Offer To The CEO

Chapter 254: Family - Part 4

254 Family - Part 4

Saturday, continued …

After a leisurely lunch, the adults sat down while the children were outside with a couple of staff members playing.Anna commented that tomorrow would be perfect to go to M Mall and have everyone measured for wedding clothes.Hou Yi, wanted to use his usual tailor, but given it was what Anna wanted, he was willing to go with her plans.

Anna called Amanda Mei to make arrangements for her to meet everyone at the Tailors at 10:30am, to start the process to arrange this.Amanda indicated that she would have to make some adjustments to her plans and may not get there.

Discussions between the adults were about what would happen with the children.It was agreed that once the children were measured, carers would take them to the play floor at the mall while the adults could shop and have something to eat.James, Hou Jang and the elders agreed that with the assistance of the carers they would take the children to a water park, while Du AnLing and Leng Xi would take Rosemary and Rachael to a tourist market.

Rosemary, and Rebecca looked at each other, wondering about money to spent.Anna, looked at her sisters-in-law and realised what they were thinking about.She looked at Hou Yi and burst out laughing before Rebecca asked "What is so funny?"

"Do not worry about money.You are our guests, and we will sort that out," responded Anna.

Hou Yi turned to his mother and aunt "Mother, Aunt.While Anna's family are here I am lifting your monthly spending limits, but the real kicker is if you abuse it, I will cut your normal spending limits and the funds while they are here.As to the wedding, have all bills sent to Assistant Wang and he will pay it for me.I have also arranged for cash to be available for you at the tourist markets.Can you promise me that you will not overspend?" (Anna translated this for her brother and sisters-in-law, along with the rest of the conversation.)

"Yi we will try."

"Trying is not enough, I need your promise."

"Fine, we promise" said both Du AnLing and Leng Xi, almost as it they were a huff.

Rebecca turned to Anna "What was all that about?"

"Yi told me they were power shoppers, and he was correct.They can spend like anything, and helped me the other week spend, I would say in Australian currency over 10 million dollars in a day for clothes.Apparently the last straw was the day that they spent over 80 million in the local currency, so they have monthly spending limits to prevent them having massive spending spree.However my husband is going to be generous an lift those limits for the time you are here."

"Are you not coming with us?"

"Where it is safe and convenient to do so.I have days I cannot go, like Monday when we have to be back at court and Wednesday when I have a hospital appointment.I also will not be going with you next weekend, when Yi has arranged for his parents, aunt and grandparents to accompany all of you to Hong Kong to take the children to Disneyland and Ocean Park.I do not want to fly with a cast on."

"You are kidding me," squealed Rosemary."The kids are going to Disneyland.You two are spoiling them."

"Why not, they are children and deserve to be spoiled."

"Well Hannah and Pippa's dance school is going there in a couple of months to perform in the Disneyland Parade."

"So what, they can ride everything and know what they want to ride when they come back.I know I was meant to be the adult with them, but I will have to talk to Susan and the dance school about meeting them in Hong Kong.They are entitled to fun now and fund later.At least later I can joint them as I will not have a cast on."

"Fine, but you better watch out for Susan, she will be after you when we tell her."

"I can cope."

Hou Yi tapped Anna on the shoulder, and she realised they needed to return to the apartment to start to deal with the Family Law matters in Australia to enable a resolution of the criminal matters here.

When they arrived home, Alister Nang was waiting for them, and they went into the study and over four hours, worked out the process for a video link, if it could be arranged, and Anna drafted the family law consent orders, which when Alister read, he agreed was consistent with the terms of the deal for the Criminal matters.

Anna, Alister and Hou Yi sent various emails both within Country X and Australia to ensure that all arrangements could be quickly initiated if the criminal law deal was agreed to.In her email to Alfred, Anna made it clear that the resolution and video link was dependent on the deal being reached here in City T.

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