Offer To The CEO

Chapter 269: Mondays Court Hearing - Part 6

269 Monday's Court Hearing - Part 6

Monday, continued …

The judge in the court room spoke up in reply."I would agree. We agreed to interrupt these proceedings to deal with his matter, so all parties could leave the court room today with nothing outstanding.Madam Hou, must be congratulated for working extremely consciously for this to happen, which is total respect for the court both here and in Australia.Mr Lu your behaviour is in total contrast."

"Unlike the court in Australia, who gave you repeated warnings about your behaviour.If you did that before me, you would not have had a warning.You would have been immediately removed from the court for showing disrespect and would have had an immediate sentence of a minimum of one-month imprisonment to serve.Mr Lu, you and your lawyer have thirty seconds to make a decision.I can deal with the total lack of respect to the court here or it can be dealt with in Australia.I suspect you will get a better sentence in Australia."

Lu Jinhu realised that he had been backed into a corner."Apologise, sorry for the interruption."

Anna, while watching what was occurring could not help but to feel happy about how quickly she twisted and backed him into a corner where he had no option but to apologise to the court.She knew it was petty revenge, but at the same time, she knew was proud that she could add to the trouble he was in, and there was nothing he could do to retaliate.

The Judge in Australia asked "So, does anyone have questions?"

Both the Alister and the national prosecutors lawyer indicated no.

"Ms Jones,…"

"Yes your honour."

"Can you please make sure that each of the lawyers there and the court are given copies of the final orders, the transcript and my reasons for decisions."

"Yes, your honour"

"Now, we will terminate the video link so that you can deal with the matters you have to deal with there."

The Video link was terminated, and Anna, with help stood up and moved back to sit beside Hou Yi, while Alister and the other lawyers moved back to the tables.

Lu Jinhu however was still argued with his lawyer about his treatment and the fact that this was contrary to the agreement that had been reached.

Once the lawyers were all seated, the Judge in the court room was sick and tired of the behaviour he was witnessing, so he immediately stated speaking "Mr Lu, cease your behaviour.Mrs Hou had been complying with the request of the court, and if she was appearing here, I would have expected her to have done the same as she did during the video link."

"Simply because you did not like what she had to say, is no reason for your ongoing actions.In fact, I believe that the judge was lenient on you.If I had been the judge, you would have received no warnings, and as I said at a minimum, I would have immediately sent you to jail for one month regardless of anything else."

"Courts are to be respected.I am going to give you one warning now.You continue, and you can forget about the potential of home detention.You will be serving your sentence in jail, and you will have at least a further 2 months added to your sentence for your action.I need you to confirm that you understand me."

Looking at Lu Jinhu, Anna and Hou Yi realised that the consequences of his behaviour had finally sunk in.He stood up and said "Yes Sir" before sitting down.

"Gentleman, I need to hear from each of you your opinion based on the circumstances surrounding the report, and what each position is on the sentence agreement in this matter."

The national prosecutor's lawyer said first "We have no objection to Mr Lu serving his sentence via Home detention; however, we require it to be at least sixteen weeks, with similar restrictions to Madam Lu's restrictions."

He was followed by Alister "Sir, Madam Hou and CEO Hou, have concerns about the validity of the psychological impact of and period of detention on Madam Lu of Mr Lu.They view that overall the ongoing stress to Madam Lu, would simply be less by Mr Lu serving a 6-week term of imprisonment.Both would prefer a specialist assessment by a psychologist or psychiatrist of the potential stress and impact on Madam Lu, before a specialist opinion on the risk to Madam Lu's pregnancy."

Anna and Hou Yi looked over at Lu Jinhu and seen that he was really having to stop himself from saying anything given the threat from the judge.

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