Offer To The CEO

Chapter 350: The extent of wickedness - Part 5

350 The extent of wickedness - Part 5

Thursday continued ….

On being shown into the lounge area the three polices officers introduced themselves, and sat down where indicated.Once introductions where completed, one officer removed a recording device from their pocket and commenced the formal interview, with the offices present indicating their names.

"We are at the apartment of Hou Yi and his wife Anna, for the purposes of interviewing Miss Yao Xiyae…"

"I hate that name, please call me Alecia."

"With Yao Alecia.Miss Alecia, as you are under eighteen before we can talk to you we need the permission of your parents for us to speak to you."

Yao Tan interrupted, stating "I am her father, Yao Tan.I give her permission for her to be spoken to by the police."

"Mr Yao, we need the permission of your wife."

"My wife is Alecia's step-mother, and is in the process of formally adopting my children."

"Mr Yao, we need to speak to Miss Alecia's mother directly to obtain her permission."

"When Alecia and her brothers were three weeks old their mother surrendered all parental rights to me.When this occurred I provided a copy of that to the police station."

"Fine.Can everyone present please identify themselves for the recording?"

Anna went first "I am Anna Jones.My husband is Hou Enterprises CEO, Hou Yi.This interview is occurring in our apartment.I am a qualified lawyer in Australia.At Alecia's request, and with the permission of her father and step-mother, I am here to support her and if necessary step in for the purposes of her obtaining legal advice.Her father does not want to be present during the interview, but will be in my husband's study if required."

Yao Tan responded "That is correct, and I am going now."He knew, despite the elapse of six months since his little girl was assaulted he would not be able to be present during the interview. He headed to Hou YI's study and started making the calls he needed to make.

They turned to James and asked "And you are?"

Anna, seeing the quizzical look on his face, translated the question for James.

"Apologies.As I only speak English I did not understand your question.I am James Jones, and a qualified nurse.I am also a close friend of Alecia and despite only speaking English Alecia has asked for me to be present also, in case she needs additional help."

One officer understood English, and responded "Mr Jones, we do not simply allow support persons in interviews.Madam Hou, has a role here to provide legal advice, otherwise we only allow family to be present."

Alecia was absolutely certain that she needed James with her.He was not judgemental, and made her feel safe, so in English she jumped in and said "But you would allow my boyfriend to stay, if he was over eighteen in the absence of my parents, would you?"

"Miss Alecia, we would, but he did not say that is who he was."

"Well I am telling you he is, so he is staying," quickly stated Alecia.

Anna looked at James and rolled her eyes.She knew James should not get involved and yet Alecia was already calling him her boyfriend.Yao Tan would kill her for this.Alecia already with tears coming from her eyes moved over and sat beside James, who started to rub her arms and say "It will be OK."

The police quickly and quietly spoke among themselves.The observed, regardless or not James was Alecia's boyfriend, he could comfort and support her which would be needed for this interview., and that was going to be important.

In English, the officer indicated "Mr Jones you can stay, but please do not speak."

"Miss Alecia, can you tell us what happened at the charity event you attended six months ago?"

"The date of 28 December is burned on my mind.My father allowed me to attend my first charity event at the Key Plaza Hotel, despite having let my brothers attend such events for almost two years.Before we arrived, dad extracted a promise that I would not disappear out of his sight with someone neither he or my brother's knew.Soon after we arrived, Dad quickly go distracted talking to business associates."

"I stopped and talked to some school friends who were there with their parents.After a while, I found the room stuffy, and stepped outside the ballroom.The balcony had steps that let into the gardens, and I could see Dad and my brothers inside the ballroom, while I cooled off."

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