Nexus Awakened (An Isekai LitRPG Gender Bender Story)

49. A Heart to Heart

49. A Heart to Heart

Not much happened afterwards. There was an hour dedicated to calming these two down. As inspirational as these memories were, they were also a source for sadness and longing. It reminded one of what was lost, and the other what they yearned for the most. In the end, these memories were ones they cherished deep within their hearts.

Frost found herself smiling to no one in particular as she roamed the Guild in search for this little fella. Through the inn-like rooms, the long, brown-stained hallways and the vast chambers used by those of higher positions – there was no sign of anything or anyone.

The sun gradually fell, and in time, the moon rose from behind the distant mountains. It was a new moon; with a dark silhouette that was barely visible through the thick blanket of clouds above. Not a single star could be seen on this night, disappointing Frost who was looking forward to stargazing the entire night.

Before long, Jaris and the others returned from their patrol. They were proud to report that they had seen nothing at all, save for a pool of blood that was found in a field just outside town.

Welcoming them back was Via who mentioned that there were empty rooms with beds to rest in for the night.

A nice sleep in a bed was something Frost hadn’t experience once since coming to this world. But it was not something she necessarily needed either. Now that they had returned, it was her turn to watch over the town.

She insisted that Jury slept in one of the rooms, or at least somewhere comfortable. But in the end –

“… you ended up coming out here with me.” Frost happily sighed.

“It’s unfair for me to sleep inside when you’re out here.” Jury warmly spoke.

They sat outside of the Guild in the cold of the early night, kept warm by their attires and each other’s company. The steps were wide enough for Jury to lay down and rest comfortably. She used Frost’s lap as a pillow as they both gazed up into the same sky.

Even in a different world the night sky was the same. They even had a singular moon and a sun! She wondered what it would be like living in a world with a binary sun system. Maybe trinary. It was not like her to delve in such abstract thoughts, but the truth was that Frost just wanted to distract herself.

Because the strange sensation throbbed in her heart again as she brushed Jury’s hair between her fingers.

It had been a long day now that she thought about it. Two Corrupted, lots of tears shed, many warm moments, and a whole catalogue of friends made. Despite how bleak Grandis seemed there was a particular comfort found in these people.

Not because they were tortured souls obviously, but because everyone was trying their best to persist in this world. To fight through the unfairness. It was heart wrenching seeing them smile sometimes after knowing how horrific their lives must have been. But similarly, she was glad that they were strong enough to smile in the first place.



“You’re thinking too hard again… here.”

“Huh – wait, Jury? I-It’s alright –”

They swapped positions suddenly.


“… yeah. Thank you. But what about you? Don’t you want to get some rest?”

As much as Frost wanted to protest, there wasn’t really anything she could do to refuse Jury. And so, she found herself resting her head on Jury warm thighs, looking up at the night sky. There was a pair of stars now. A pair of golden, beautiful eyes that had always been watching her no matter where she went.

“I can sleep later. I wanted to spend some time with you. It’s been a while since we were alone, hmm?”

“Yeah… it really has a been a little while. Do you miss it when it was just us?” Frost grinned, feeling Jury’s hand explore her head.

“Will you get angry if I say yes and no?”

“Of course not. I also kind of miss moments like these.” Frost said, causing Jury’s hand to suddenly pause. “Moments with you. I’m happy you can communicate with people now. I can imagine how frustrating it must have been trying to talk to me.”

“… I was never frustrated. I was always happy. Happy that you were there. That you listened… and that you saved me.” Her free hand moved onto Frost’s hand, which rested atop her stomach.

“Aha. This is the first time you’ve thanked me for it. You know, you didn’t have to either. I’m just happy you stuck by me after all that…” Frost trailed off soon after, averting her gaze momentarily before returning Jury’s gaze. “Hey… I know it’s dumb to ask you this now, but… was it really worth throwing your life away just to help me? I only helped you out of that root. You could have easily gotten out yourself so why?”

