Offer To The CEO

Chapter 264: Mondays Court Hearing - Part 1

264 Monday's Court Hearing - Part 1

Monday, continued …

Within a minute, the Judge arrived in the court room and sat down at the bench."Madam Hou, it is good to see that you are on the crutches in here."

"Thank you Sir"

"Gentleman, where are we at with the agreement?"

The national prosecutors office Lawyer stood up "Sir I am from the National Prosecutors office.We have reviewed the agreement that you had amended from Friday, but there is a new issue.Mr and Madam Lu's lawyers have provided a report from her treating medical professionals that indicate that if Mr Lu was imprisoned that it was highly likely that Madam Lu would miscarry.As you have accepted Madam Hou's sister-in-law is a credible technical witness, she has spoken to the specialist to confirm information."

"Gentleman, that is forward thinking.Ms Jones could you please come forward."

[translated question] "Having spoken to Madam Lu's treating specialist, can you explain her condition with the court, and your opinion"

"Sir, I cannot confirm the diagnosis without having examined Madam Lu, however based on the report and the discussions with her specialist the opinion is too much stress in addition to her other pregnancy complications will cause a miscarriage.Technically with the complications she has that is the correct diagnosis, however without a psychological or psychiatrist assessment there cannot be exact certainty.However with the time constraints, such an assessment would be unlikely to have occurred or been ordered in the circumstances ." [response translated]

[translated question] "What would you indicate the court should do?"

"Sir, to borrow a phrase from my sister-in-law, without trampling on the court's authority, and due to the time constraints, unless the court wants to delay the matter, the court would have to accept the specialist recommendations.That is from my professional point-of-view, as personally I would say that you should throw both of them in jail for months for what they did to my sister-in-law."

"Given that position, the court would have to order Mr Lu to serve his sentence by home detention as much as his wife.However, I would suggest to the court that at some time in the next couple of weeks that Madam Lu has a psychological or psychiatric assessment to confirm the specialist report.I would suggest that you read the specialist report, as if the translated version I have read is correct it will provide you with a better understanding of Madam Lu's situation." [response translated]

"Sir, I have to apologise for interrupting you, but Madam Hou over the weekend was able to take steps to implement Family Law aspects in Australia.With the assistance of technical staff from Hou Enterprises, we have been able to establish a video link with the Family Law Courts in Australia for the orders to be made.We have provided signed copies to Mr and Madam Lu's lawyer, the national prosecutors and the court."

"For the making of the orders, the video link is scheduled to occur in ten minutes.Mr Lu's Australian Family Lawyer will be present in Court, and Madam Hou has rights of appearance in the Court she will be appearing for herself.Mr Lu, in the circumstances simply needs to be visible to the court.We understand that this will disrupt these proceedings, but in doing this the whole of the agreement can be finalised today."

"Additionally, as discussed on Friday, Madam Hou has for Mr Lu the laptop in question.She has simply removed all the data relating to her employers and taken copies of the personal information off it.Otherwise the computer is as it was before the relationship broke down."

Rosemary handed to Alister the laptop and he walked over and handed it to Lu Jinhu who immediately said"I told you all I wanted the laptop as it was, with nothing removed.It is useless to me."He then shoved it back to Alister.

Anna struggled to her feet, "Sir, can I ask something of Mr Lu?"

"I do not see the harm Madam Hou, as long as it is short, as we need to be mindful of the video link to Australia."

"Lu Jinhu, so that I am absolutely sure I understand you.As I have removed the programs and data from the laptop that are owned my my employers but left everything else in tack on it, you now say that you do not want it?"

"Did you not understand me, it is now useless to me, so why in the world would I want it now.Take it back, and give me that new laptop you have."

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