Offer To The CEO

Chapter 296: The Confession - Part 1

296 The Confession - Part 1

Monday, continued …

On returning to their suite Hou Yi helped Anna back into the bed, before moving the chair away.

Anna removed her dressing gown and threw it aside, with Hou YI doing the same before climbing into bed himself.Hou Yi leaned over, giving Anna a passionate kiss.

However, as he started to pull back, Anna quickly reached up and pulled his head back down for another kiss, which only ended when both of them were gasping for air.For Anna, the kiss was a little taste of heaven.

Despite not being able to take thing further, both because of her injury and pregnancy, she knew that this was the time to say something.Not telling him that she loved him, was eating her up inside.Anna was certain it was a love that last a lifetime.

Anna was certain that there was no time like the present to tell Hou Yi how she felt.If she did not, she would regret it, and that is what she did not want.Whether or not Hou Yi replied he loved her did not matter at this exact moment.

To prevent Hou Yi moving away, Anna placed her hand on his arm and quietly said "Yi, we need to talk about something, and I have been putting it off for some time."

Those few words filled Hou Yi with dread.She was going to tell him she would abort their child and end their marriage.That was the last thing he wanted, and wanted to tell her how he really felt.He recalled Phillipa's advice to him, Anna had to dictate their relationship.He just hoped she would not completely shatter him.

As he turned Hou Yi took a couple of deep breaths, and as he looked at her responded "Yes Anna?"

"Yi, I have …"Anna started, and drifted off.

Hou Yi noticed how nervous Anna was.That gave him some hope that what she was about to confess would be positive, but he knew he could not get his hopes up in case what she said shattered his dreams.He lent over giving Anna a quick, passionate kiss to calm her down.

As he pulled back, "Anna, do not be nervous, just let me know what you need to tell me."

Those words, gave Anna all the confidence that Hou Yi would cope with what she would say.After a deep breath Anna said, "Yi, I have to confess something."She then paused, and the silence in the room was almost stifling.

Hou Yi quietly and gently said "Do not be nervous, simply tell me what you need to say.I will support you regardless of what you say."

Hou Yi's tone, words and the intent look on his face made her confident.It was now or never.She could not keep stalling, as it was hurting her, and would end up hurting Hou Yi as well.

With one more deep breath, so that she knew that she could cope with the response "Yi, please do not feel that you have to tell me anything in response.I have to tell you that I am deeply in love with you.I never intended it, and I know that you never expected it from me, but I cannot keep going without having told you the truth about how I feel."

Hou Yi heard the words that came from Anna, and he could not believe what he was hearing.Did she say that she loved him?He looked in Anna's eyes, and realised that he had heard what he heard.His wife, was in love with him.

He never expected it, and could have lived whatever married life fate gave them without it happening but it happened.He realised that Anna was waiting for him to say something.All bets were now off, and he was going to ignore everything that Phillipa had told him, and tell her how he felt.

"Sweetheart.You do not know how much those words mean to me.I knew, when I saw you in passing at ANX that I had met the love of my life.Whatever place you had in my life, even though I wanted this, was always going to be enough to sustain me.Fate brought you crashing into my life five weeks ago resulting in us marrying.I thought my dreams had come true, but your words have made everything perfect for me."

With that he leaned over and kissed her, and in between kissing Anna he kept saying "I Love you."

That broke the barriers for Anna and she in between kisses kept saying the same words "I Love you."

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