“What are you saying? Frost…” Jury clutched onto her hand and brought it close to her blissful face. “I… was a Corrupted for as along as I can remember. Wandering the outskirts of the Black Forest warning people to stay away. I was always seen as a monster. I couldn’t think, only do what I was born to do. But you… you offered me a hand. To a Corrupted. You gave someone like me a light to realize who I am.”

She was on the verge of tears as she said this. No. She was already shedding them. They tumbled down and rolled onto her own cheeks. It was the first time Frost had ever seen Jury cry, and so for a moment she didn’t know what to do. Then, Frost brushed a thumb against those tears as Jury croaked:

“I was able to think for the first time in my life. Even though I still bear these originating emotions that made me, and even though I still don’t understand them – I now have my own ones. My own original thoughts and emotions as me.”

Frost’s eyes widened, then they narrowed… and then – she also shed tears. She had known this since the start. That Jury was Jury herself ever since she Realized her. But to hear her heartfelt gratitude moved her beyond words.

“W-What the hell is the matter with you Jury… telling me this… all of a sudden… and I even promised that I wouldn’t cry again. Dammit… I’m glad that I could help you. That I helped you realize who you are.” Frost hid her face with the back of her forearm, scrubbing away the tears before she suddenly yelled:


“Ah!? Frost – what’s the matter – huh?”

“Just rest. Let me take care of you. Haaah.” Frost swapped their positions again, placing Jury’s head on her thighs. “There isn’t a star in sight tonight and yet I feel like I’ve seen enough.” She tried to laugh, finally taming her tears. “Listen. You’re still growing. Fast as well. There’s a whole world for us to explore. Corrupted to deal with. Things to eat… and new things to experience.”

Frost wiped away the remained of Jury’s first set of tears and grinned.

“You, me, and Nav. So let’s… keep on making memories.”

“I’m surprised you included me.”

“You’re always with us. Don’t say something sad.” Jury complained all of a sudden, causing Frost to chuckle.

“You two are unbelievable. I don’t even understand the emotions you two are experiencing. A Realization is not possible for me either.”

“But I’m sure you’d want to understand.” Frost said.

“That I perhaps do.”

“Then that’s settled. We’ve already promised to see you by our side. However long it takes.”

“It’ll be your turn to be pampered, Nav.” Jury hummed.

“… what weird people you two are…

Silence befell them. Jury continued to stare up at Frost until she let loose of a long yawn. Afterwards, the woman steadily drifted off in the comfort of Frost’s lap.

“Thank you, Frost…” Were her final words before she silently snored.

What a quick sleeper.

And to her surprise, it wasn’t just Jury who thanked her.

< Nav thanks you >


“Aha. You’re cute Nav. And Jury. When you wake up, tell me what you find in that library. It’ll help us understand the Floor of Civilization and the Archivist. And who knows. Maybe you’ll wake up smarter than me.”

The spider didn't show up either. Makes you wonder why it takes those photos.

Frost stayed in place like a statue. The dark world hardly felt foreboding with her immaculate vision. Since the Guild was positioned at the crossroads in the center of the town, she could see everything at once. Save for the north end which was blocked by the building itself.

Hours had gone by now. A few of the Adventures alongside a Patron or two would go out to make their rounds. Not everyone could place their entire trust onto her unfortunately.

Many were still afraid of her.

Hope. Remember. Captured Memories… and Our Happiest Moments. Was it born from someone trying to preserve their memories? Frost wondered.

“Possibly. But there is never a simple answer for the Corrupted. More so with their origins.”

It’s nice to speculate… but having something concrete for once is better. Now we’ve confirmed that a Realization relinquishes a Corrupted and makes them sapient; can I see the Blessing of the Amalgam again?


< ABILITY: Blessing of the Amalgam >

< To Those Who Seek to Understand Themselves >

< Able to gift target with the Blessing of the Amalgam after the hidden criteria is met. Overrides the Blessing of the Nexus. Realization criteria is only available for the Corrupted >

There was a new entry now. The flavor text. Seeing this now allowed her to understand this power better. It can be used to Realize the Corrupted and make them understand who they are. Like giving birth to a consciousness. A will, and perhaps even a soul of their own.

