Nexus Awakened (An Isekai LitRPG Gender Bender Story)

84. Before the Departure from Carpal tower

84. Before the Departure from Carpal tower

The City of Diamonds slept when day broke. The once bustling streets of the city were now quiet, filled with only floating brooms that swept the city clean, alongside the sharply dressed Sweepers.

They now had the entirety of Carpal Tower to themselves, and now that Frost realized it, she wondered where Beholder Carpalis slept in this place she called home. The irony of this was that Frost asked this as the woman in question had her eyes sealed shut as a shallow snore left her half-parted lips.

In short, Carpalis sleepwalked alongside her and Magus. It turned out that Carpalis didn’t have a designated bedroom or other worldly needs that most normal people required.

She still required sustenance, expelled waste, and indeed needed sleep. But she imagined it would be considerably less than any normal being. Asking her outright would also be a little strange. She couldn’t just ask another person that wasn’t her patient if they could pass urine or excrete waste.

The Faustian Bargain that clutched tightly onto her waist also brought about the mystery of how her organs weren’t crushed by that thing, let alone how she was even able to breathe so freely in the first place.

Though these thoughts were wasted on a Beholder to begin with. These beings were far from normal, and Frost was the last person who should ever act surprised by this. After all, she could not expel waste and neither did she require sleep herself.

She was far more of an enigma than this Beholder.

That being said –

The three of them found themselves wandering through this magnificent casino, descending through floor after floor at a leisurely pace. The carpeted floors muffled the sound of their steps as Magus walked with exaggerated swagger, his diamond cane leading him like a walking stick.

“Everyone likes to dress like it’s their last day, huh?” Frost said aloud. “Form and function have somehow found that perfect balance here.”

“Dress to the best! The occasion must always be a party! Except for a funeral. But unless it’s for a lifelong nemesis, then by all means, drape yourself in gold!” Magus exclaimed.

“That’s too much respect. I’d rather a funeral couldn’t be held for them at all.” Frost, although she said this jokingly, was entirely serious when her mind went to Iscario.

A funeral meant that she had half-assed killing him.

She yearned to obliterate that Star until there was no fiber of his existence left.

“A lot of those apparels are made from Act X’s strings. Makes you wonder just what kind of medium is required to make them in the first place.” Frost added as they descended into the lobby, spotting the apparels of their friends which were crafted with exquisite perfection.

She gently pulled a metallic strand from her fingertips, showcasing a racial skill belonging only to the Anids, surprising Magus.

“Oh! An Amalgam indeed! But it does bring great intrigue. The technologies of the Beholders are a mystery in of themselves. Not that I understand it’s numerous intricacies to begin with, but it is interesting that they are derived from a library and that great Librarian!”

“The Archivist states that calling her a Librarian is derogatory.”

“The same one that people call the Pages?” Frost wondered, watching a whole festival of waves and cheers explode from the group as they approached.

“The Archivist has refrained from speaking.” Nav spoke right before Frost was hit with a barrage of cries.

“FROOOOOOOST! Check it out! Not bad, right!?” The cat-woman exclaimed, striking a suggestive pose in a beautifully made black suit.

It was matte, made in an unreflective material that absorbed all light and accentuated every part of her feline body. She stretched herself alongside a poker desk, holding onto the edges with a pair of golden, fabric gloves.

And she was not the only one dressed in this suit. Nearly everyone was apart from the bunny-girl who obviously wore the harrowing bunny-suit; the wolf-woman who wore a splendid golden suit similar to those of the City Defenders of the Golden Middle, and the cat-girl who, to Frost’s surprise, wore a highly feminine dress with frills and bared a pale cat-faced symbol onto her back.

Although that was not all, because strapped to all their waists was a belt armed with various decks of cards. Frost’s mind went to a utility belt of sorts, and she could only imagine what the purpose of those cards were.

“Emergency cards. People can get unruly sometimes in my home of all places. Dealers need all the cards at hand… or hands, hehe.” Carpalis yawn-sighed again, adoring the newest members to her Atelier. “Aha… it fits them well. The Suit of Hearts has good eyes.”

“They even put Ignis inside of a suit!” Frost exclaimed, seeing Ignis tuck herself close to Jury’s side as she wore a red-tinted suit. “Wait… no. isn’t that her skin?”

It was exactly as she thought. It was a layer of skin that mimicked a suit. Ignis had the unique ability to shapeshift parts of her body at will, limited only to weaponry and apparel.

“Is that a question for me or a gesture of surprise?” Magus wondered. “Esteemed guests! Do know that your appearance has brightened your legal guardian’s day right here!” He proclaimed, throwing a bunch of aces of spades into the air which pointed towards Frost like miniature arrows.

Frost didn’t protest and rolled along with Magus’ antics, throwing a wide wave over towards Jury, Ignis and Snap before extending her welcome to the others with a vivid smile.

Snap instantly saluted and made various recording sounds as they all exploded with their greetings once more.

