Nexus Awakened (An Isekai LitRPG Gender Bender Story)

93. Empowerment

93. Empowerment

The world trembled under the might of the Greed Counter. The center of this dilapidated circus was upheaved by a monumental gem. It burst forth from the earth, splitting the land as cracks ran through like lightning, reaching the furthest ends of the circus.

It was massive, easily reaching up to 20 meters in height.

The giant blue diamond shimmered in the middle of the landscape, glistening with a mysterious light as Frost felt her mind begin to rattle. A sudden surge of apathy befell her, transforming into a compulsion that begged her to succumb to the inherent greed that was etched into her heart.

Although, there was little there to begin with.


Big Blue Diamond


AFFINITY : Civilization

LEVEL : 120 ORIGIN : Disorder

HP : 100,000

ATT : 0 MAG ATT : 0
ATT DEF : 4,000 MAG DEF : 4,000

MP :

RESIST : 100 AGI : 0

< CONDITION : The Big Blue Diamond will evaluate your worth. If its value exceeds that of your own, then you will transform into a diamond >


< SUPPRESSION REQUIREMENTS : Know your value. Feed it coins to counteract its effect >


A giant counter then appeared high above the Big Blue Diamond, beginning at zero. The number then began rise in slow increments as the Greed Counter continued to convert its victims into currency.

“A-AGH! FROST! What’s going on now!?” Cer exclaimed, waving her left hand around as if it was set alight.

“My hand!?” Ber gnawed at her gauntlet, pulling them off to reveal a frightening sight.

“W-what… the hell… is this!?” Res was also under this bizarre spell.

Jury, Ignis and Snap also expressed similar concerns, realizing that pieces of their bodies were being encased by what appeared to be ice. It began at their fingertips and slowly crept upwards like a flesh-eating disease.

They were literally being transformed into diamonds.

Frost did not spare a second more as she took note of all their values. Cer’s was the lowest of them all, alongside Snap. The semi-conscious Perla on the other hand was freed from this value for some reason, and as such, remained immune to this abnormal effect.

It was entirely unknown how or why this was the case, but she suspected it had something to do with how she managed to resist becoming a Hired Arm.

“EVERYONE! We need to destroy that thing as soon as possible! All of you! Gather the coins dropped by these things and haul it straight to that thing! DO NOT ATTACK IT! Your ATT and MAG ATT is nowhere close to being able to damage it!” Frost relayed this vital piece of information. “Leave that to me! And SNAP! Take one of them around! But please focus on surviving as well!”

The triplets were like a group of tamed wolves and obeyed her every order, now immersed in the heat of battle as Cer and Ber delightfully embraced this rush. They dispersed with Snap to harvest the coins that burst forth from the heads of the innocent people here.

People needed to die for them to succeed. Although at the same time, this would not have been an issue if these people were not here in the first place. It was a dilemma of moral relativism, and she had to gruelingly ignore it.

There was nothing else she could do to save them.

Frost casted [Cleanse] but it did little to help them in this situation. The CONDITION was absolute, but they still had a clear shot of beating this. Except that it was all down to Frost, and she’d have to hit it over 200 times over to destroy it.

“Jury! Get Perla awake and try to figure out what she did to resist this!” Frost prepared herself to leave, harnessing the last remnants of her mana to use Flame of Fleeting Ember.

“I GOT IT!” Jury nodded and began to violently shake the woman. “Wake up! Paladin Perla! Please, we need you to stay with us! WAKE UP!”

“Ignis, do exactly what the triplets do and start collecting gold! Leave the fighting to me!”

“Mm!” Ignis nodded with a hum, chasing down Ber right as Frost propelled herself forward with a blazing explosion.

Her mind was wracked with various impulses as the fingers of her left hand began to burn, like they were submerged in an arctic sea. No matter what she did the diamonds never broke off, and when she bit into it along the way; “ANGH!”

Her finger snapped clean off. Even something as hard as diamond could hardly resist her maw. And to her surprise, a portion of her HP was capped off because of this creeping diamond.

HP: 283,500 | 283,500 (285,000)

But it meant little to her.

With the lives of her companions on the line, Frost’s emotions further surged and finally pushed her into the second state.

< The Will of the Amalgam Has Been Raised to The Second State >


< Borrowing the Active and Passive Skills of the One Thousand Eyed Bird >


The void of the world beyond the heights of the circus were instantly filled with countless stars, illuminating the darkened world as the others could not help but to revel at Frost’s power as an Archetype.

The pale strands of hair flowed like ribbons as she took the simultaneous form and powers of 3 Corrupted at once.

< The Second State has manifested as the One Thousand Eyed Bird >

“COME OOOOOOON! GOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” She could only see red in the face of this giant blue diamond.

Frost crashed straight into it and began to chomp at it like a rabid dog, replenishing her mana enough until she was able to utilize one of her most iconic Corrupted attacks.



The shadowy bite instantly cracked the surface of this diamond as she excavated its exterior as she hacked away at it with her hands, teeth, and body. The bite somehow managed to even tear off a massive portion of the ceiling, revealing the odd emptiness beyond.

That this Corrupted had nothing to defend it from her chaotic prowess.

< [Mangled Coins] >


< [Stacking Wealth] >


Or so she thought.

