Offer To The CEO

Chapter 282: Mid Week Part 4

282 Mid Week Part 4

Wednesday, continued …

With that James helped Anna into the wheelchair, and Hou Yi started to push Anna inside the hospital and James followed.They were met at reception and taken up to the VIP floor and shown into a waiting area to await the specialists.

A hospital nurse came in to take Anna for various tests, and James interrupted, and made it clear that he would be accompanying Anna for these tests.The nurse in shock, looked to Hou Yi.After the last time, all the nursing staff in the VIP area knew better than to argue with someone with CEO and Madam Hou, given how hard the hospital head had come down on them.

"Can I ask who you are"

"A nurse helping to care for …"

Before James could even complete his reply the nurse interrupted him "That is fine Sir.If you would accompany me.I will let you know that not everyone will speak English.Your sister's comprehension and grasp of our language is amazing, so I will try and help translate if needed."

Hou Yi was left on his own, sitting waiting for Anna and James to return from the various tests, which they did an hour later.He occupied his time, returning a number of calls, and working with Assistant Wang to make appointments not only to catch up on everything he had put off in the last two weeks, but to deal with Lu Corporation.The latter was coming along very well.

Hou Yi, however was surprised with general business matters how understanding people had been, and even the contact he had with them before now that how soon he was getting back to business.He was presently surprised that the chairman and CEO of the Japanese company he was negotiating a deal with agreed to travel to continue discussion, and others agreed to conference calls, despite their previous insistence that he had to travel to them in person.

As Anna came in she made sure the chair was right beside Hou Yi, and she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

"How did everything go?"

"The amount of scans and tests is already leaving me drained."


"From what I was allowed to observe with the xrays, the break appears to be mending well, quicker than I would have expected for a break two weeks ago.As I have not seen the originals of the other scans, I cannot tell is there is an improvement."

Just as James finished speaking Dr Lang walked in."CEO and Madam Hou, thank you for coming in, and this is …"

"Dr, my name is James Jones, I am Anna's brother and I am Registered Nurse in Australia.I am in the final weeks of my undergraduate degree which is placement, and my university has agreed in coming over to help care for my sister, I can meet some of my placement requirements."

"Mr Jones, a pleasure.Now, as each of the scans and other tests were done they were sent through to the various specialists, and they have quickly sent through their reports.Madam Hou, the break in your leg has healed much more than we would have expected.The orthopedic team, have decided that we will remove that cast and place a lighter cast on, but until we tell you otherwise you are still not allowed to weight bare on it."

"That decision will be re-assessed next week, but the lighter cast is to make it easier for you to spend more time on crutches.Today we want you using the crutches for at least 3 hours today, and by the time you are back next week for at least 6 hours."

He then turned to James "Mr Jones, there is some rehabilitation work that the Orthopedic team want your sister to do.I will give that to you so you can make sure that she starts that.The Brain scans show nothing that causes and additional concerns but we will monitor that for a few month, as the initial view was the concussion suffered was significant."

Dr Lang paused, "Mr Jones, I understand your background, but the last part that I have to say, I am guessing your sister and brother-in-law will not want you to here, given the location of some of the injuries."

James had a blank look for a few seconds, then he realised that part of Anna's injuries must have been in her stomach area, so it was obvious what the Doctor wanted them to talk about."That is fine. "James exited the room, and stood outside with the bodyguards, waiting until they had finished.

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