Offer To The CEO

Chapter 272: Mondays Court Hearing - Part 9

272 Monday's Court Hearing - Part 9

Monday, continued …

Anna turned and saw that Lu Jinhu, was again struggling not to comment about the sentence.Yang Lin was grabbing him to stop any comment.She pointed out the reaction to Hou Yi, who could also see what was happening.

The Lu's Lawyer stood up "Sir, while we note that this is the penalty, we intend to appeal the part of the order that sentences Mr Lu to sixteen weeks home detention on the basis that this is excessive.I understand from speaking to the court this morning that an appeal would be heard within eight weeks, and we would suggest that an appeal date for that point be obtained immediately, however pending that appeal Mr Lu start serving his period of home detention."

Alister stood up "My clients have no objection, although we believe that sixteen weeks is a fair sentence of home detention."

The National Prosecutors lawyer then responded "We agree with Madam Hou and Hou Enterprises lawyer on this point.It is a sensible course of action."

"Gentleman, then we are done.Court Staff will advise the waiting media that there will be information released to them in three hours as to these proceedings, and that neither party will be commenting about that."

The judge stood up and left the court room.The Lu's hurried out of the court, and Anna immediately turned to Alister and said, "They planned something over the weekend, and they want to get out to watch it unfold."

"We can deal with it, Madam Hou.Let's get you out of here, and away from the court environs as quickly as we can.CEO Hou, I will come to Hou Enterprises later this week to go over everything for you, and my account will be sent.Madam Hou, by the way it was a pleasure to watch you, with the simple truth twist Mr Lu around.If you ever become qualified here, it will be a pleasure to work with you."

With that Rosemary and Hou Yi helped Anna onto her feet, and onto the crutches.She worked her way out of the court room, and as soon as she was out, sat down in the wheelchair before being taken out side.As they moved to the door, they noticed that Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin were standing just inside the court building doors, looking at the media pack, with a real grin on their face.

Anna grabbed Hou Yi arm, and he bent down to her."They know what is about to hit us as we walk out the door.By the look on their face it will not be pleasant."

Hou Yi turned his head, and realised Anna was right "You are right.I am trying to think about what they could do, and the only thing is that I suspect that they are going to do something to target our marriage, as targeting you now will only cause problems."

Anna turned to the bodyguards "Get my sister out of here first, then come back to get us out of here."

"Yes, Madam Hou."With that they surrounded Rosemary and escorted her to the car quickly, keeping the media from her.What Anna and Hou Yi could here as they had figured out, she was a nurse, as questions about Anna's injuries.

Hou Yi squatted down beside Anna, who asked "Yi what do you think they could do?"

"The difficultly for them, is most things would implicate Yang Lin, given she has been a part of my life for a period of time.Even though that was simply for convenience, it is a fact.I would think that the only thing that they could try is find a woman, who makes an allegation about behaviour to them alone or even worse claims an affair with them and that I either forced them to have an abortion or with a child that I have nothing to do with.Do you think you could cope with that?"

"Yi, what do you say about it."

"Anna, I've been honest about my relationships.Sexually, other than you the last person I was intimate with was, let me put it politely that b**ch that has made our lives hell, and that was only because I was drunk and did not realise what happened until the following morning.That was eleven or twelve months ago."

"Yes, a few times on and off in the times between my relationships I had a sexual affair with a woman, but they have, and it sounds snobbish from the same social circles and they knew the score.None of them has had a child within any time that could say it is mine, and other than with you I always use protection.I would guess if that is the gambit, they have found someone to manipulate to think they had a relationship with me and are using her."

"Yi you know I believe you however if that is it, let me talk unless it becomes such that you have to step in.You know how I can, with the truth manipulate things.OK."

"Fine sweetheart."With that he leaned over and kissed Anna, and through the glass the photographers snapped multiple photographs.

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