Offer To The CEO

Chapter 248: Court - Part 17

248 Court - Part 17

Friday, continued …

[translated question] "Is it possible another nurse will be with her?"

"Sir, her brother" [pointing to Anna] "and my brother-in-law is in the final year of his nursing degree.He is arriving here over the weekend, with other family members.In his final year, he is required to undertake a number of placements, one of which includes one-on-one nursing.His university has agreed that the hours he does here providing nursing care and assistance for his sister can count towards his required placement hours."

"While the current plan is that I will be with my sister-in-law on Monday, it may end up being him.He is a very intimidating person due to his height and build, and if the bodyguards employed by my brother-in-law CEO Hou view the media will become an issue for her safety, he will accompany our sister." [response translated]

"That seems reasonable gentleman.Inside the court, unless deemed medically inappropriate Madam Hou should be on crutches.In the court surrounds, it will be subject to that is happening outside.There is no way we want to risk a knock to Madam Hou, let alone Madam Lu causing a fall.In the case of Madam Hou, that given she is on crutches and has a plaster cast could cause more injuries.For Madam Lu, the risks could cause a miscarriage."

"Protection of both of them is equally as important, and I will leave those decisions outside this room to court security and their personal bodyguards, as long as the decisions of the latter do not come into conflict with court security's decisions."

The judge paused "Now on the question of releasing both Mr and Madam Lu pending Monday's hearing.Given that they will be considering the proposal put forward, taking into account my comments it is quite appropriate.However, the are conditions on this.They are both restricted to their home, unless for a medical emergency and legal consultations must occur in there."

"They are prohibited from using the internet or any social media, and that they are limited in guests that may be at the property other than their family members and provide a complete list of people who will attend the property.No contact can be made at all with either Madam Hou or CEO Hou.They are also prohibited from having family or friends be active on social media or post anything about CEO or Madam Hou or these proceedings."

"These conditions will last until Monday.Further all parties are prohibited from posting anything about the proceedings.Mr Nang, please make the amendments I have requested and arrange for someone from the national prosecutors office to be present on Monday.I will have this matter back before me at 10:30am.Mr and Madam Lu, you need to sign the conditions of your release before you can leave."

"Yes Sir."With that the judge indicated that the case was over.Alister Nang, indicated to Anna, Hou Yi and Rosemary to leave the court room, and they followed him back to the room they had waited in earlier in the day.

"That was surprising.I did not think that he would order an amendment to the plea deal.While technically a judge can, they generally do not use it as they release that a lot of work goes to get the deal done."

"Thank goodness for that" in piped Rosemary."I was worried that they would get away with no jail."Turning to Anna "And you have some explaining to do about that physical abuse Anna.No f**king way should you have let him get away with it and should have thrown him to the curb years ago, when he first hit you."

"Rosemary, I do not want to get into it.I just tried to forget about it.Can you?"

"I will at the moment, but you have to explain it at some time.Now what is this laptop thing?"

"For weeks he has been wanting my laptop, and there has been some suspicious activity tracked to my laptop.It was suspected that it was Lu Jinhu, and with permission of the authorities we needed to give him some rope to hang himself.He took the bait, but they wanted an admission of his behaviour, which we effectively got today."

"As soon as he gets back, he will have charges over his actions, both from the police and the legal services authorities.Alister, we need to have an exemption put in that it a court or prosecution authority anywhere in the world request a copy of the plea agreement it can be provided."

"I will submit that on Monday, and clever how you baited him to give you the answer he wanted."

"Sometimes, using a direct approach would never have worked.Here he had to all but admit what he wanted on the laptop, and he is gone."

"Now get out of here, and be here no later than 9:30am Monday.Take care over the weekend."

With that, Hou Yi, Anna and Rosemary all exited the room, and became surrounded by bodyguards.As soon as they were outside the court building the media started to surround them.Hou Yi stopped the bodyguards, and spoke "Members of the Press, the court has required nothing can be said in relation to the events.This order applies to us, as well as the Mr and Madam Lu.My wife and I will be making no further comment on the proceedings or my wife's medical condition save and except to say my wife's condition is such that she was discharged today from hospital.

With that them moved to the limousine that was waiting at the curb for them, and with help Rosemary and Hou Yi moved Anna into the car, and entered themselves.After the wheelchair was put in the boot, the car drove off and took them home.

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