Nexus Awakened (An Isekai LitRPG Gender Bender Story)

Special 2: Season of Giving? (Pt. 2)

Special 2: Season of Giving? (Pt. 2)

Frost didn’t exactly know what to get for Magus and Carpalis either. Unlike the others, she had to ask them. Magus was just glad that Frost existed, as weird as that sounded. As for Carpalis…

“Hehehe… You’ve already given me frostbite. Get it? When you bit Mr. Herring? Sorry… I’m already pleased that the Big Red Heart… Oh. The Heart of Ours. Its subjugation is already enough of a gift.” Carpalis hummed. “That celebration… that reminds me of the time Galia tried gifting the Beholders with presents. That was a tradition in her faraway home. It was sad to see so many of them dismiss her.”

Afterwards, and last but not least; Frost went to visit Stella, Ponea, Sana and a sleeping Aster. The four of them, as well as the Big Frost and Little Frost, shared one of many homes in a residential village not too far away from Carpal Tower.

It had its own walled off perimeter and private guards; most of which were personnel who survived the battle against the Big Red Heart. They greeted Frost with utmost respect and were among the very few who knew her as the Amalgam rather than the Black Dove.

Rows of cozy, double story cottages ran along a strip, where benches, a playground and a small lake with a pier sat. A number of the Derma layer citizens spent time exploring their new surroundings, as children awkwardly navigated the playground as if it were a warzone, and the lake was subject to fascination as many were stunned by their reflections.

It was both heartbreaking and pleasant to see them again. She hoped that they’d get well in time. Frost and Jury didn’t even need to knock on the wooden door of Stella’s estate. They were instantly greeted by her alter Frost’s, who shot emojis depicting themselves waving at her.

Funnily enough, the Little Frost’s wave depicted a child waving enthusiastically, whereas the Big Frost displayed a highly militaristic and disciplined wave. It was almost like a salute, but there was an odd cheerful charm about it… despite how serious her face always looked.

However, she could have sworn that she shot a loveheart emoji as soon as her eyes fell onto Jury.

My competition is none other than me… How much to bribe her just to keep her hands off Jury?

“Priceless.” Nav revealed.

Huh!? Frost blinked, right as the Big Frost brought a hand to her mouth, as if holding back a small laugh.

“The Hired Arm is pulling your leg.”

“Really now. Haaah. Well… I have something for you two. Thank you for your hard work.”

Frost began, presenting them each with a small jewelry box. They glanced at each other simultaneously before opening it up and were instantly greeted with a reflection of themselves in its tiny mirror.

“I don’t know how much of me is in there… But I like to think that have your own wants and needs. Thoughts. Aspirations. Fears even. I don’t want to think of you both as just an extension of myself. Maybe it sounds weird to you, but that’s how I feel. So – Thank you. For keeping everyone company.”

Frost thanked the Little Frost.

“And for helping so many people out, even if it was because I paid you off.” She then thanked the Big Frost.

“The Hired Arm states that it ‘functions’ on coins. If its an order, then she’s already done a few on her own accord. And the Little Frost hasn’t said anything. She’s melting over the fact that you’re thanking her.”

“It’s a giant family of look alikes. Aha. Well. Would sisters better describe us?” Frost wondered, speaking sheepishly as the Little Frost fidgeted in place, throwing up blushing emojis.

Then, both alter Frosts suddenly shook their heads, and then pointed at themselves and Frost.

“I thought so. We’re just me, but… well, not me at the same time. How confusing.”

They both nodded, right before Jury suddenly wrapped them all up with her tail and bundled them together for one big hug. Frost’s head was instantly squished between Jury and the Hired Arm’s chest, nearly suffocating her as the Little Frost squirmed in her arms.

“Awww! Sorry! I couldn’t resist with so many Frosts anymore!” Jury exclaimed, squeezing even tighter.

Her tail’s strength could crush boulders with just a touch. If Frost’s DEF stat was any lower, she would have no doubt been snapped in half. It was a miracle that the Little Frost was still alive!

But at the same time, her tail was soft. So irresistibly soft that she thought that maybe dying like this wouldn’t be so bad.

Afterwards –

She presented her gifts to Stella, Sana and Ponea. It was a strange group now that Frost thought about it. A Scarlet Healer, a regular fledgling healer, and a blind girl.

Would there be a new generation of Stars, Moons and Exalted? Who knows. Frost could only dream of a better world, and she was happy that Carpalis was on board to provide for these people in desperate need.