The onslaught of golden hands returned all at once as Frost drenched her immediate surroundings with blood, carving her hand around the entire diamond base of the Big Blue Diamond to create an inferno of unimaginable proportions.

The ground glowed a vicious orange as a result of the combined heat. The armaments of the adventurers that had somehow found its way here became a steady orange as if plunged and beaten within a blast furnace.

Her heat was certainly reaching that point, and it became so destructive that her Unlying Tablets could only last a few seconds before perishing.

“Frost! You’re accumulating a dangerous level of Burn stacks!”

“Let me accumulate it then! If it empowers my ATT then I don’t see any problem in it!” Frost’s emotions rapidly rose because of the Burn stacks, which worked in tandem with one of the Iron Candle’s abilities.

[Fuel Are Memories]. A passive ability.

The higher her Burn stacks were, the higher her emotional state rose as well as her ATT.

ATT : 5,000

MAG ATT : 3,500

Big Blue Diamond | HP: 75,000

“JUST WHAT THE HELL DOES IT MEAN BY UNDERSTANDING OUR VALUE!? I KNOW WHAT I AM WORTH ALREADY!” Frost lashed out, watching Ignis zip by and deliver an arm-full of coins.

She threw it into its surface. They had sunk as if the diamond was made of liquid, and the value high above dropped by a hundred.

“Frost… your mind may be unstable now, but your method is correct! Jury says that Perla was able to resist this by understanding that the value of her heart was known only to herself!”

“I had a hunch that was right with all this talk of valuing people and their souls! Thank you for confirming! Tch… people were looked upon like they were nothing more than commodity. Nav… you don’t understand just how much this burns me!” Frost’s voice mellowed momentarily, the picture becoming clearer with every passing second as the notion of greed and self-depreciation gnawed at her mind.

It caused her to yearn for something. For a certain greed to arise. It was a weak sensation, but it was present, nonetheless. She could not put her finger on what this was, however.

This combined with her heightened emotions resulted in her unstable behavior and led her to repeatedly bash this mind-rending diamond like it was the source of the world’s woes.

The Big Blue Diamond yearned to sew these deep into Frost’s psyche. To cause her to doubt herself. To make her believe that she was worth exactly what it believed her to be.

Everyone… everyone’s feeling the same mental anguish right now…

“Jury’s conviction is steady. Ignis has no issue. Snap is having trouble, but at your rate you will be able to defeat it before anything can happen. However… you can hear it too?”

“DAMN IT ALL!” Cer screamed uncharacteristically as she joined Frost in the beatdown despite her futile ATT in the face of this Corrupted.

The value above her head flickered strangely just like Perla’s as Cer wove through the moat of molten rock and sent shock after shock against the cracked gem.

“Frost… Why is it making fun of me? Degrading me like it thinks it knows my story?” Cer smashed her head straight into its opaque wall, and as if by some miracle, she managed to crack it.

Big Blue Diamond | HP: 50,000

Frost’s emotions tempered as she continued to hack away at it. But the sound of shattering glass and bubbling molten rock was eerily silent.

In this strange void filled with false stars, the Moon spoke from the bottom of her heart.

“Can they call my necessities greed? When we were small… when we were nothing but little pups hung dry in the mess of Grandis… we were nothing. Had nothing but ourselves and that one stuffed teddy bear.”

Cer’s claws cracked into the gemstone as she clung close, her hair shading her eyes as this entity challenged the greed in her heart. Her fingers sank further into its walls.

Frost made it her mission to protect Cer at all costs now that every single one of the Touch of Golds moved to converge on her, like she was the most dangerous of them all.

“My big mouth got us into trouble here and there… but no matter how many times they put us down. How many times they made me eat the dirt they tread with their dirty animals –”

Cer’s body trembled. Frost had never seen a more vulnerable back before. And so, she defended it from the oncoming Touch of Golds with her life, watching the HP of the Big Blue Diamond quickly dwindle as cracks further spread from Cer’s sunken fingers.

Cer… I see. I understand why you took a liking to those women now. I never did think of you as greedy as much as you wanted to rob the casino blind. But I guess that goes to show what an outsider like me really knows about you, huh. Because anyone else would have thought otherwise.

“I agree Frost. Only a person may know their own worth. How intriguing. This Corrupted is a strange one.”

I’ve heard that a lot. In what way now?

“That it strangely seeks for the best in a person.”

Frost’s eyes widened for a moment. She could not understand why Nav believed this to be the case. After the countless blood it had shed it was nothing but a monster in her eyes.

And then, with one final shout, the crystal’s HP dropped by a whopping 25,000.

Big Blue Diamond | HP: 15,000


< [Empowered] >


< Cer has become empowered! Her stats have been temporarily doubled for this encounter! >


A brilliant blue aura then surrounded her, appearing near identical to the ghastly, diamond visage of the Greed Counter. Except hers was beautiful, radiating the light of a moon in this desolate place. And with it, the value above her head disappeared entirely.


Moon (Empowered)
< Electric Fang >


Soul Rank: Incandescent | Atelier: Nil

LEVEL : 200  ORIGIN : Demi-Human

HP : 100,000

ATT : 6,000 MAG ATT : 6,000
ATT DEF : 4,000 MAG DEF : 4,000

MP : 20,000

RESIST : 200 AGI : 110

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