NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 58: Come to Papa

Chapter 58: Come to Papa

As Bloom spotted the first wave of players attacking level seven monsters, he watched the attack of that group of ten players with astonishment.

"Since when players dared to fight level seven monsters?" he muttered, as he never thought in just a few hours, players would be brave enough to fight these monsters.

From the shape of it, these players were at level six, and they were moving swiftly avoiding the attacks of monsters, while attacking as a team to prevent them from escaping.

What Bloom didn't know was that this team wasn't anything remarkable, as there were many teams already able to clear dungeons up to level three, and there were entire teams in level seven or more.

He stood motionless there for quite some time, before he shook his head and started to move. He didn't want to attack those hard working, brave players. He would prefer to kill weaker cowards, alike the caliber of Derick.

He wanted to zero in on that jerk, but he knew if he started looking for him alone, he wouldn't find him except after a long time. He sighed, helplessly, as he started to move away from here.

His sight was noticed by this team of players. As his die hard fans, they filmed his moments of standing there watching them, and shared these videos on the forums with much pride, providing the location of the place he was just at.

This simple move had caused a stir inside the forums, as many players were now hitting level seven, and some even reached level eight. Large part of them belonged to his haters faction, and thus they started to form large groups of players to ambush him.

At once many players started to appear at that area, roaming everywhere, looking for him. Bloom was just strolling, with nothing in mind, as he was inspecting his stats. Despite being halved, they were considered really high, with the help of his gears to cover up over this loss caused by the curse.

He was currently at level ten, and that was, at least, two levels above the highest player in this starting point. One level difference was enough to cover up the loss he had, and anymore was just a bonus.

Simply put, even when cursed, he was invincible between players in this area with such low levels and low gears. So, he walked leisurely, like a king strolling inside his kingdom.

However he never dropped his caution, and that made him sense the presence of players stalking him. "Oh, so you are saving me the trouble, are you?" he smirked, inwardly, as this saved the hard task of selecting evil players to kill.

If it was just losing one level, then he wouldn't care at all, but the issue was that players killed under his hand wouldn't be able to enter the game for a couple of days at least, and when they would, they would be cursed by weakness for quite some time.

Such a fate was so harsh for randomly selected players, and as he had time, he didn't rush to kill anyone he met, even those stalking him.

"Let the flies gather around the fire first, patience is the virtue of the hunter," he muttered, as he was eyeing them as a predator, and those fool players thought they were the ones entrapping him here!

He didn't wait for long, as his current location was constantly being shared in the forums. This even had attracted the attention of many game players, especially those in other starting points and their levels were high enough to be considered his rivals.

Everyone was eyeing this incoming confrontation, especially when five hundred players at level eight in this starting point had announced their joining to this crusade, which raised the flag of destroying the fake reputation of player Bloom.

Bloom didn't know all of this, as he wasn't that obsessed yet with checking the forums like beginner players. so, he strolled aimlessly around the place, while he was thinking of the next step in his journey.

He had to go to the village, where he would be faced with many quests and more challenges. Although he had stopped a big main game story quest line, there were others that helped to shape the legend of the game.

One of those started in the village, or at an area adjacent to the village. He didn't know which village he would go to, but he had one name in mind; the Alter village.

This village had a very important quest related to the shrine of death, which completed the quest Derick had achieved in his previous life. That quest was known as the suppression of the death shrine, and despite the lack of intel regarding this quest, he now realized which faction was trying to suppress the death shrine; the life shrine.

The quest was the opposite of Derick quest, as it required the player to help block a certain convoy from reaching its destination. that player succeeded in his quest, which helped in announcing the era of prosperity and peace in the entire game.

Bloom didn't know the specific details of this quest, but he knew that this player, called Panty, had finished it before Derick, and that might have caused the era to come before Derick managed to return the relic to the death shrine, announcing the birth of the instant dungeons.

These dungeons were one of the trademarks of the game in the future, as they would sprout anywhere, with many treasures and levels to gain from them. there was no rule to organize their appearances, but they were really much in numbers, enough for a satisfying sector of players to enjoy it.

Players had gone into many wars to secure the areas where these dungeons were appearing at, causing most of these dungeons to fall in the hands of big guilds, and large players groups, leaving only scarce amount of them to fall in the hands of smaller groups and guilds, or even sporadic free players.

So, for him, he had intended to seek this village when leaving this starting place, look for that convoy, and secure it against that player. That era of prosperity and peace would never see light under his watch!

Just as he was organizing his thoughts about this matter, he spotted a large crowd of players coming towards him. He smirked, as finally they had fallen into his trap. From the shape of it, their numbers were in hundreds, which made him regret not being higher in level!

He was currently at level ten, that meant he had to kill twenty players daily, under the curse of death shrine. As for the life shrine modified curse, he then could store two hundred death souls, meaning he could kill two hundred and twenty players. any extra and he wouldn't gain any benefit from it!

As for his current states, he chose, temporarily, to allocate the absorbed death souls gained attribute points into his Str and Vit. After leaving here and unlocking more skills and talents, he would change this allocation later on, based on the main stats needed for these skills and talents to show their true worth.

"Come to papa!" he muttered to himself while unsheathing his two swords, ready for a fight. In front of all these weaklings, he didn't need to use even his draw talent, as his single strike of his swords were enough to kill whoever was hit by his sword.

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