Offer To The CEO

Chapter 286: Getting Advice

286 Getting Advice

Thursday Morning

As it was around midnight before Anna was settled into bed, Hou Yi eased himself out of bed and quietly got ready.He noticed as he was about to leave the suite Anna was still asleep so he gave her a gentle kiss, not waking her, before heading to the breakfast room, where he was greeted by all of Anna's family, and his parents.

Immediately his mother said "Where is Anna?"

"She is still asleep, as we did not get back until around midnight.I have to be in the office all day, and I figured she could sleep as long as she needs.So I can finalise everything for the Hong Kong trip, what time do you want to depart?You have tickets for Ocean Park on Saturday, and Disneyland on Sunday.Friday night you stay at the Marriott and Saturday at the Disneyland Hotel, with a room to use all day before you leave.The flight back is late Sunday.The doctor told me Anna cannot fly, and I have wall to wall meetings today and tomorrow.It does not worry us about not going, and we want you to have fun."

Rosemary responded "But we are here for Anna."

"Rosemary, Anna and I have spoken and we want everyone to go and have fun.We can do this again in the future with everyone."

Du AnLing spoke "Well lets go early, so that we can hit markets and the like during the day and then have dinner on Victoria Peak Friday night, before Ocean Park."

"Thank you mother.I will arrange one of the jets to be available for a 9am departure.That will mean, you need to get away from here by 7:30am, and guides available to escort you around Hong Kong tomorrow."

Hou Yi's grandfather interrupted before Hou Yi could say anything "Your grandmother, myself, parents and Aunt all are going, grandson.We all worked out we need to know what is there so that when you and Anna have children we have ideas what is around so we know what we can do with them and spoil them.It has been fun with so far this week, as we have learnt how much is around already here."

"Fine, Assistant Wang earlier in the week made a series of bookings, I'll have him confirm everything."

Hou Yi raced through breakfast, while everyone else was having a leisurely meal.As he stood to leave he said "Rosemary, could I have a quiet word"

Rosemary followed Hou Yi out into the lounge room "I need your promise that you will not say anything of what I am about to say to anyone, can you do that?"

"Yi you are scaring me, but I will give you that promise."

"We found out yesterday afternoon late, Anna is pregnant.The doctor said, as you are a qualified midwife you could tell us what we need to do and cannot do, and what Anna can and cannot eat.Can you let Anna know, and write it down for me."

"Yi, and you expect me not to tell the family."

"Rosemary, they think she is 2-3 weeks pregnant which is why the fetus survived the attack, and …"

"I know, in the first trimester there can be lots of problems so you do not want to get hopes up."

"Plus they are not certain if the baby was not severely hurt from the assault, so we have that added concern."

"OK, I can get that, but you have to promise me as soon as you get the OK that I can tell everyone, and more importantly I will be here for the birth and I am going to be her midwife."

"Only if she wants it."

"Now get going, I will see to Anna and have that talk.Do not worry."

As he left the Ancestral Home Hou Yi telephoned Assistant Wang with the final arrangements for the weekend he needed to make, and to call one company jet back from Europe in case it was needed over the weekend, and to send an email to apologise to the European executives for this.The one thing he could not really tell anyone is that the short hall jets were being used to help ferry other company executives for meetings about dealing with Lu Corporation

Rosemary sat in a chair beside Anna waiting for her to wake.Once she had Anna in the shower, she turned and said "Yi told me, so congratulations sister.Once we have done your rehabilitation exercises, the midwife here will sit with you and talk quietly about the does and don't's with your pregnancy."

Once Anna was ready, she and Rosemary followed Rosemary's plan before joining everyone else.

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