“Not bad isn’t it Frost!? I’m all fired up! Seeing these wolves here’s gotten me all inspired to get stronger and take the reins of my life!” The wolf-woman howled, baring both her teeth and a pair of gauntlets that carried the insignia of the Golden Middle.

It was beyond fitting, and Frost was glad that this woman found comfort in being a part of the Golden Index. Granted, they were only considered associates as depicted on their status screens.

Unnamed Wolf-Woman
< Golden Associate >

Atelier: Golden Index

This was the same for the others as well, and their defense stats rose to more than a thousand thanks to their apparel.

“Pretty… they even made me an accountant. My first task? Count the number of coins that were scammed last night by an unknown perpetrator.” The fox-woman said, clapping her hands together as her long, fluffy tail swayed left and right. She too wore a suit, although it seemed a little… too tight for her.

Maybe it was just Frost’s imagination? Cer whistled to herself as she continued to play the slot the machines. Legitimately, this time.

“A table dealer! More specifically for roulette!” The bee-woman exclaimed, proudly presenting herself with hands placed on her hips. Likewise, she wore a suit and a red and black, checkered tie to go along with it. “I feel like I got the best position out of everyone!”

“I’m glad you’re all so enthusiastic. I’m guessing they also gave you a place to stay?” Frost asked, happy that these women were overjoyed with their new environment.

“All of us together actually! In a nice, giant house! Filled with as much food as we want and beds! Fluffy beds, clothes, and water!” The cat-woman yelled, causing Frost’s heart to wrench as she looked up at Carpalis, who observed these women with her usual uncanny smile.

It nearly moved Frost to tears seeing them like this. And so, with a heart weighed with boundless emotions, she stepped forward and spoke to them from the very bottom of her heart.

“Really? I’m happy for you all. Aha. Yeah… after everything you’ve all been through; I hope you can feel at ease here. You’ve all suffered greatly… and I feel blessed that I had the opportunity to help you. You know, it kinda makes me feel like a father seeing her kids off one last time.”

“One last time!? Don’t say that! Because the next time we meet we’ll all have names!” The wolf-woman cried. “And don’t say something so sad! This is our happiest moment! Don’t ruin it!” She ended up laughing, although her voice hinted at her desperate attempt to hold back her ever so grateful tears.

“Yeah! Who do you think you are!? Aside from being a deity from the celestial heavens!”

“Frooost! The hell are you calling yourself a father for!? You were practically a mother to us!”

“… I’m happy that you thought of us that way…”

“Aha… c’mon, don’t make me cry.” Frost said, finding herself at a loss for words as Jury smiled at her, as if to give her some courage.

Ber and Res saw zero changes, as expected, but there was one other… person? Could she call it that? The little her?

“… and who… the fuck made her wear that?” Frost mentally winced, wearing a contorted face as she tried to digest the appearance of her little self.

Because what she wore was neither an exotic bunny-suit or a fine suit. Rather, it was a frilly, highly stylized Victorian Era maid outfit. The dress went down so far that it nearly touched her toes, and it left the little Frost permanently timid as she sat atop Snap’s head, throwing up a blushing prompt.

Hell, even the sleeves were too large for her tiny hands.

“Hah! Not quite like a suit, but it’s not too bad! Makes you want to eat her instead for a change!” Cer exclaimed, exploding straight onto the scene as she seized custody of the little Frost, holding it like how a child would carry a cat.

A crying, struggling prompt then appeared atop her head as Ber lurched in, admiring their latest prey.

“Jury does have a fashion sense, doesn’t she!? Skirts are nice. A lot better than these suits.” Ber complained, uncharacteristically concerned about her apparel.

Wait a second… Jury!?

“I’m so sorry Frost. The little you ended up becoming their mannequin… and Jury was the one who picked out the maid outfit.” Res revealed this harrowing betrayal.

“… Jury… first you put on a bunny suit, and now you put the little me in a maid outfit… I get it must be boring to see me wearing the same thing every day, but you know exactly why I can’t wear a damned skirt.” Frost said defensively, sighing right afterwards before breaking into a smile.

She alluded to the fact that she was a man at heart, despite her appearance. Wearing a skirt? No thanks. Undergarments? Unless it meant life or death or provided an astoundingly high amount of DEF, then one would have to kill her first.

Jury was the one exception, of course.

“… at least show me what you’re wearing first. Then maybe… maybe I’ll think about wearing something for you. Personally.”

Jury ended up beaming with a vibrant smile. It was too sudden for Frost to understand what that smile meant, and it left her wide open for a critical attack.

“I thought you’d say that. That’s why I brought this with me!” Jury announced, drawing a maid outfit suitable for Frost straight from her Dimensional Storage.

It was at that moment that Frost’s heart sank deep into the recesses of her gut.

The set included a pair of long, black socks, thick pantyhose, a frilly headband, and even feminine undergarments! It caused Frost to gulp as she held out her hands in protest, her body instinctually retracting as if she was set alight.

“JURY! How could you!?”

