Offer To The CEO

Chapter 292: Hurry Up weekend - Part 6

292 Hurry Up weekend - Part 6

Friday, continued …

Hou Yi realised that Anna was fuming, and wanted the battle that she was about to engage in with Director Su, so he decided to let her go.

"Director Su, you are starting to p*ss me off.While I was angry before I was ready to apologise for snapping at you.But you have been told a number of times already that it is Madam Yao.Plus how dare you insult me."

"And by the way, Madam Yao is a supervisor.She replaced Supervisor An, who sold company secrets to the former Vice-CEO of Lu Corporation, Lu Jinhu.I seriously question your loyalty to the company, you seem more concerned about your control over the legal department than the company, and only interested in the opinions of those immediately under you who you control."

"You do not interact with anyone else, hence people like Madam Yao have not had contact with you.How can you run a legal department like that.At ANX the senior partners made the effort to know the about 60 lawyers employed there plus over 100 support staff.I spoke to senior partners who were not in my line of responsibility at least one a week."

"I want an immediate answer.What is important, the outcome for the company or having the department as you desire?"

"Madam Hou, you should not ask me such a question."

"Well I guess I have my answer, the company is not your top priority, it is you."Turning to Hou Yi "Yi, can you speak to the head of Human Resources, about terminating Director Su's employment here, as he is not loyal to the company.And I would guess as soon as he finishes he looses his position as a director."

"I will."

"But CEO Hou, you know I am loyal to the company and I have served here for over twenty years, including loyal service to your father."

"Director Su, you were asked to explain what was the most important thing.The answer should have been simply.I have no confidence in you as head of the legal department.Until a new head can be recruited your temporary replacement will be your deputy.You are removed effective today.You position as a company director will be taken by the Human Resources director.I will, however due to your service allow you to remain as a supervisor in the legal department."

"However if I determine that you are not completely loyal to the company you will be terminated immediately.In consideration for your immediate termination you will be given a generous retirement package given you have been a company director.You also should remember when you signed your contract as the Legal Department Director, you agreed that even if you were removed you could not work for any company directly or indirectly a company or a firm that acts for a company that competes with Hou Enterprises."

Director Su, knew that he was gone.The only way that he could salvage anything was to remain within Hou Enterprises, so he had to swallow his pride."I will remain CEO Hou, as you have indicated.Do you want me to inform my deputy about his new role?"

"Yes Director Su.but make it clear that it is a temporary position.This will be an open recruitment process where internal and external applicants can apply.Your Deputy is quite able to apply for the position, in the same process as all other applicants."

Hou Yi paused, before then continued "We have been sidetracked.Director Su I have heard your position, and read your report as to the reasons for the return to the previous arrangement.However we will leave the department the way it is before judging if the remodelling has been successful for the outcome for the company.We will also speak throughout the review process to staff members for their feedback.If all the evidence shows the outcomes are worse for the company we will the revert back to the previous arrangements. Any opinions?"

"CEO Hou my concern has been was that it was imposed without departmental consultation.That has been my issue.If I had been consulted, my senior managers would quite quickly have found out the views of the department and I would have been comfortable with the decision."

"Former Director Su, the decision is not being changed.It is a decision that is within my powers, and if at the end of the process I am proven to be wrong I will be apologising to the board.However the company has nothing to lose in this trial, and I believe the long term benefits will out weight the cons.Now the meeting is finished.For those who want, in the small dining room there is a light post board meeting meal, however my wife and I will be leaving you, and other that Director Su, gentlemen we will see you at the next meeting."

Before Hou Yi rolled Anna out of the room, Amanda came over and gave her a brief kiss on the cheek, and whispered "I will call you over the weekend."

Anna responded "Amanda, you and that husband of yours have not had a honeymoon, enjoy the weekend, and I will talk to you next week."

With that Hou Yi and Anna left the board room, and one of the bodyguards, at Hou Yi's direction collected their belongings from his office.Anna, decided that she needed more time on her crutches, so she, when they came out of Hou Yi's office with help got out and up onto them to leave the building, and return home to the Ancestral Home, for a quiet weekend together until the family return.Hou Yi whispered on the trip home that he had a number of prospectuses for various villas for them to look at building this weekend.

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