Nexus Awakened (An Isekai LitRPG Gender Bender Story)

60. Crimson Hunger: Infestation

60. Crimson Hunger: Infestation

Before long, the caravans took a sharp turn at the end of the valley and arrived at their destination.

The city was built at the mouth of the valley, overlooked by two massive mountains faces.

Its defensive walls which reached from either ends of the mountains were destroyed, felled by countless landslides due to Iscario’s use of Infusion S. The city was huge, containing countless ruined homes. Since they approached from an elevated position, they could see the entirety of the city.

And consequently, the extent of the destruction.

“… Ignis…” Calfasio mourned, clutching at the pendant by his chest.

“Don’t look dear…” Hellen begged.

The entire outermost regions appeared like they had stood the test of time, completely weathered and cracked. But that was hardly the worst part. A couple roads inwards saw the city turn a bright red. Flesh tangled itself across the bricked streets, spreading themselves thin as if alive. Walls, structures, everything in the middle area had flesh growing on them, each with countless eyes but with no mouth.

The Flesh Clots could be seen roaming these places, as did other creatures. Worm-like monsters flailed at anything that moved. They didn’t even wriggle like one. They moved as if electrocuted, flinging themselves in random directions, smashing straight through walls.

Strands of thin sinew could be seen being strung in alleyways by a slug-like, gooey creature. The trail it left behind stuck to the ground like glue. But Frost knew that it was gore and felt sick to her stomach.

In the center of it all was a vast, flattened urban area that only saw the bulging mass of countless eyes and meat. Tendrils anchored it into place, keeping it suspended meters into the air. It was huge. Perhaps 20 meters in size all around. It pulsated madly, and Frost felt like she could hear the combined woes of tens of thousands of people, melded into a singular vibration.

The caravans stopped.

This was their last stop now. Brining them in would only serve to be a detriment. Therefore, they had to leave everything behind. One of the wolves carried Jury on their back. These things could easily outrun anything and was the safest place for her to remain. It was also where all non-combatants remained, including the cat-eared girl.

“It’s horrible. We… we have to enter?” Jaris suddenly grew cold feet.

“It is on the verge of becoming a Plague. Everything outside is going to be at its mercy. We’re safest inside.” Via reminded. “Frost. We’re counting on you as always.”

“Go get them Frost!”

“Please… avenge them!”

“Ignis… Please be safe. Please… I’m begging you.”

“… leave it to me. Don’t do anything to get yourselves into trouble. All of you. I promise to end this as quickly as possible.” Frost vowed and was about to leave but Cara suddenly stopped her.

“Wait. If you see anyone still alive, please kill them. End their suffering.” She wanted to beg.

“There is no way to save them?” Frost remained unmoving, but within her chest was an unquenchable flame.

She was so close to reaching the First State.

“Justica Arms wouldn’t understand because you don’t fight these things often. See the flesh? Not everyone dies when caught by the Hungry. They become material for it. Monsters forced to live as abominations.”

“Indeed. Many of the survivors are technically ‘alive’. However, I believe we cannot call that existence as living.”

It was here where Frost’s heart plunged into a sea of flames.

“Do you believe in the soul? I like to think that we are all up here, and what’s here matters little.” Cara pointed to her head, and then to her chest. “Kill everything you find. We’ll have Furio incinerate the place. I would have wanted it.”

Frost despised having to kill people just to save them. But she did not understand their suffering enough to realize that death was more merciful than the fate that awaited them. She knew this, but she actively tried to ignore it. An emotional storm brewed as a result.

Everyone instinctively backed away as she took a step forward to Usa and drew her close to Hellen. She grabbed the woman’s hand and placed it onto the bunny-woman’s shoulder at the same time she casted [Greater Healing].

“You have a healer!?” Usa exclaimed.

“Ah –” Hellen was about to speak, but she quickly realized Frost’s intentions and remained silent.

“We do, but she just received her affinity recently. Her mana is extremely limited, so please do not rely on her healing.” Frost explained before releasing them both. “I’ll hope to see you all again. Even you Dawn Team. Don’t die on me.”

“If it’s your will, then very well then. I’ll try to look out for my life just this once.” Cara said with a grin as Frost turned her back to them.

“And please… look after Jury –”

“You’ve said that a hundred times already!” Usa yelled.

“I mean it. She’s everything to me.” Frost gave one last glance over her shoulder and could not be prouder of the people who made it this far. “All of you better be standing there the next time I look back.”

As soon as she launched herself forward with great speed – a choir of cheer rallied her burning heart.




“Thank you for everything!”

The trail was long, but her speed made it feel quite short. Her AGI had increased since devouring the Listening Bird and sat exactly at 65. Many of her Professions had also seen improvements, and the most notable one was Brawler which was on the verge of hitting its second milestone.

Many things awaited at the end of this encounter. The most important fight was upon them at the break of dawn. The skies moved from scarlet, to pink and finally, to a golden orange. She broke into the city with the flames of her heart now fully encasing her.

It was time to manifest her newest Corrupted form.

< The Will of the Amalgam Has Been Raised to The First State >

< Listening Bird is the only Corrupted Available >


< Borrowing the Active and Passive Skills of the Listening Bird >

Her hair grew out almost instantly, fluttering behind her like long ribbons. It became greyer towards the end as unknown characters which only she could understand faded in and out into existence all around her body. She took a finger to her mouth and bit deep enough to draw blood as she passed through the many ruined streets, avoiding the rubble that littered every step of the way.

