Offer To The CEO

Chapter 345: Girls Night Out - Part 11

345 Girls Night Out - Part 11

Wednesday, continued …

Before Anna could say anything further the waiting staff brought in everyone's main meals and Alecia moved slightly away from Anna.

Amanda noted this, and decided once she had finished her meal, she would head over and quietly speak to Anna.

Fifteen minutes later, seeing that Alecia was watching the movie Amanda moved over the spea quietly to Anna, and said "She opened up to you?"

Quietly so Alecia would not overhear, Anna responded "She did.She has not let me know who was involved but whoever that b*stard is, he has scared her.There in fact were two who repeatedly raped her, and she believes that she is still open to targeting.She has agreed, with my support to talk to the police and take it further.She knows what that will mean, including naming or giving whatever identifying information on the perpetrators.I am hopeful that I might be able to convince the police to interview her at Yi and my apartment, rather than her having to attend the police station."

"No matter how much her father, brothers and I have talked about it, she has refused to do anything, and yet in one discussion, you had her agree."

"I think she understood that I could put myself in her position, and therefore I have become the one person she can trust."Anna however wondered if that was the only reason,She say Alecia and James looking at each other before they walked away and had this feeling that there was something else there when they came back.The question is what.

"We all have our suspicions on who did this, but until she confirms it nothing can be done."

"Let us stop being morbid and enjoy tonight."

With that all thoughts of what was to come with helping Alecia were put on Hold, and Anna started to get into the movie, and enjoying the night.Even Alecia seemed, to Anna to be more relaxed that she was when they arrived.

While watching the movie, Alecia sat contemplating things.She knew what she had agreed to with Anna, after having listened to and taken on board James' advice.It scared her talking about what happened to the police, but she knew Anna was right she had to deal with it.

The problem was, what would James think, would he run in the other direction, would he refuse to ever talk to her again, once he knew what happened.That was more terrifying for her than anything else.She knew James, would be important in her life, the question is what would that be.Would he ever come back here or would she have the opportunity to spend time with him in Australia.

It then crossed her mind, did he have a girlfriend, that would be crushing.That would, for her take away the reason to go forward, knowing there was potentially something in the future.That made it definite, she needed to talk to James, so she pulled out her phone and sent him a text message 'Took your advice and spoke to Anna.Still out, but I need to talk to you later.'

Within a minute, she received a response 'Call me when ever.We need to talk, but enjoy yourself.'

That message for Alecia, gave her hope.He did want to talk, but what was that as, a friend or the potential for something more?Would she have the opportunity to find this out snatched away, before she could see what happened?

Not long after 10pm, Anna started to feel over tired, and everyone agreed to end what, even for Alecia had been a good night out with the girls, before getting ready to head back to the Hou Ancestral home.

Rebecca and Rosemary where their usual selves with a girls night out particularly given they were not paying for drinks.Totally drunk.Anna, before they left the room she took out her camera and sneakily took a couple of photos.Rebecca, noticed a flash with the last photo Anna took and said "What in the world!"

"Blackmail dear sister.You two know what Adam and Ben said, and if you want to try and cause issues for me with them, I have the evidence you broke a promise to them about not getting drunk on a girls night out."

Rosemary, on hearing that turned around "You better delete that, or I will tell ..."

"Ever heard of patient confidentiality Rosemary?"

Laughingly, realising that she was not going to win the argument Rosemary responded "Just you wait, I will get my revenge, and you better not thing about using that photo."Anna just responded with a laugh.

In the trip back to the Hou Ancestral Home they chatted among themselves, Alecia struggling to totally get involved in the conversation.When they arrived there, Amanda and Alecia climbed into the waiting car to take them home, with Anna promising to call Alecia tomorrow, after everything was sorted.Amanda indicated that she would message Anna the number.

Anna, took her time to head back to their room and found Hou Yi sitting on a couch reading business papers.When he looked up he noticed that it was Anna entering their room, so he quickly put his papers back into his breifcase, and closed it.He noticed that Anna was exhausted so he grabbed her a nightdress and helped her change before settling her into bed before changing into pajamas himself and climbing into bed himself.As he turned off the lamp on his side of the bed, he bent over Anna to give her a brief kiss.However, for Anna there was no way that she was going to let Hou Yi move away before they spent some time kissing.

When eventually, Anna pulled away Hou Yi heard a sigh that immediately alerted him to the fact that something was on Anna's mind."What is wrong?"

"Yi, you idiot.Neither you, Amanda or that friend of yours Yan Tan felt able to tell me about his children."

"Anna, they are not a secret.I can only applaud him, as when they were born he stepped up for them, sacrificing his dreams.Despite having known for seven or eight years he wanted to marry Amanda, he even delayed that for their sake.It took a lot for him to be convinced to even marry her given it was what they both wanted.The children helped that happen, particularly Alecia."

"Speaking of Alecia, she is messed up with what happened to her.She talked to me somewhat about it tonight."

"Her father and I suspect that he b*stard who did this was Lu Jinhu, because her was there and was seen talking to her on the balcony after being told by her brothers earlier in the night and Tan during a business meeting earlier in the day where to do.We think he wanted revenge, but do not know who else might have been involved.She will not talk about what happened to her"

"After talking to me, I have got her to agree to talk to the police tomorrow, but she needs safety so I want to try and have that happen at our apartment."With a pause in a sweet helpless voice Anna continued "Could you contact Officer Mu, and see if someone that he trusts to deal with a vulnerable, victim of s*xual assault like Alecia, could come to the apartment to talk to her.I hate asking him for help, but he has shown that he is trustworthy."

"Leave it with me, but promise me that other than that you will spend the day with your family?"

"I will."

With that Hou Yi and Anna, settled themselves into each other's arms and drifted off to sleep.

Meanwhile, on arriving back at the family apartment with Amanda, Alecia ran into her room and locked her bedroom door behind her.As soon as she could she puled out her phone and called James, letting him know she talked to Anna, and asked for his help in the tomorrow, when with Anna's help she talked to the police.

After James' promise, they simply talked on the phone for over forty-five, until James told her that she needed to have a long sleep as tomorrow will be challenging for her.

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