Offer To The CEO

Chapter 334: Setting and Springing the Trap - Part 7

334 Setting and Springing the Trap - Part 7

Wednesday, continued …

Officer Mu decided enough was enough "CEO Lu, I am Officer Mu from the police.You are under arrest for attempted blackmail, and aiding and abetting your son in breaching the restraining order against him, through disemmanting images via mobile communications involving Madam Hou.I have to warn …."

"No damn way, you cannot arrest me, he is the one that you have to arrest.I was promised that the arrests I wanted would happen."

"CEO Lu as I said you are under arrest, and any statements that you make will be used against you …"

"The Senior officer I spoke to you did not send you.S*it."

CEO Lu, started to reach for a gun that he knew his closest bodyguard had in his jacket and was legally carrying, however before he could obtain it, Officer Mu had got to CEO Lu, and was putting the handcuffs on.CEO Lu's bodyguards realied what was happening to their boss, and decided that they had to prevent his arrest, and they moved and pulled Officer Mu away.

Hou Yi's group of bodyguards, and the other police officers observing this revealed themselves, and came in and started to restrain CEO Lu's bodyguards, and helped Officer Mu complete the arrest of CEO Lu, before moving him into the police car that was driven to the gate.Officer Mu paused before turning around and briefly speaking "CEO Hou, that was dangerous, but thank you.I will be in contact to get a statement in the next few days."

"Not a problem."

As Officer Mu left, Hou Yi turned around and looked at the bodyguards, saying "Where is my wife?"

"At the apartment sir."

"Let us get there but call the ancestral home and let them know that the main danger has passed, but we will need to be careful.

Hou Yi knew that he needed to turn and call his wife telling her what had happened since she left his office.Rather than, using his existing phone, as he knew the tech staff had to go through and remove all the bugs that he was certain Lu Corporation had installed through the images that CEO Lu had sent.He therefore pulled out the second phone, and dialed Anna's phone.

"Hello?"questioned Anna.

"Hi Sweetheart"

"Yi" came the surprised response from Anna."But that is not your number you are calling from."

"Apologise I had to switch phones.As you left I realised such bland images were being used to install spying software on my phone.I will be getting the tech staff to clean the phone before I use it.They will divert all calls to this number as a temporary measure."

"What in the world is going on?The bodyguards have me so worried, when they hurried me here to the apartment and then the security staff here had me surrounded with weapons drawn."

"After you left I had a second call, upping the pressure on the blackmail.Given CEO Lu wanted a face-to-face meeting, I believed that he was going to go after, at least you and me, and potentially the rest of the family.I told the bodyguards ensure that, until at least he was initially dealt with, everyone was safe.That meant getting people to secure locations, of either my office, the apartment or the ancestral home, where we have complete control."

"I guessed that there was some threat, and given the conversation with Yao Tan, I had the bodyguards ensure that Amanda was safe as well.Damn it, I better tell the bodyguards at the office it is safe, and Amanda can go."

"Hang on a moment."With that Hou Yi motioned to a bodyguard, and told him to let the bodyguards at the office, that it was safe for Amanda Mei to be let out of his office, and asked that she call Anna in about ten minutes, and she would explain what was happening.

"Anna, the bodyguards with me will see to that, and I asked them to tell Amanda to call you in ten minutes.I will call Yao Tan and let him know what happened."

"Yi, you have me worried, what happened?"

"To cut a long story short, CEO Lu wanted a face to face meeting, and we agreed on a location and terms.I knew he would not abide by that, so I had additional guards follow me for safety, and contacted Officer Mu, who with a few other offices he trusted, agreed also to come to the location."

"I baited him a little, and he repeated his blackmail attempts a couple of occasions, and admitted to a couple of other things.Office Mu and the other police officers heard that, and he has been arrested for attempted blackmail and apparently some photos Lu Jinhu gave him recently so breaching the restraining order."

"Damn it, I thought that idiot was out of our lives."

"Sweetheart, he will never be out of our lives.I actually have to thank him for being the, lets be polite, idiot he was, otherwise we would not be married and expecting."

"I never thought of it like that."

"Well, I have.His actions have gotten us here.Yes, he hurt you during your relationship and after you split, had me to the point that I was ready to kill him for what he has done to you, but when it boils down to it, him bring you here and dumping you meant that we could get married, and get to where we are now."

"Yi …"

"You still for going out with the girls?"

"Absolutely, but …"

"I will make sure there are additional guards with you.Now get yourself home, and a car will be there to pick you, Rosemary and Rebecca up in a few hours.I should get back before you leave.I love you."

"I love you too."And with that Anna ended the call.

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