Offer To The CEO

Chapter 321: Three weeks pregnan

321 Three weeks pregnan


Anna, stirred as Hou Yi started to move out of the bed.She turned her head and said "Yi, do not disappear …"

Hou Yi lent over and gave Anna a kiss, which she was determined that he was not going to break away from easily.Anna, took his face in her two hands, and quickly deepened the kiss, and it became more and more passionate.

With much reluctance, Hou Yi eventually, but highly reluctantly pulled back, before in a husky voice "Sweetheart, it is 7am.I need to get moving into the office.I know your review appointment is noon at the hospital and I will see you then."

Anna reached up and pulled his head back down before giving him another deeply passionate kiss.As she pulled away she smiled and said "Yi, I love you, but do not think I will simply let you slip away without …"

"Us indulging in something."

"That is low Yi, you know how much I want to, but we cannot do what we really want until .."

"I know.Hopefully the doctors might change their mind today."Before Anna could react Hou Yi move off the bed and went in to have his shower.As he came back into the bedroom, he moved back to the bed, and gave Anna another kiss, before carefully helping her to settle back into the pillows and exiting the room

Twenty minutes later Rosemary came in and escorted Anna into the bathroom to get ready for the day.She then, in James absence, started her on the first repetition of the exercises assigned to her.Once she was satisfied, she picked up Anna's handbag and followed her to the breakfast room, where Anna joined everyone for a leisurely breakfast.

Anna, after breakfast decided that she needed to check her text messages, and found a message from the tailors that they would like everyone there for a fitting today.She knew, that disturbing Hou Yi, had a busy morning to come and join her at the hospital for the review appointment, and dismissed calling Amanda and Yao Tan, but knew that the fitting for everyone else had to be achieved before they left.

While the children were enjoying themselves in the garden, Anna turned to Rosemary, Rachael, James, Du AnLing and Leng Xi "I had not realised there was a message from the tailors wanting to do a fitting today for everyone.What about we go to M Mall, before I have to go to the hospital, and get this over with, so that I can spend as much time with you all over the next few days."

With a nod of heads, Du AnLing stood up, and all Anna could thing was that she went and made arrangements for a number of cars to take the to M Mall.

Just after 11 am, Anna, having gone through her own preliminary fitting started to worry about having to talk to the tailor about alterations given her pregnancy, but at the same time did not want many people to know what was happening.Given Rosemary was coming to the hospital with her, the tailors did her final fitting first, so that they could leave everyone else there for their final fittings.

As they arrived with ten minutes to spare, Anna called Hou Yi and found out that he would be only a couple of minutes so they remained waiting in the reception area, before going upstairs ti the VIP level for her review appointment.

Anna however was surprised when the only tests that she had to have done were some blood test, and an X-ray.When Anna returned to Dr Lang's office it was not long before the X-Ray results were through.Surprisingly it revealed that Anna's leg, despite the trauma it had been through was healing remarkably well.

Dr Lang indicated that, provided Anna promised not to over-do things, and continued to move with the aid of crutches she could have a walking cast, and that they would only need to do one more X-Ray in a couple of weeks to determine when the case would be removed finally.The only catch was that it would require three physiotherapy sessions a week, with the promise to do the exercises given each day.That was an easy promise for Anna to make.

Dr Lang, also revealed that other this and one final visit for her leg, she otherwise would be seeing the Obstetrician for her pregnancy.

Rosemary, however could not help herself and indicated that she would be back for the birth of the baby, and be the midwife in charge of her sister's care.Anna, however could not help but laugh at the argument that ensued as to her ability to do this.

As the appointment was ending Hou Yi started to excuse himself, and Anna, took one look at his face, and realised that he had something going on."Yi, I need to talk to you, so I will travel with you back to the office, while Rosemary heads back to the Ancestral home.You can send me home from there."

Hou Yi was about to refuse Anna's request, but the look in her eyes made him realise that it would be better if he spoke to her about what he had been doing over the last three weeks."Are you OK with this Rosemary?" He asked

"Go Yi before I change my mind."

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