Offer To The CEO

Chapter 294: The Plan to deal with Du XuXu - Part 1

294 The Plan to deal with Du XuXu - Part 1

Monday, continued …

"Yi, come on I was kidding."Du AnLing paused, and then continued "In fact we have something more important to talk about, and we have avoided it for a week."

"Mother it is quarter to five in the morning, it is not the best time."

"Yi, no avoiding it.Help your wife onto the couch so you can talk to your father and I, while everyone else heads off to bed."

Anna realised that there was going to be no argument with her mother-in-law given the tone of her voice.They needed to discuss the issue of Du XuXu.She grabbed Hou Yi's hand and pulled his head down, and whispered "Let us just get this over with before heading back to bed for a little while."With that she gave him a quick kiss that hinted at more to come.

Hou Yi moved the wheelchair over near the couch, and carefully lifted Anna out, and sat down on the couch with her across him, resting the cast on the couch.

Hou Jang, first spoke "We were finally able to get through to Du XuXu's parents on Wednesday.They had taken their phones off the hook to prevent harassment from the press.We put them into contact with an independent Public relations firm that helped them put together and release the information, which confirmed what you had told them in the press release."

"The problem for them is that despite all their efforts they cannot contact Du XuXu.They sent me a text yesterday, that the sanitarium finally confirmed that she left the sanitarium Friday last week, so has been without her anti-psychotic medication since then.I sent the plane straight away to pick them up, so they can come here and try and find her."

"Damn.Given how obsessed that she was when she was admitted …"

"Yi, what do you mean?"

"Sorry, Anna I did not want to have to tell you.When Du XuXu was admitted to the Sanitarium after her miscarriage, according to her doctors her delusions of still being pregnant, and that she and I were married were so bad, that she had to have significant treatment to stabilise her.They gave whatever the psychiatric condition was a name, but she needed heavy anti-psychotic medications to control her behaviour and stabilise her."

"It was only three months ago that they finally stabilised her condition to the point that she somewhat accepted reality.The thing was her family and us knew that is she was off her medication for more than three or four days, she would revert to her pre-medication delusional state."

"They told me, that anyone around me would be at risk.She would see them as a threat to, in her mind, her relationship and marriage to me, and that my parents were the ones who had been keeping them apart."

"Did you not think I needed to know, especially in the circumstances,"said Anna quietly fearing for not only herself but her pregnancy.

"Anna, I only just found out that she was off her medication, and you know that I would not deliberately risk you and …"

Hou Jang interrupted "What do you mean about the circumstances?What in the world is going on?"

Hou Yi and Anna looked at each other in the eyes.Anna telling Hou Yi that they needed to tell his parents, and Hou Yi nodding to let Anna know he got her message.He leaned over, and gently kissed Anna on the lips, and after he pulled back from the kiss, and gently leant his head on hers he asked "Are you sure we should tell them?"

Anna quietly could only respond, "They need to know and understand in the circumstances."She then manoeuvred her head so she could give him a brief kiss.

"Mum, Dad, we found out on Wednesday as a result of the tests that Anna went through that she is in the early stages of pregnancy.They say less than 4 weeks."

Du AnLing let out a squeal of delight.

"Mum, calm down.You cannot tell anyone.The first trimester of a pregnancy is the riskiest one, where the most can happen.Plus the specialists are not certain that the assault on Anna caused irreparable damage to the baby."

"We have to wait about six to eight weeks before the various tests can be conducted to determine if there are any issues.The only person outside the treating team at the hospital that knows about the pregnancy, besides us and now you is Rosemary, and that is because she is a trained midwife, so her advice can help us."

Anna decided that she needed to add something "And that means no baby clothes or present shopping, until we tell everyone, OK."

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