‘Target’ implied that she could also give it to other things, such as people. But it was complete out of her control. The criteria required was hidden even with her new abilities. As much as she wanted to send the slaves to the Nexus for a better life, it was not possible so long as the criteria wasn’t met.

She sighed dejectedly.

The Archetype of Amalgamation also had a flavor text of its own.

< ABILITY: Archetype of Amalgamation >

< May They All Come Together >


“What an ominous description…” Frost whispered to herself. “I’m guessing this is for the Corrupted.”

“I interpreted it as the Floors. It may be the Archetypes even. It is unknown ‘what’ exactly must come together.”

“More mysteries, huh. All that’s left is to head to the Nexus and squash them.”

“Indeed. Then you can finally meet with the Arbiter.”

“The one thing that could’ve prevented this all… but you know, I’m kind of thankful for it now. If it that never happened, then I wouldn’t have met Jury. Or you even.” Frost found a silver lining in it all as she stroked the woman’s head.

There was silence for a while. Just the chatters of those standing guard filled the air. They rotated with others as the hours elapsed. Frost hadn’t moved an inch from her spot and soon, it had passed midnight. The stars still could not be seen, causing her to sigh again.


Then she heard something.


The sound of a bell. A distant, soft chime suddenly rang throughout the town.

She didn’t notice it immediately, but there was a pair of individuals in the corner of her eye. They walked past the Adventurers like ghosts. Not even the horses of the caravans reacted to the presence.

They were invisible to them. The chiming bell didn’t raise any suspicion at all for an unexplained reason.

One of these figures was a woman dressed in a pale, gilded robe. Her hair was as white as Jury’s, and around her neck was a necklace made from pale bells. But what stood out the most was her right hand. It was the very same claw that Thras had – the one that contained the tubes filled with a strange liquid.

    13th Wingless Dove    

< Grandis Wandering Healer >


Soul Rank: Black | Atelier: Inflow Direct

LEVEL : 100 ORIGIN : Human

HP : 3,500

MP : 3,200 ATT DEF : 3,000

MAG DEF : 3,000

RESIST : 35 AGI : 12

The Wandering Healer!? Then the second person is…

The second person was an Elven man dressed in black garbs that were a cross between a suit and a military outfit. Their skin was dark unlike the Wandering Healer, and in one hand they wielded a permanently tilted scale which seemed to glow brighter the closer they approached.

Instead of carrying a bow like how she would have expected Elves to, it wielded a long object reminiscent of a Victorian Era gun.

Except it had no barrel or muzzle, never mind a trigger. It was simply a stick that resembled a gun. It was embellished with gold and crafted to perfection. It could easily pass off as an art piece.

    1st Branch Justicer    

< Grandis Wayfarer >


Soul Rank: White | Atelier: Justica Arms

LEVEL : 120 ORIGIN : Elf

HP : 4,200

ATT : 2,500 MAG ATT : 2,500
MP : 400 ATT DEF : 1,500

MAG DEF : 1,500

RESIST : 40 AGI : 35

These two were undoubtably from the urban legend. The Wandering Healer and the Wayfarer. They were not like anyone she had ever met on Earth or in this world. Their eyes were almost hard to look at, for they possessed years, perhaps decades worth of experiences she could not even begin to imagine. Just being in their presence alone caused her blood to run like ice.

But even so – Frost had seen worse. She shook Jury awake to prepare for the worst.

Or the best? She hoped for the best.

As they walked towards them, the Wandering Healer nearly sung as she read from a Script.

“After painting the fields picturesque with the skinless bodies, travel inwards to the town. Walk past sleepy guards and turn right. Greet the black-feathered Amalgam in my stead.”

They froze at the bottom, and to Frost surprise, the Wandering Healer gave her a polite wave with her normal hand.

“Oh~ Hello~ You must be the one the Script entails. Shall we introduce ourselves, oh Amalgam?”

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