital and what happened there."Then in a loud voice "Thank you Miss Alecia.We know how hard that was., but if we need anything else we will let your father know."

With that the recording was ended and Anna handed a copy.Slowly she escorted them to the elevator and once they were heading down, she turned and went to the study, observing that Alecia was still in James' arms being comforted.

Anna opened the study door, and went in as Yao Tan was just finishing a call."It is over.There were two men that assaulted her, one she is certain was Lu Jinhu…"

"That piece of s*it."

"That is polite as to what I call him, was there as was his father and a third man.Who r*ped her she is not certain of."

"Oh my god.Yi calls them sexual predators which I dismissed due to the bad blood between them as I saw no evidence, but he is right.What they have done to my little girl, my princess…"With that Yan Tan burst out into tears.

"Do not worry Tan, the police will deal with it.Unless the forensic samples are damaged, DNA testing will determine their role in what happened.Alecia needs you to be there fore her without judgement."

"What I have observed is she currently sees my brother as her biggest support., and he does not judge her.They seem to have connected.My view, subject to police advice and Alecia's psychologists recommendation would be to get her away from here for a few months.A number of my family members are heading back to Australia tomorrow."

"She could go and study for a term of two in Australia, attending one of the private schools in Warrnambool.There she will have my family there to protect her, so you do not have to worry.Yi and I have started to purchase a large farm that my brothers will run near Warrnambool and she could live with them while she attends school.James will be nearby for support.Importantly it gets her away so she will feel safe while the legal processes work their way through, somewhere that she wants to visit."

"It would mean that she would miss her 17th birthday next week, but if there is going to be a delay, you might be right.She will feel safe.I failed her so much."Anna could hear the heartbreak in Yao Tan's voice.

"Do not think that.If what Yi says about there is true, there is likely many victims, she was not a one-off."

With that Yao Tan and Anna went back into the lounge area to talk to Alecia and James about the suggestion.Alecia was excited but she knew that it was subject to the police's view and her psychologist.

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