Offer To The CEO

Chapter 337: Girls Night Out - Part 3

337 Girls Night Out - Part 3

Wednesday, continued …

Hou Yi continued in talking to Yao Tan."For blackmail purposes only.He wanted to try and blackmail me into handing him everything, claiming he has photographs and footage of Anna engaged in illegal and immoral activities.CEO Lu is full of it."

"Do you know all he had as a photo and video clip from when Anna was a teenager at university.

And he thinks that I was dumb enough not to guess that it would have spy wear embedded in them.

My tech department are already dealing with that.However he is dumping his son in it, claiming he has a recently supplied photograph that is ore damning.That will be faked."

"But, we all need to be careful as he decided he needed to threaten you and me and or families, as well as the other companies that have decided no to deal with Lu Corporation.A desperate move, but predictable, and the other companies are being informed for their protection.But he admitted something, while trying to blackmail me that I did not know.Remember that car accident that my mother and I were in when I was younger?"

"Yes, it nearly killed her if I remember rightly."

"Well he even admitted to being behind that."

"Oh, that …"

"He did that, as he was not calm and in control.Lu Jinhu is exactly the same."

"He always has been."

"True, my friend.I used that and pushed the tight buttons to get him to overreach and make the statements.Being dumb, he even believed the spy wear he installed would leave no trace of anything happening today.He forgets I am not dumb, and more importantly that I am not as meek and mild that I have appeared recently with everything that has gone on with Anna, particularly at the hands of Lu Jinhu."

"The idiot.We all know that you can ..."

"Plot, plan and scheme with the best of them.I planned ahead for the meeting with him to cover all eventualities.Does he not get that there is a correlation with the current growth of Hou Enterprises and my involvement with the company?"

"Yi, he is an idiot.We all know that and he simply relies on the work his father to establish the company, micromanages his senior management team, and simply tries to buy their way into things.I would guess that there has not been a new idea come from Lu Corporation for five or six years."

"True, Tan.You and I understand modern business practices.We establish frameworks for what we need, have our involvement when required but trust the senior management team around us and those who are subordinate to them.He does not, and thinks everyone owes him.Those are his failings, and that is the pressure points, with your help mind you, that was pressed, and he could not deal with it."

"Any idea what the police will do?"

"Alister Nang is on the case from our end, but I would suspect given he will be charged with attempted blackmail, and aiding his son breaching the restraining order, they will bail him in the next 24 or so hours, with a court case months away.You and I both know, court cases only go quick when people are kept in police custody, as there are not places to really hold them for any length of time."

"What Alister has explained to me is that when someone is in police custody they must be brought before the court within 24 hours of being arrested , unless it is a weekend, when it is by 12pm on the Monday and the case unless complex of being contested has to be finished within two months.Those they release after charge simply must wait until called to court unless there is someone else involved in the matter in custody.That simply means we will have to be careful, but let the girls have a fun night tonight."

"Fine, but I am sending another 6 bodyguards to protect my wife and daughter."

"You know my bodyguards will panic, but I guess they will have to deal with it.I understand from Anna that they are to meet at the Hou Ancestral home before heading out.Maybe sugest to Amanda that they get there between 6pm to 6:30pm."

"Fine.Keep me updated with what is happening regarding the police, but are you ready for Monday?"

"All ready.I have picked out two staff to be our two top executives within the collaboration."The conversion drifted off into more mundane business matters.

Hou Ancestral Home

Anna, despite the time of day, arrived back at the Ancestral home within twenty minutes of leaving the apartment, when it should have taken at least thirty-five minutes, but she was not complaining.Being inside and off her leg was what she needed.The bodyguards not only helped her inside, but carried the bag.She was met inside the door, by Rosemary and Rebecca.

Rebecca, however, could not wait "What is this I hear about tonight?"

"Yi has organised a girl's night out for us, my friend Amanda, and one other person.Meal, and a movie, as I cannot do much with this case on my leg."

"Party Pooper, you could have watched us, and gotten drunk."

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