And when she finally reached the fleshy-like middle section of the city, she finally manifested as the Listening Bird.

< The First State has manifested as the Listening Bird >


< ACTIVE: Dismissed Confession >

< PASSIVE: Unlying Tablet >


She spilled her blood along the way. The blood coagulated and transformed into various characters before sinking into the ground. In that moment, giant crimson slabs emerged and began to hum their tune. But it was not ominous like that of the Listening Birds. It was triumphant, like a choir.

These were connected to her much like her eyes, and to her surprise – they were capable of casting whatever magic she had prewritten upon them. Now that she realized this, it was likely how Sinless Repent was frequently used by the Listening Bird.

This is an incredible passive skill!

Frost cut deeper into her hand, bleeding herself as much as possible to create as many healing Unlying Tablets as possible. And much like a limb, she could target those within its limited range at her own discretion.

“Unlying Tablet. With your strange way of combat, I can imagine the possibilities in the future.”

So can I!

Flesh Clots roamed these areas easily in the hundreds, as did various other Impuritas monsters; of both Appetizer and Main Course. All the Appetizers had similar stats, whereas the Main Course enemies were elevated into the 40s and above.

Entrail Loop (Noodles)
Crimson Hunger
< Appetizer >


Salivary Slug (Clams)
Crimson Hunger
< Appetizer >
    Mucosa Crab (Crab)    
    Crimson Hunger    
    < Main Course >    
LEVEL : 45 ORIGIN : Impuritas  HP : 800 ATT : 200 MAG ATT : 0
ATT DEF : 100  MAG DEF : 50 MP : 0 RESIST : 100 AGI : 12
    Yearning Flesh (Crawlers)    
    Crimson Hunger    
    < Main Course >    
LEVEL : 55   ORIGIN : Impuritas HP : 1,000 ATT : 500 MAG ATT : 0
ATT DEF : 300 MAG DEF :0 MP : 0 RESIST : 150 AGI : 0

These were but a few of the creatures that existed here.

Her heart wracked wildly as she began to pummel and devour these hideous creatures. Her speed made it impossible for them to keep track of her, and their HP was too pitiful for them to last after a single strike. Gore exploded from their bodies. Giant crabs made from crimson goop crawled over only to have its glass-like shell shatter at the seams, spilling its noxious innards over the ground.

They tried to swarm her all at once, but she easily maneuvered her way through, swooping past their ranks as she used every part of her body to take them down. But brawling with them was hardly effective in the long run. She pushed on towards the city center, meeting immense resistance from the Crimson Hunger, whether it be the slug-like monsters, the ‘noodles’ or walls of flesh.

These things were painfully weak to someone like her. The Midnight Dragon Team were made up of those level 200s, which were likely to be even stronger than herself. And yet they turned a blind eye to all these poor souls, which had become one with these monstrosities.

Every single Crimson Hunger she killed meant that a person also died. The notion of only being able to free them from this nightmare through death fueled her rage she carved her way towards the center of the city, screaming out profanity after profanity.

Structures fell in her wake, with ruins toppling and kicking up debris. She punched straight through brickwork walls, layered on either side with flesh. Each punch was one filled with boundless rage not towards the monsters themselves, but to the Ateliers who failed to save them.

“If they’re so strong then why do they refuse to help people like these!?” She roared.

Every bite was filled with the same iron taste of blood. Emotion rapidly built as a result.

“Do the Blessed know how much people suffer below them!?”

Perhaps. Perhaps not. But ignorance was no excuse. Not for those that lived within the safety of the Nexus. She turned to its direction, tanking various hits from these creatures as she yelled out at the top of her lungs, becoming increasingly emotionally unstable.


Frost lamented. She lamented that such unfairness existed.

And so, as she reached the clearing in the center of the city, clambering over the rubble of countless homes and came face to face with the massive amalgamation of flesh –

– She finally manifested Judgement.

< The First State Has Manifested as Judgement >


< UNIQUE: Sinless Repent >

< Therefore, we must expose our inner selves for the world to see >

< Transform the most silent into a Confessor >

< Cost: 10,000 MP after first use. The first use is free >


The 20-meter behemoth throbbed with every available muscle. It bled profusely from unopened wounds as thousands of eyes stared back at her. She could not wait until she hit the Second State to eradicate this creature.

And from its health alone, she’d make quick work of it. But it was odd. There was no Arbiter’s Trumpet, even though Nav estimated its difficulty was Monsoon or lower. Additionally, it had health comparable to the One Thousand Eyed Bird – an Eternal Night Corrupted.

“Just what the hell are you Impuritas anyway!?”

“Unknown… but this is strange. It has the flavor text of a Corrupted, yet it is not a Corrupted itself. What the Impuritas implies is unknown. May we both come to understand them in combat.”

    Infested Heart    

Crimson Hunger

< Infestation >


< Allow us to return to who I am; the me who has become us. Now, we shall begin to feed? >

  ORIGIN : Impuritas  

HP : 250,000

  ATT DEF : 200   MAG DEF : 200  

“It’s the only way we’re going to understand anything in this damned world!”

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