“How could I not! Is it too much to ask just to see the one I love wearing something nice for a change?”

“A-Ah – Er… look – Jury, isn’t this nice enough already?” Frost pointed at her Coat of Prejudice, only causing Jury to pout.

“What happened to ‘maybe I’ll think about wearing something for you?’” She had Frost cornered now…

And how could she say no to those eyes? Those same eyes that asked for so little from her to begin with… and the ones that kept her company in those lowest moments of her life.

Ugh… I’m feeling guilty now.

“Will you wear it?”

For Jury’s eyes only. I’ll scoop anyone else’s that tries to ask. Then I’ll heal them right back and do it again.

“Do that and the name of the Black Dove will carry an additional meaning.”


Frost was oddly on edge because of this. It wasn’t supposed to be a big deal, but Frost felt like she would inevitably surrender something important as soon as she slipped them on. In the end, she sighed again and moved over to Jury, taking the apparel, and seizing it away into her Dimensional Storage.

Suffice to say, she had taken severe spiritual damage, and the sight of her immense terror was an entertaining sight for the others. For someone who could fight the Corrupted head on with little fear and the horrors that were the Hungry like they were no more than vermin – it was a pleasant contrast for all to see.

It made Ignis’ severe eyes brighten up and Snap to disappear and begin recording another happy moment.

“… well, at least show me what you’re wearing underneath later.” Frost said with an entirely flushed face, knowing that her words could easily be taken the wrong way.

And Cer went the whole mile with this.

“So you’re actually a wolf underneath a dove’s clothing! Heh! Well of course you are! I know those eyes when I see it –!” Cer was about to finish right until Snap snatched the woman and seemingly teleported elsewhere to shut her up.

Tell Snap I said thank you.

“Snap says the wolf is still talking…”

Ugh… What a handful. Res is even apologizing again.

Magus then stood close to Frost, his body radiating an odd warmth for a man who was supposedly a living card.

“Admirable that you have people who already think so fondly of you. Cherish these happiest moments. Let them guide you in your darkest nights like moons, because not all needs to be a sun to brighten up the path ahead.” He acknowledged Frost’s efforts and took off his top-hat in admiration, pleased to see and hear that Frost was much kinder than her eyes suggested.

Carpalis then added:

“All personnel of the Golden Index are entitled to at least that much… I understand the excitement of having water… a warm bed. A place to call home. Haha. You could pass me off as a cow with how much mud stained my pale skin a hundred years ago.” Carpalis cackled at herself, deeply empathizing with these rescued, ex-slaves. “They were broods as well. Life is full of strife, but hope is what keeps us afloat whether it is genuine or false, like the lights of our cities.”

They mentioned something interesting. Happiest moments. It brought an air of intrigue as Snap looked over at Frost as if asking for them to elaborate, like it too wanted to know more about this.

And so, she asked if they knew of the Corrupted called Our Happiest Moments, and went as far as to describe the tiny critter’s appearance and abilities.

“Our Happiest Moments doesn’t strike a bell I’m afraid.” Magus admitted.

Carpalis on the other hand possessed great insight on this topic.

“A golden spider… it reminds me of the tale of a healer who fell in love with a memory-fleeting being. Their magic was weak, so instead of magic, they tried to paint every one of their happiest moments into the mud of the ground.” Carpalis spoke fondly of this tale. “But the rain and ebbs of time removed it from the world, as did the firestorms of its forest.”

“What does it have to do with a spider?” Frost silently asked.

“The person they fell in love with was an Anid, and the child she gave birth to was a blond-haired Nilhinid. Why do I know of this tale? Hehe… I’m afraid I don’t have the permission to spread the tragic lives of my fellow Beholders. But you can already imagine who I am speaking of.”

Beholder Marionette, right?

“That one is likely to be of Anid origin. An Anid born from the womb of a healer…”

They lack limbs if I remember correctly. It’s boggling to think that they ended up becoming a Beholder of all things. So Snap was created by those emotions of wanting to preserve their loved one’s memory.

“But do you think it was the Anid that was losing its memory, or the healer who tried to preserve it?” Carpalis tossed in this little twist that caused Frost to lose herself in minor thought.

The Corrupted are strange… So Snap was made by those sincere emotions. That’s why it wanted nothing more than for people to remember… and now…”

Frost looked up at Snap who waddled close as she placed a hand against its fuzzy head, with a dizzy Cer riding atop its back.

“You’re you, Snap… isn’t that right? Not an Anid or a past healer?”

It nodded profusely, acknowledging that it was neither the originating healer nor the Anid, but more so a manifestation of their emotions. Their personalities were not carried over, and as for now? It was Snap. Snap, and only Snap.

One’s personality could not be carried over by the Corrupted. Neither their memories as far as she could tell. The only time Frost had seen this happen was when a person themself became a Corrupted, much like Calfasio and Ignis. But then again, she had only seen a small handful of them in the first place.

And she had a strong feeling that she was about to encounter more at this high-levelled dungeon Carpalis pointed them towards.

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