Offer To The CEO

Chapter 279: Mid-week - Part 1

279 Mid-week - Part 1


Time flew and before Hou Yi and Anna knew it, it was Wednesday.Anna, luckily despite the cast had been able to spend significant time with her family, while Hou Yi was at the office.He was just grateful that Anna was distracted from what he had already set in motion.

However Wednesday was different, as Anna has her firs post release check-up.Meanwhile, Du AnLing and Leng Xi, were taking Rosemary, Rebecca, Pippa and Hannah to some tourist markets, and Hou Jang arranged with some friends for the other children to have company of their grandchildren.

James went with Hou Yi and Anna to Hou Enterprises as it was closer to the hospital for Anna's review appointment at 11:30am.Anna headed to the Legal Department to talk to Amanda Mei to make arrangements for Jodie to be her temporary assistant for a couple of weeks as she would unlikely be at work when Jodie arrived.As she left Hou Yi's office he and James were passionately debating a project involving medical facilities development in Europe.

As the door opened at the Legal department, the changes were massive.Hou Yi had listened to her, and had the layout changed.Amanda was waiting in the elevator for her.

"Anna, how good to see you.What do you think of the changes."

"It looks Amazing.When did it occur."

"That husband of yours when he came in on the day after you were hurt, came down and told everyone that we would have a paid weeks leave, while there was a rearrangement occurring to the floor layout.Those who had to be here, worked elsewhere within the building.We arrived in on Monday and found this."

"All the qualified lawyers have an office on the outside, and all legal assistants etc are in the middle area.There is an Law Library in one corner, a couple of meeting rooms, and a kitchen where we can have a break or even sit and eat lunch.There is only a couple of people who hate it, because it took away what they thought was there rights.Come on, I will show you to your office."

Anna looked down an noticed a ring on Amanda's finger."Yao Tan, did he propose?"

"Not only that, but because of your husband's promises …"

Anna squealed, and then quietly said "Madam Yao, a pleasure.When did you get your marriage certificate?"

"Monday afternoon, and your husband gave me Monday afternoon and yesterday off."

"That explains his secrecy on a phone call."

As they carefully moved across the floor, Anna realised that they were heading to one of the corner offices.Amanda pulled out a key and opened the door saying "This is your office."As Anna looked around, she noticed on the bookshelf were all her Australian Books, and on her wall was her degree and other qualifications.Amanda, after she had taken it in "Anna, your husband made sure that this office was especially decorated for you."

"It is amazing.Now, tell me why you did not invite me along on Monday?"

"Tan called your husband, and apparently he said that you were extremely tired, so he proposed that we should catch up tonight of tomorrow for dinner, and I was going to tell you then."

"So, work wise, what are you doing?"

"Your husband and I have agreed that until Tan and I have children, and yes I am ignoring his teenage triplets here as they, with the staff can take care of themselves, I can work full time.Then when I am ready I can return to work part-time.You can guess that my parents are not impressed.They simply expect me to remain at home looking after the triplets.Tan's parents have told them to grow up and realise that women do work even after marriage, and as Tan was OK with it there was no issue."

"Actually Amanda, the reason that I am here is I have a favour to ask. When Yi and I were in Australia I made arrangements for my assistant there to come and work for me here as legal support and a personal assistant.She arrives in a fortnight or so, and I'm likely for her first few weeks to be in and out of here.When I am not here, can you help her settle in to Hou Enterprises and of course use her to help you."

"Anna, you do not have to ask."

Before they could continued to speak, there was a knock on the door, and three of the supervisors that Anna vaguely remembered from when it was revealed her identity as Madam Hou were there."Excuse us Madam Hou, we were wondering if we could speak to you?"

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