“A music box?” Sana took hold of a small, cube-shaped object that played a mellow tune when opened. “Money… Let me pay you for it – Oh!? I don’t have to? But… Ok.” She was saddened that Frost wouldn’t accept her patronage. Such was the kindness that the healers exhibited.

It angered her knowing that there were people who took advantage of people like Sana, and she basked in the glory of having eaten Leitmotif.

“A music box as well? Did you run out of ideas? I prefer the sound of the heart aching… Haaah… The crackling of a drowning man slowly getting better… Haaah. Or how about the snapping of bones reconstructing themselves?” Ponea took the music box and hyperventilated, her face flushing slight red at the thought of respiratory sounds. “It’s funny. In the century I’ve spent as a Scarlet Healer, there hasn’t been anyone that outright told me thanks. Healers… had it rough. The new generations must be protected. I’m glad you agree as well.”

Ponea didn’t go into any further detail. She was wise, but also extremely volatile. The woman was just happy to be acknowledged for once, not that she really cared in the first place.

Healing was more important to a Scarlet Healer, after all.

“Haah… What should I cook for everyone? Vegetables for good nutrition? Meat? What’s the best efficiency to keep everyone’s body healthy? So many options… So little time before lunch~” Ponea grew excited just at the mere thought of cooking something nutritious for the residential village.

As creepy as it was, Frost found it endearing that she put that much thought into nutrition. Frost was no dietician to dictate what was good or bad compared to what Ponea knew in her countless years of experience.

Then, finally, it was Stella’s turn.

“U-Um. Angel! Frost! You’re back! A-Aster’s still asleep but – She’s breathing so that’s ok, right!?” Stella exclaimed, estatic to see Frost again. “I-I heard about what you did! And I heard my friends too! They’re with you, aren’t they? In here?”

She pointed to her heart. Frost’s eyes swelled.

“Yeah. They’re all with me. Safe and sound… Stella. I have something for you.” Frost then handed over an unwrapped item.

It was a shell with a lantern in the middle. Stars and all sorts of shapes were stamped out along the face of the shell. The object was a primitive version of a projector, and Stella instantly recognized the shapes just by touch alone.

“Stars…” Stella whispered.

“It’s a projector. I know you can’t see them, but they’ll always be watching over you. Isn’t that what your friends said?” Frost gently spoke, kneeling as she twisted a small winch that caused the lantern to suddenly emit a warm light.

Sana instantly rushed to shut off the magical lights, allowing an array of stars to clutter their dark room.

“They did… I heard them say that.” Stella held the item close to her chest. “U-Um… Will Aster wake up again?”

“She will, and you’ll be right beside her when she does, right?” Frost rubbed the girl’s head.

“Y-Yeah. I don’t want her to be alone. U-Um… I’m sorry again. For trying to hurt your friend. A-And… for thinking you were trying to steal all our food.”

“That’s our line. We hurt a lot of you.” Frost apologized, drawing Stella into a hug. “But it’s ok now. Your friends are with me, and they’ll be watching over you and Aster. Besides, you have another couple of Angels with you as well.”

“Are you going somewhere?” Stella asked, sensing this.

“Far away. There’s a lot more to do. A lot more to see. And a lot more people that don’t want to be hurt anymore.”

“… In… I-In… I’m sorry. In 10 years… Maybe 20 – do you think that maybe I’ll be able to see? Or maybe help people again? Not like a star… But as me?” Stella sincerely asked. Despite abandoning her aspiration to become a star, she still wished to help people out.

Frost couldn’t laugh or mock Stella’s aspirations. She had already proven herself capable after reaching out to her Corrupted friend, and she was still mentally strong despite everything she had gone through…

The one thing she did find funny, however was that despite not wanting to be a star, she wanted to be ‘Stella’. Which meant Star.

“If you try hard enough, then nothing’s impossible. Just don’t try to reach for something too far away, or you’ll end up like that Herring and Leitmotif.” Frost concluded and prepared to depart with Jury.

“I-I understand!” Stella exclaimed. “A-And – Good luck!”

“Goodbye. Please, everyone, take care of yourselves.” Frost bid farewell.

“Look after them. Please don’t let them get hurt.” Jury said to the alter Frosts, to which they both gave a physical thumbs up.

It was over now. They were greeted by the afternoon sun, and a gentle breeze that swept through the city. Love, happiness, and most of all; hope flourished in the air as Jury clasped onto her hand and pecked Frost’s lips.

“That’s our gift~” Jury hummed. “But being with you is already a gift enough. I’m happy that more people are coming out of their dark forests. Because the world is so much brighter on the other side.”

They both gazed up into the clear skies.

Frost couldn’t agree any more.

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