Offer To The CEO

Chapter 308: The Press Conference regarding Du XuXu - Part 4

308 The Press Conference regarding Du XuXu - Part 4

Monday, continued …

Anna still continued to provide the narrative to the press about the information they would be giving them."Due to this bitter breakup, which occurred on the day that Du XuXu claimed that my husband slept with her and she fell pregnant my husband refused spend time even at the Cona Plaza Hotel before his flight to Europe for a conference at about 3am the following morning."

"My husband directly went to the and through immigration and remained on the Hou Enterprises Jet until they were given an earlier departure slot at 10:30pm.In the materials that will be provided there are statements from the flight crew that confirm the arrival and departure of the Hou Enterprises jet.That is supported by the flight records obtained from City A's airport."

"These statements confirm that after he arrived my husband did not depart the jet.The immigration statement, also provided confirms that my husband's and the flight crew's passports were only processed once for departure on the relevant day, around 5pm."

"On the other end of the journey, we also have confirmation from French Immigration as to the time that my husband was processed through their immigration services when the Hou Enterprises Jet arrived in Paris"

"We have also been able to obtain confirmation from the Cona Plaza Hotel that there was no sighting of my husband on the day in question, when Du XuXu alleged that they had their s*xual encounter."

"While the Cona Plaza Hotel are not willing to make available their CCTV footage to protect other patrons privacy to the media they did arrange for four separate people to view the footage separately and each of them confirmed that there was no citing of my husband, but each were able to track the movements of Du XuXu in the hotel, including her entry into the room and exit, but also could not confirm who was in the room.There are statements from each of these persons confirming this as well in the material you will be provided."

"Just over four weeks later it became known by Doctor and Madam Du, that Du XuXu was pregnant, and Doctor Du had this pregnancy confirmed by a fellow Doctor.When the spoke to her about being pregnant she claimed that my husband was the father of her child.They did not speak directly to my husband, but initially spoke to his parents about their daughter's statements."

"My parents-in-law, made it clear that it in fact the statement were true that they would ensure that my husband would marry their daughter and provide for their child.When my parents-in-law confronted my husband about the allegation, of course he denied this, and asked for his parents to arrange with Doctor and Madam Du for a family meeting, at which he would provide the information that would prove the allegations false."

"This family meeting was held a week later, and my husband had been provided with a copy of the CCTV footage from the Cona Plaza Hotel on the condition he returned it to them.The footage did not show him on the day entering the hotel, but they were able to clearly track Du XuXu;'s movements in the hotel."

"He also provided them with the flight details, an information that could confirm other times in the relevant period where Du XuXu could have fallen pregnant that accounted for his movements.With this information Doctor and Madam Du were satisfied that he was not the father of the child.More importantly this information clearly indicated Du XuXu spent a couple of hours in a hotel bar getting drunk before being assisted towards the room.It also showed someone hidden entering and exiting the room a number of hours later."

"Du XuXu despite being confronted about the fact that it was impossible to have been my husband in the room, was insistent that it was him.Eventually, to satisfy her, it was agreed that when the baby was born that there would be a DNA test, and she agreed to accept that the tests showed."

"However, Du XuXu miscarried at eighteen weeks.Her miscarriage started in the family home, and despite Doctor Du being present he was not able to prevent the miscarriage.When the fetus was removed Doctor Du made arrangements for supervised DNA samples to be taken from the fetus and Du XuXu, and the fetus sample was run against that of my husband.:

"Six separate reputable DNA testing laboratories from around the world, including one in Australia that I an quite familiar with and can clearly say that their results are trustworthy, all performed analysis on the samples, that confirmed Du XuXu was the child's mother but my husband was not the father of the child."

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