Offer To The CEO

Chapter 284: The news

284 The news

Wednesday, continued …

As Hou Yi woke Anna with a Kiss Du AnLing without knocking burst into the room."Mother!" yelled Hou Yi."Do you not understand respecting boundaries?"

"Well darling …" dragged out Du AnLing."I would have, but you left your mobile in the lounge, and that rapscillian friend of yours Yao Tan rang.I do not know why his parents gave up running their company and left it in his hands."

"Mother, he is a respected businessman so …"

"Yi, his parents are good friends and I know all about his issues, and how he raised the triplets.Despite having them, you two in your last year of high school, he lead you into some much trouble.Forget about it.He was querying if you two were going for dinner tonight.I told him you would be there by 7:30pm."She walked over and handed him his phone "and here is your mobile."

As soon as Du AnLing had handed him, his mobile, it started ringing, so he answered it "Hou Yi speaking."

On the other end of the phone was "Dr Lang here."

"Just a moment."With that he turned to Du AnLing "Mother, I need to take this call in private."

"Find, I will go.I have the car ready for you at 6:30pm"With that she turned and left the bedroom.Hou Yi then put the phone on speaker."Dr Lang, we are both here,Do you have some news?"

"CEO and Madam Hou, Congratulations we have a concrete result, you are pregnant Madam Hou.our estimate is two or three weeks, as we could only find small signs in the ultrasound,but nothing to otherwise alarm us.It appears to be pure luck you did not miscarry as a result of the assault.I will arrange for medication you need to start taking Madam Hou."

"Now for some things that you cannot do.No s*xual intercourse until we give you the OK.No alcohol or caffeine, de-caffeinated Coffee and tea is OK.Plenty of fruit and vegetables, no raw meats, they need to be cooked.I am guessing as your sister is a trained midwife, she can go through all the does and don'ts with pregnancy.We will go through multiple things when you come in, in a week, but if there is any questions please do not hesitate to ask."

"Thank you, Dr Lang."

Hou Yi ended the call, and he and Anna simply stared at each other, for a few seconds before looking away.

Hou Yi, stunned, could not believe their luck.His darling survived the assault along with their child that was conceived during the most amazing night and morning of his life.A child he hoped his wife wanted with all his life.He knew it would be her decision to keep it or not, but how much he wanted her to keep it.Looking at her, he wanted to tell her what was in his heart so much, but he knew that despite everything that they had been though, Anna would not except the truth.

He recalled Phillipa's words.what happened had to be Anna's choice.She needed the control that the b**tard Lu Jinhu had denied her in their relationship or she would end up rejecting their relationship.He wanted to share the joy with her, and make sure that everything was perfect in their relationship.Yes, given everything he knew there was a connection, but he had no idea what Anna wanted.

Anna, likewise was stunned.When she looked at Hou Yi. she could see the delight at the news of her pregnancy in his eyes.There was something else there but that she was uncertain of.It was almost if he wanted to say something, but was hesitant to say anything.Anna wanted some sign of his delight at the news of her pregnancy, as she really wanted to tell him about how she felt.

She was as certain of her feelings as she was two weeks earlier.She loved him, and knew that this was more than a passing thing.He was the person that she wanted to spend her life with, and raise children with, and at this moment she wanted to tell him so much.By pure luck she was pregnant, from their one and only time they had spent together.

In some respect she wished that it had been more than that one time, before she fell pregnant, however, she knew at least on her part that the child she was carrying was conceived in love, not lust, and was wanted always.She knew that he cared for her deeply, but did he love her?That she did not know, and with everything she was not willing to risk any rejection.

"Anna, let me help you with getting ready, as we we are joining Yao Tan and Amanda for dinner.A car is arranged for 6:30pm.We can talk later?"

"OK.Do you know why they wanted to have tea?"Anna paused, and Hou Yi realised that he was being teased.

"Come on you are trying to distract me.Do not let you being pregnant as being an excuse for being slow."With that he laughed, but helped her off the bed and into the bathroom to get ready for their dinner.

For Anna her doubts as they got ready drifted away, but she still was uncertain as to whether she should confess how she felt to Hou Yi.

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